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  1. S


    Pele is the first true superstar in football. He came in at the time when the world cup solidified itself as the grand stage of the game on a global scale. A true ambassador for the beautiful game. Great with both feet, short but dominant in the air, freekicks, dribbles, speed. The man had it...
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    Check out my footie track

    Thanks mate
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    Check out my footie track

    A close friend of mine operates an amateur footie website out here in Atlanta. Him and I came up with the idea to do a hip hop track about football. We did a street feel hip hop track because that's an aspect to soccer in America that we feel is missing. Trying to connect to a credible hip hop...
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    Questions from a Rag

    1. Manchester U have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? All the way 2. Do you guys think SAF is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success this season? Yes 3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet...
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    Questions from a Rag

    Fair enough bro.
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    Questions from a Rag

    I realise that and in so doing i'm poking fun at myself.
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    Questions from a Rag

    How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams. 1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? 2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to...
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    The Walking Dead

    I me however it was just a continuation of the first season's brilliance. I imagine writing a show like this can't be easy though. Same enemy, mindless unintelligent zombies...there's only so many ways they can keep the audience captivated. Have you watched 'Falling Skies'? Similar...
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    Worlds Scariest Path!

    Swam here at one of the most beautiful places on earth.
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    The Walking Dead

    Thats very premature. Only one episode in.
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    Man Vs Food

    He's fucking crazy
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    New car

    I never buy new cars. The going price is always inflated and i'd feel sick driving off the lot knowing the value has instantly dropped a couple thousands.
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    Worlds Scariest Path!

    I'm a thrill seeker. Bungee jumping, sky jumping, white water rafting..that's me and I can't get enough.
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    Suarez racial slur against Evra

    Never liked that woman Suarez since the Ghana shit
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    Worlds Scariest Path!

    How did they even manage to build that? I live for that type of shit though. I'd totally cross that path without even thinking about it.
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    UFO's real or not?

    I haven't heard of Sirius C. Please enlighten me.
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    Boyz II men

    Did you miss your evening pill?
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    What are you listening to.................RIGHT NOW!!!
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    Boyz II men

    lol classics live forever.
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    The Walking Dead

    I love this show. I was an extra on season one and season two as well. Some of the scenes for this season were shot just a few blocks from where I live. Atlanta!

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