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  1. C


    I know it's each to their own taste wise but I'm pretty new to the variable wattage etc and am currently using the artist collection para mour juice but can't for the life of me get it to taste like it did in the shop despite using the exact same rig, just wondering if anyone had any...
  2. C

    Manchester City Supporters Trust - Does it exist?

    Completely agree with this, I'm Not old enough to remember the days of Swales and never really realised how desperate the situation had got pre sheikh, and whilst I wouldn't swap the last few years I also have to admit that recently I find myself feeling a little bit cold towards the club I...
  3. C

    The Biggest Political Gamble Ever

    Ok so let me make sure i've got this right! At a time when iran is on the verge of nucleur weapons and numerous other countries are spoiling for a fight you want us to further cut a defence budget that already sees our soldiers under geared, and our navy without any aircraft for the next ten...
  4. C

    £160,000 a week is *&%"ing ridiculous!

    Lets not forget that what these guys gain the club in terms of increased revenues, season ticket sales, sponsership, the foreign players bring increased interest from there respective countries, meaning yet more merchandise, higher TV deals, sponsership etc! so yes while the amount seems obscene...
  5. C

    Bet for Wednesday!

    little bet for saturday Adebayor 2/1 to score anytime with corals!
  6. C

    can i mind yer car mate???

    My funniest memory of them was my dads mate being a tight arse and saying to one of them 'no it's alright it's got an alarm on it' with out skipping a beat the kids turned round and said 'so does that put out fires then mister'!
  7. C

    Micah To Spurs?

    hope micah stays! could be quality! talking about spuds tho was just told by a bloke in work that Crouch has just signed for them!
  8. C

    Sturridge is being paid less at Chelsea than he would've...

    He had every right to look fucked off after he scored against West Brom he'd just had half the stadium booing him! He is only a kid ffs! Don't blame him in the slightest for the first time in my life i was actually ashamed of City fans.
  9. C

    Football Trivia

    Got it!
  10. C

    Football Trivia

    Yep just need one more now
  11. C

    Football Trivia

    Sorry it's three now was an old question! still two more sorry!
  12. C

    Football Trivia

    Spot on! Any takers for the first one tho?
  13. C

    Football Trivia

    Can anybody name the only two players past and present too have won the Premiership, FA Cup, Champions League and European Championship? Also who is the only player to have played in a Manchester, Merseyside, and Old Firm derby match?
  14. C

    sturridge to chelski-official

    Your opinion? or just what you read in the paper/on here?
  15. C

    sturridge to chelski-official

    According to the papers thats what he wanted. Yeah fair enough thats what he's on at Chelsea (apparently) but maybe that is what they value him to be worth, plus they'll probably get him on the cheap through the tribuneral (sp) so players usually get better wages in that case. If you are going...
  16. C

    sturridge to chelski-official

    Got to be honest alls I ave heard about his attitude is bits of rumours from people whose sisters bestfriends dog knows somebody at the club. I've just alls thought the lad has got a lot of potential and has been given a far harder time than he deserves. At the the West Brom game he was booed...
  17. C

    sturridge to chelski-official

    Apparently Petrov is a grumpy git as well but you still don't hear people chatting bile at him.
  18. C

    sturridge to chelski-official

    Can i just ask what everybody has against him?
  19. C

    sturridge to chelski-official

    Good luck to him. He could be a great player in a couple of years time.
  20. C

    Help needed regarding tenancy succession

    I will do mate. Thank you very much for your help. It's much appreciated.

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