£3.69 an hour

SkyBlueFlux said:
I'm 22 now, but when I was 16 I had a part-time job 20 hours a week at my local newsagent which paid me £3 an hour.

It was all extra though, because I still lived at home. I managed to save up 4 months wages and bought a PS3.

Couldn't imagine living on that kind of wage independently though. Surely it's not even possible.
Minimum wage for 18 year olds is a couple of pennies over 5 quid. Surely you couldnt get by on that.
it's not the end of the world for the lad if he's getting some good training.
kp789 said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
I'm 22 now, but when I was 16 I had a part-time job 20 hours a week at my local newsagent which paid me £3 an hour.

It was all extra though, because I still lived at home. I managed to save up 4 months wages and bought a PS3.

Couldn't imagine living on that kind of wage independently though. Surely it's not even possible.
Minimum wage for 18 year olds is a couple of pennies over 5 quid. Surely you couldnt get by on that.

Well 30 hours a week at that rate is £150 (saying 30 because that is about the least you'd get in a proper job). So let's say £600 a month, which is £7,200 a year. That wouldn't be taxed because it's under the personal allowance. It's on the borderline for NI contributions, but for the sake of argument let's say the employee boxes clever and doesn't contribute NI by earning slightly lower than the bottom rate.

So you have £7,200 a year.

I live on roughly £6,500 a year as an independent student living away from home. But I don't pay council tax.

I'd say it's possible mate, but it's certainly no life of luxury. That is the breadline. You wouldn't be driving and you'd be chowing on ASDA home-brand pot noodles, living in a bedsit with 3 other people called Geoffrey, Mike and Assad.

This is why you'll find next to nobody moving out at 18 these days, unless they have a job which pays better than minimum wage and gives them secure hours.
SkyBlueFlux said:
kp789 said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
I'm 22 now, but when I was 16 I had a part-time job 20 hours a week at my local newsagent which paid me £3 an hour.

It was all extra though, because I still lived at home. I managed to save up 4 months wages and bought a PS3.

Couldn't imagine living on that kind of wage independently though. Surely it's not even possible.
Minimum wage for 18 year olds is a couple of pennies over 5 quid. Surely you couldnt get by on that.

Well 30 hours a week at that rate is £150 (saying 30 because that is about the least you'd get in a proper job). So let's say £600 a month, which is £7,200 a year. That wouldn't be taxed because it's under the personal allowance. It's on the borderline for NI contributions, but for the sake of argument let's say the employee boxes clever and doesn't contribute NI by earning slightly lower than the bottom rate.

So you have £7,200 a year.

I live on roughly £6,500 a year as an independent student living away from home. But I don't pay council tax.

I'd say it's possible mate, but it's certainly no life of luxury. That is the breadline. You wouldn't be driving and you'd be chowing on ASDA home-brand pot noodles, living in a bedsit with 3 other people called Geoffrey, Mike and Assad.

This is why you'll find next to nobody moving out at 18 these days, unless they have a job which pays better than minimum wage and gives them secure hours.
Its a scary thought if you look at this. I mean i am part time only do around 21hours for Tesco and then I do football coaching sessions on my days off so im earning a decent amount as I live at home and pay board. But if I didnt, I would only afford myself a few luxuries. Could barely pay for my car and put myself up
Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
Yeah that's all well in good but he should be paid the same as everyone else. His future is nothing to do with it, it's a disgrace.
Not if he is training and they have already trained.

No he is fully trained in the job he is working now, he is just training outside of work for a different field of work.

Who is funding that training? Is he getting "paid" by your company to go as well? He sounds like a pretty motivated lad who knows what he wants to do and how to get there but appreciates he doesn't have any god given right to have it handed to him on a plate...the company is being supportive in allowing him to take time out to train and they obviously plan to benefit from that in the future. Seems to me like everybody is getting something out of this. This lad will do well for himself, I'd not worry about him Josh.
From memory, I was on £2.40 an hour in retail as a 17 year old in 1997. The 16 year old was on something like £2.25. We used to see how much the store took on a Bank Holiday or whatever and feel completely used.
Rascal said:
Josh Blue said:
kp789 said:
I used to Earn 1.20ish per hour less than my colleagues when I was 17 on the basis of my age, in fact I did a fucking lot more than some of the lazy sods that I worked with. Pay should be based on contribution and ability, not on age.

Feel really bad for the lad, works harder than most and has a good attitude no reason why he should get paid less than everyone else, I can't see any reason why pay is age based???

This is a good reason why 16 year olds should be able to vote.

If they were given the vote he wouldnt be paid be paid such an insulting wage

Most wouldn't get out of bed to visit the polling station.

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