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  1. C

    Harry Kane

    I don't know where you're getting this from. Kane has done literally all of this himself with the way he's behaved, likely to to and force through the move, possibly lower the price even. Spurs have said nothing on this though.
  2. C

    Harry Kane

    They've actually done a loan with obligation I believe, so little or no outlay on him whatsoever. I think I saw somewhere so far this summer they're actually in a positive net spend.
  3. C

    Harry Kane

    He won't get away with it if he doesn't reinvest. Spurs fan have been on the charge for him since they sacked Poch, the ESL fiasco and furloughs at the start of the pandemic.
  4. C

    Harry Kane

    Hes not their captain. Lloris is. I don't know why people seem to keep saying this. Mind you journos even are saying it, but that's lazy journalism.
  5. C

    Harry Kane

    They're not as bad as people think debt wise. It's all long term barely any interest. They'll have the stadium paid off quickly once they get other events starting to roll too. AJ/Rugby/NFL already set. And it all points to them reinvesting every penny of this Kane money too. He's not as tight...
  6. C

    Harry Kane

    The ITKs over there are apparently vetted by the Mods before they're even allowed pass any info on so not sure where you're getting that info from. I'd certainly not trust any ITKs on twitter.
  7. C

    Harry Kane

    I've been reading that thread for about 2 weeks. So many of them were willing to accept him going but his behaviour in the last few weeks is why it's filled with vitriol. So I can understand it to a certain degree. They were resigned to him going practically at the end of the season and willing...
  8. C

    Harry Kane

    There is so much irony in this post
  9. C

    Harry Kane

    It's on YouTube. Did an interview wirh Neville about a week before the season ended when Spurs still had an outside shot at CL and a decent one at EL. Totally fucked them v Villa. Basically said he'd have to see where he is end of season and make a decision himself. Even stated he'd cost £100m
  10. C

    Harry Kane

    Hes not their captain though. No idea why people keep saying this.
  11. C

    Harry Kane

    Looks like most of them don't begrudge the move, or wouldn't have, but for his behaviour with the Neville interview, not showing up and then his statement last week. If he'd had shut up and just done what he's always done they probably wouldn't be so irritated.
  12. C

    Harry Kane

    Because that's obviously not the figure he is willing willing to accept. Kane will have a value and he will be expected to sell for that by the shareholders of Spurs. You can't blame him for wanting to max out the deal, we'd do exactly the same.
  13. C

    Harry Kane

    That's irrelevant as his value is obviously greater than that now. If they get an extra season out of him and get back into the CL places and he leaves then the CL income might well cover anything they lose on a potential transfer anyway.
  14. C

    Harry Kane

    None of the PL clubs have really suffered badly compared to the rest of the Europe. Look at how the rest of the PL has spent so far this summer. Plus there's rumours about Spurs funds coming from a naming rights deal for their stadium.
  15. C

    Harry Kane

    Not really the point I was making, of course negotiate but you don't go in low balling. According to Romano we offered £100m. Which is nowhere near what Spurs expect. Apparently
  16. C

    Harry Kane

    That's like going into an Aston Martin dealer and saying I know you want to sell that car, so I'm going to offer below what you actually want to sell it for because you need to get rid of it. It doesn't work like that. To add to this, Spurs clearly don't want to sell either so that quote...
  17. C

    Harry Kane

    But to them, with 3 years on his contract to run and them hoping they can sort it out that he stays, why would they sell for £100m when he's worth more to them than that. They aren't going to just bend over, lube up and present to us. Lukaku is going for near £100m and Kane is a better player.
  18. C

    Harry Kane

    Ok, but that's obviously based off what you've read. And it's been stated by various avenues that Spurs don't want players instead of cash.
  19. C

    Harry Kane

    All ITK should be taken with a pinch of salt, positive or negative, even on our side here. They're passing on info in good faith. It's up to to everyone else how they take that info. Of course info that comes out of Spurs/Villa is going to be different to what comes out of City
  20. C

    Harry Kane

    What would be realistic though? He's going to do what's in Spurs best interest and Kane is far more valuable to them at the club then not. Of course he will try and max out the value if he's going to go.

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