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    Utd as graceful in defeat as ever

    City be favourites for the FA Cup but it is not won yet.
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    Utd as graceful in defeat as ever

    I was quite proud of Utd today. Ballotelli .. let me just say it is very unlike Ferdinand to get involved in some rumpus so I suspect he might well have been inappropriately wound up. City have won this one fair and square. Scholes .. well he's Scholes .. daft thing to do but I suppose being...
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    City vs Wigan post game thread (Merged)

    Re: Happy for 3 points... Ended up hanging on against Wigan so not the best ever performance. Still another 3 points though and looking on course for an European Cup place next year. Need Silva & Tevez to keep fit for the run in.
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    A goal worthy of winning a derby

    As usual for the past 4 or so seasons there was not a lot between the teams. I support that other team but City probably did not deserve to get nothing. However, games are won and lost on missed chances and goals taken and Rooney stole this one with a bit of a special moment. I never thought...
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    Mike Summerbee you are legend

    It's understandable and he really his City through and through but it was pretty embarrasing in the end. Still it is better to have misguided passion than none at all.
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    We are top of the league!

    Congratulations. As one of the scum I hope it is short lived but it as got to be a nice feeling so enjoy it. 4-0 against Villa is very good. Oh well .. a bit of competition makes life more interesting.
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    Cook, Marwood - Tevez : who's fault ?

    I support the other team in Manchester. It was no problem for me with Tevez moving to City. That said he has surprised me and been a far better player in Blue than in Red. City have a team capable of challenging for the league but what they have not got yet is a settled team because when you...
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    Should aeroplane gestures be acted upon by the club?

    As someone who supports that other team it hardly registers any more and it gets dismissed as tasteless banter. City, the club, I am sure frown on this type of chant especially as some City legends also died that day. There are minorities at many clubs, Old Trafford included, that think this...
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    Sierra Leone website - Signed City Shirt donated back p7

    Re: New website for Sierra Leone Absolutely brilliant idea. Well done.
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    Remember it is just another game......

    Another year .. another wait. Two bookings, Scholes and Brown, the only two locals playing and probably reflects how much extra importance the match has for local supporters of both sides. A draw was probably the deserved result but only one team was really going for it in 'Fergie' time.<br...
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    Malcolm Allison RIP - Confirmed

    From a Red. Brilliant manager and a larger than life character. For those who can't remember what he was like think of Mourinho but with a big fat cigar! As a Red I still get nightmares about his boys. Bell, Lee and Summerbee. Book, Corrigan, Doyle. 40 years on and I can still remember them...
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    Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa I don't want the game sanitised but the tackle was dangerous. I have youth team players that fly in like that and get booked every time they do so. They are finally getting the message .. they have to have control when tackling and there is no control in this...
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    It's a blip. All teams have them. With the money expectancy is high but with it comes other problems. Players to keep happy when they sit on the bench and trying to find a right balance etc. Maybe expectancy is a big problem too. I support the rival Manchester team but I think I am more...
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    I cannot believe the BS I have just read

    I am not sure any footballer should be knighted at least not based on footballing ability. Still Giggs does lots of charity work, is rarely controversial, won lots including player of the year etc, longetivity is almost legendary, dedicated professional and role model. He started off at City...
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    Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

    It's all about banter between supporter's. I have no time for the stupid hatred nonsense that goes on. Maybe if I lived in Manchester though I would change my mind though! The only United v City matches I ever attended were in the 70's and I can't remember ever seeing Utd win. I think my...
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    Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

    Tevez - was a good player to be fair to him and I liked him a lot - he had tantrums when sitting on the bench though (not necessarily a bad thing in a player) and he may be a destabilising force. Saha - 12.8m coming in. Injury plagued. Stam - 10.6m in at 26 and 16.5m out at 29 Djemba Djemba -...

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