UFO's real or not?

SeanJason said:
Cheesy said:
SeanJason said:
How did it make business sense? No one from that town benefited from any publicity this event brought. The landowner was stripped of that portion of his land..if anything he lost profits. The people of Roswell hated the publicity.

Yep, the locals must really hate the 200,000 visitors they get each year to the International UFO Museum and Research Centre. The Annual UFO Festival and all the cash that brings in must be a real bind for them too.

You still don't get the point. That center wasn't even in existence for another 44 years after the incident. And what do you make of the crash at Aurora, Texas in 1897? Six years before man made aircrafts took the skies.

-- Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:35 pm --

I'm not sure if anyone here has heard of the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa. They have oral traditions which explain their origins from a star close to Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky).

Their stories claim that the smaller star was extremely heavy and had a 50 year orbit around Sirius. These claims were taught to the tribes people for thousands of years and modern scientists dismissed them until 1862 when Sirius B was discovered by telescope! A binary star of sirius..it is extremely dense.so it is smaller but much heavier than earth. In the 1930s two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen recorded and documented these stories from four Dogon priests. It wasn't until the early 1970s that a picture of sirius B was even able to be produced. So how did these people know about it? Who was the source for their folk tales of existence? They claim the basic elements for human life where found on this star. They even had diagrams charting our solar system.including saturn with the rings..how did they see that thousands of years ago? Interesting shit
Sound like nutters to me x
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
Still wonder why in all the recent history of humanity, no one has come forward with actual proof of aliens. No real video footage unless it's been during recent years of easily obtained software.

Also, if they have been here then I'm glad there's a cover up as people either panicking or becoming vigilantes and tooling up doesn't really excite me x

If you think about it, there's about as much proof for Aliens (Roswell Aliens, or "Greys") as there is for the death of Bin Laden.
SeanJason said:
Cheesy said:
SeanJason said:
How did it make business sense? No one from that town benefited from any publicity this event brought. The landowner was stripped of that portion of his land..if anything he lost profits. The people of Roswell hated the publicity.

Yep, the locals must really hate the 200,000 visitors they get each year to the International UFO Museum and Research Centre. The Annual UFO Festival and all the cash that brings in must be a real bind for them too.

You still don't get the point. That center wasn't even in existence for another 44 years after the incident. And what do you make of the crash at Aurora, Texas in 1897? Six years before man made aircrafts took the skies.

-- Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:35 pm --

I'm not sure if anyone here has heard of the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa. They have oral traditions which explain their origins from a star close to Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky).

Their stories claim that the smaller star was extremely heavy and had a 50 year orbit around Sirius. These claims were taught to the tribes people for thousands of years and modern scientists dismissed them until 1862 when Sirius B was discovered by telescope! A binary star of sirius..it is extremely dense.so it is smaller but much heavier than earth. In the 1930s two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen recorded and documented these stories from four Dogon priests. It wasn't until the early 1970s that a picture of sirius B was even able to be produced. So how did these people know about it? Who was the source for their folk tales of existence? They claim the basic elements for human life where found on this star. They even had diagrams charting our solar system.including saturn with the rings.. how did they see that thousands of years ago? Interesting shit
...the Nommos from Bo Tolo/Digitaria aka Sirius B mixed in n' taught em.

Revolves upon itself over a period of 1 year, it's revolution is still honored n' celebrated every 60 years at it's closest alignment with Qi/Earth down here in the Ogo's Placenta/Milky Way ...Bado Rite/Sigui.

Sagala is the main substance material of Digitaria/Sirius B and is heavier than all known forms of Iron found on the Planet Earth/Qi.

SeanJason... do you also know of Emme Ya aka Sirius C ?
Some mates I have took a road trip to Roswell and came back disgusted,saying its a town wide scam.

Every hour a local walks into the infamous little alie inn cafe claiming to have just seen a UFO...the lads likened it to ur parents claiming to have just seen Santa and their friends playing along.

I've seen enough in depth research to conclusively show Roswell was purely a military op.

Are aliens out there?likely.have they visited earth?definitely not.

However if something did visit earth I'd be quicker to believe it to be interdimensional as opposed to extraterrestrial.
If i see something in the sky which stops me in my path and makes me go, whoa wtf is that.......then i class that as a UFO, could be a plane could be a blimp but if i can't recognise what it is then surely it is indeed an Unidentifeid Flying Object. Unless someone is really good at throwing Frisbees.
The fact is the spate in the 90's all later turned out to be admitted fakes or where early sightings of the b2 stealth bomber.

Too many lump ufos and aliens into the same bracket.the fact is ufos exist,albeit most certainly of our own making,classified projects etc.

Another thing people forget about roswell is it was in the usa's interests to have Russia believe they were in posession of alien tech,as opposed to them actually seeing their unmanned research balloons they could fly high in Russian aerospace.

Also be aware the nazi's had nailed anti grav/ion propulsion in the 30's,all of which ended up falling into us hands during project paperclip.
Super David Silva 21 said:
Area 51, whats all that about???? It's not noted down on any map yet we all know it's in the Nevada desert somewhere. Or indeed does it actually exist??????

Erm, there's a really clear photo of it on Google Maps.

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