10,000 empty seats

Bluemuck said:
I'm sorry but 10,000 empty seats in our first ever Champions League game at home is embarrassing to say the least. So much for Manchester being blue!

firstly there will not be 10k empty seats tonight; secondly you scummy red bastards are supposed to have 400 million fans, so if there are 75k in the ground that makes an attendance rate of just under 0.02%; let us say that there are a total of 100k City fans and we get 45k that is an attendance rate of 45% - so in fact our loyalty is about 2,400 times better than your's, you stupid red glory hunting ****
shadygiz said:
Bluemuck said:
I'm sorry but 10,000 empty seats in our first ever Champions League game at home is embarrassing to say the least. So much for Manchester being blue!

why are you using a proxy IP, based in bangalore?

IP Address Region: Tamil Nadu
IP Address City: Madras
IP Address Latitude: (13.0833)
IP Address Longtitude: (80.2833)

Great one Shady.
Hope that shuts the fucker up !!!
There will be no more than 2,000 non-forced (UEFA) empty seats tonight and most likely much less than that.
Bluemuck said:
I'm sorry but 10,000 empty seats in our first ever Champions League game at home is embarrassing to say the least. So much for Manchester being blue!

Well it`s definatly not shitty red you rag twat

Re: Re: 10,000 empty seats

craigsteel said:
Shut all the Rags up on the issue.

If you are so confident, I will bet you £10 for every thousand we get more than you got in your first champions lge game,(33k). If we get less than 33k I will give you a tenner for every thousand. We are expecting 40k plus so all the blues win at least £70, All the rags shut up ya faces or pay up the money.
Perhaps they didnt go before the glorydays FACT
The 33k was in 94/95. It was 35,871 for their first home game the season before. But easy money nonetheless.
I am currently out of work but I still have my season ticket and have supported City since 1968. As much as I would love to be paying to see Champions League football at present I cannot afford to go.
Am I plastic? I love City and today cannot think of anything else but tonights match. I shall be watching, yes, from my armchair tonight with my stomach in knots and my heart pounding. Money is tight but that does not mean that I love City any less.

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