£3.69 an hour

peoffrey said:
From memory, I was on £2.40 an hour in retail as a 17 year old in 1997. The 16 year old was on something like £2.25. We used to see how much the store took on a Bank Holiday or whatever and feel completely used.
Yes because retail outlets have no stock purchasing costs, business rates, corporation tax, VAT, and ground rent fees and certainly none of them go to the wall:

Comet, JJD Sports, Clinton Cards, Game, Borders, Barratts, Alexon, T J Hughes, Jane Norman, Habitat, Focus DIY, Floors-2-Go, the Officers Club, Oddbins, Ethel Austin, Faith Shoes, Adams Childrenswear, Thirst Quench, Stylo, Mosaic, Principles, Sofa Workshop, Allied Carpets, Viyella, Dewhursts, Woolworths, MFI, and Zavvi/Virgin Megastore.

To list just a few off the top of my head.
I don't see what's wrong with this. The lad is getting some work experience which will stand him in good stead in the future, he is also learning life skills rather than sitting on his backside at home and he is earning more than he would on the dole. Most 16 year olds still live at home and has been said, he won't pay any tax etc.

We all have to start somewhere and in most cases its at the bottom of the pile. From his employers point of view it is worth his while giving the lad a chance as he will save a few bob
Ronnie the Rep said:
I don't see what's wrong with this. The lad is getting some work experience which will stand him in good stead in the future, he is also learning life skills rather than sitting on his backside at home and he is earning more than he would on the dole. Most 16 year olds still live at home and has been said, he won't pay any tax etc.

We all have to start somewhere and in most cases its at the bottom of the pile. From his employers point of view it is worth his while giving the lad a chance as he will save a few bob

there isnt anything wrong with this, i think josh has a crush on the lad. lol
mac said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
I don't see what's wrong with this. The lad is getting some work experience which will stand him in good stead in the future, he is also learning life skills rather than sitting on his backside at home and he is earning more than he would on the dole. Most 16 year olds still live at home and has been said, he won't pay any tax etc.

We all have to start somewhere and in most cases its at the bottom of the pile. From his employers point of view it is worth his while giving the lad a chance as he will save a few bob

there isnt anything wrong with this, i think josh has a crush on the lad. lol

Haha. Want to borrow my broom little boy ;-)
SWP's back said:
peoffrey said:
From memory, I was on £2.40 an hour in retail as a 17 year old in 1997. The 16 year old was on something like £2.25. We used to see how much the store took on a Bank Holiday or whatever and feel completely used.
Yes because retail outlets have no stock purchasing costs, business rates, corporation tax, VAT, and ground rent fees and certainly none of them go to the wall:

Comet, JJD Sports, Clinton Cards, Game, Borders, Barratts, Alexon, T J Hughes, Jane Norman, Habitat, Focus DIY, Floors-2-Go, the Officers Club, Oddbins, Ethel Austin, Faith Shoes, Adams Childrenswear, Thirst Quench, Stylo, Mosaic, Principles, Sofa Workshop, Allied Carpets, Viyella, Dewhursts, Woolworths, MFI, and Zavvi/Virgin Megastore.

To list just a few off the top of my head.

Floors-2-Go was just a massive tax fiddle.
Josh Blue said:
Young lad has just started work where I work, he's only 16 and just started on a temp contract. I was shocked to find out he is only on £3.69 an hour? His age doesn't stop him from doing any of the work everyone else does, he works harder than most but is getting paid less.

Is this anything less than unjustified age discrimination?

The lad pays rent at home and an hours work barely covers his bus fare, I know this is the legal wage for his age but is it morally wrong? Should the government/country be ashamed that young people can be exploited like this?

Piss take I rekon.

He is prob employed as an apprentice which is another word for "Cheap Labour"
SWP's back said:
peoffrey said:
From memory, I was on £2.40 an hour in retail as a 17 year old in 1997. The 16 year old was on something like £2.25. We used to see how much the store took on a Bank Holiday or whatever and feel completely used.
Yes because retail outlets have no stock purchasing costs, business rates, corporation tax, VAT, and ground rent fees and certainly none of them go to the wall:

Comet, JJD Sports, Clinton Cards, Game, Borders, Barratts, Alexon, T J Hughes, Jane Norman, Habitat, Focus DIY, Floors-2-Go, the Officers Club, Oddbins, Ethel Austin, Faith Shoes, Adams Childrenswear, Thirst Quench, Stylo, Mosaic, Principles, Sofa Workshop, Allied Carpets, Viyella, Dewhursts, Woolworths, MFI, and Zavvi/Virgin Megastore.

To list just a few off the top of my head.

There'll be a few more in the New Year. Watch out for the outdoor sector, they had a terrible year especially Go Outdoors
Ronnie the Rep said:
I don't see what's wrong with this. The lad is getting some work experience which will stand him in good stead in the future, he is also learning life skills rather than sitting on his backside at home and he is earning more than he would on the dole. Most 16 year olds still live at home and has been said, he won't pay any tax etc.

We all have to start somewhere and in most cases its at the bottom of the pile. From his employers point of view it is worth his while giving the lad a chance as he will save a few bob
The only thing wrong IMO is the fact that they are doing the same thing, getting the same experience, but have no parity of pay
How times have changed,back in 1962 as a sixteen year old,working for Barlow & Jones on Princess St,in Manchester I was on £3: 3shillings :9pence a week.Todays money £3;19p.What an old sod I am.
SkyBlueFlux said:
I'd say it's possible mate, but it's certainly no life of luxury. That is the breadline. You wouldn't be driving and you'd be chowing on ASDA home-brand pot noodles, living in a bedsit with 3 other people called Geoffrey, Mike and Assad.

Geoffrey never recovered his self respect after that fallout with Zippy and Bungle. It is a shame to see just how far he has fallen.

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