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  1. S

    Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

    GM Poice announced anyone convicted will be named and their punishments announced
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    Take back the streets...

    I doubt there will be gangs involved, they're too busy fighting each others. Besdies the cleverer ones won't risk being caught if they're full on gang members IMO
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    riot cleanup

    I'll be going down for 9. For some reason I haven't got a brush or anything though so hopefully I'll still be able to help!
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    Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

    My mate, a girl who is like 4 foot 11, was on her own and has just been charged at by about 15 rioters. Fucking scum.
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    Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

    Guys follow this for the best updates <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 61eea34951</a>
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    Kicking off in Salford

    Market Street heavily defended now. Pitched battles in piccadilly and Portland Street.
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    Kicking off in Salford
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    Thing is, there would be a danger that this temporary curfew could be extended at will, however unlikely this would be. I suspect there are a decent number of people who would be concerned by this.
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    You go far enough to the left or to the right they essentially become the same thing
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    The thing is though, there are far too many of these kids who see no problem with going out looting. If these people had some moral compass instilled into them, some sense of belonging to a community or even just jobs to keep them occupied then even if the opportunity to riot was there, then...
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    Even though all the violence is completely awful and cannot be justified, it does not mean that the underlying causes of tension can't be discussed or examined. To simply label this entire thing as the actions of some thugs looking for an excuse to go robbing without looking at the...
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    That is the most sickening thing I've seen all day
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    The country is going to the dogs.

    This. Frightening prospect. It's becoming like V for Vendetta!
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    Bad shit in london
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    Riot in Tottenham (continued)

    Is this Market Street?
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    Followed by Adam Johnson on Twitter!

    I'm gonna take it on good faith :)
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    Followed by Adam Johnson on Twitter!

    Just caught Adam Johnson on twitter, followed him, got a reply from him saying I'm his first follower so he'll follow me. So AJ is now on twitter (Johnson11City). PS for all those on Twitter get following, he's going to donate stuff to charity of he gets 1000+ followers by 5 pm
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    Riot in Tottenham

    Re: Riot in Tottenham (continued) I'm hearing that too man. Hope it's not true, don't fancy being stuck in the middle of Miles Platting if it kicks off
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    An unusual suggestion...

    It's a tricky one purely because any invasion would feature Israel to some degree, unlike say Iraq did. And by far the most provocative thing to Arabs and the people who live in that region is the very existence of Israel. So they would in effect have played an active part in an invasion of an...
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    An unusual suggestion...

    The result would lead to world war three, middle east vs the west, and an increase in terrorism on a massive scale, so not for me. Personally, I have trouble with the very concept of Israel to begin with.

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