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  1. D

    Eu workers over British.

    But it just goes to show that our government don't actually give a fook about everyday British folk. It's just all about getting someone that will do the same job for less money. We're getting shafted.
  2. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Yeah, it uses one agency. The woman that runs it is...... Polish.
  3. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Because my job is one that I worked my way up to from the areas where I feel British people aren't getting a fare deal. I work alongside these areas. I'm not the type of person that thinks "iv moved on now, so fook you lot". Don't get me wrong, I don't mind eu migrants but my point, that...
  4. D

    Eu workers over British.

    If you read back, I state my job title. It's a skilled job but it still doesn't stop me from seeing what is going on around me. Sounds to me like you're trying to belittle someone depending on the job they do?. Pretty shallow really. Regardless of job,I do try to enjoy life!. I work to a...
  5. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Could well be!. Or are they told what to send?. They're actually probably given a list of suitable workers via the agency and they then take their pick.
  6. D

    Eu workers over British.

    People are missing the point that these are agency workers. No interview is involved!. . So it looks like these workers have been requested or even picked depending on where it sounds like their name originates from.
  7. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Was waiting for a comment like this. Got a concern relating immigration - must be a xenophob. All I originally asked was are we being discriminated as the last 15-20 workers taken on have been eu migrants. Reasonable thoughts imo. So it isn't discrimination if a business has the attitude of...
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    Eu workers over British.

    If you're being serious, you have a very sad attitude to life.
  9. D

    Eu workers over British.

    I work to my contact!. It is discrimination. They're assuming an English person won't do ot before even giving them a chance!. To say it's the opposite to discrimination is utter bollocks lol.
  10. D

    Eu workers over British.

    By doin twelve hour days and working weekends?. why the fook should I!. I'm not some corporate robot. I want to spend my spare time doing what I enjoy and spending time with friends and family. Why should the likes of myself be discriminated against?.
  11. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Where have I said there is anything wrong with it?. Just stated what some are doing.
  12. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Some I've spoken to are goin the whole hog. Buying a place over here and then renting it out. They'll be able to sit on their arses in Poland,doin fook all, whilst pulling in £700-£900 pm renting their gaff out in England.
  13. D

    Eu workers over British.

    This is agency work, so no interview has taken place. I find they're hard working up until they get taken on as full time workers. They then become just like the rest of us. A mix of great workers and lazy workers. I'm a good worker that has built myself up to a reasonably skilled job in...
  14. D

    Eu workers over British.

    But you can't work like that. A company couldn't turn around and say "don't take any Indian people on, we had a few before and they're lazy". You'd get fookin lynched!.
  15. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Taking on someone who is Polish because they're more likely to do ot is discrimination. They're not even giving the English worker a chance!.
  16. D

    Eu workers over British.

    Exactly that!. I wouldn't say they're harder workers but would appear so as they'll do the ot when British workers are more reluctant.
  17. D

    Eu workers over British.

    But that's discrimination!.
  18. D

    Eu workers over British.

    All agency workers. It's rather the agency discrinati But that's discrimination!.
  19. D

    Eu workers over British.

    No skills needed in the jobs they're getting. All training is given on the job. I'd say they're preferred because they bang in the ot and will work for less. It's takin the piss now though.
  20. D

    Eu workers over British.

    My place of work seem to take on nothing but eu migrant workers. I'd say the last fifteen or twenty have all been eu migrants. British workers are now getting very disgruntled and it's surely now bordering discrimination. Are there any steps to take to get this matter looked into?.

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