13 May at 87 minutes. Admit you had a tantrum.

1.QPR Equalize-sank into seat Mild Despair
2.QPR Score Again-sank even lower (on the floor)
3.Dzeko scores-Spring to life,like jack in the box Screeching "Come on!!!!!!!!!"
4.Sergio scores -all hell breaks loose,i loose it completly,nearly hit bloke in mouth next me who looks like Norris from Corrie,Bear hugs everywhere.<br /><br />-- Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:48 pm --<br /><br />1.QPR Equalize-sank into seat Mild Despair
2.QPR Score Again-sank even lower (on the floor)
3.Dzeko scores-Spring to life,like jack in the box Screeching "Come on!!!!!!!!!"
4.Sergio scores -all hell breaks loose,i loose it completly,nearly hit bloke in mouth next me who looks like Norris from Corrie,Bear hugs everywhere.
SWP's back said:
I didn't have a tantrum but I was ashen faced and thought I was going to be sick.

I was at COMS that day and I looked round at other fans at 90 mins when we were 2-1 down.

They were all ashen faced and looked sick and I knew that's how I looked too.

It was utterly appalling.

When Edin and Sergio scored in perfect view of my seat in level 2 of the Family Stand I wasn't happy, just relieved that I wasn't completely shattered by a tragedy which would have haunted me until I die.
At 2-1 down at 87 minutes, I was sat in my seat, head in hands. At 2-2 I cheered, at 3-2, I have huge grey area. I remember hugging lots of people..
Blue Maverick said:
All I could think of was all the crap I'd get off the rags, I was up and down in my eat like a brides nightie I'm in 117 and I never sit down but I didn't know what to do with myself. I'd purposely not got pissed before the game so I could watch it and drink it all in thinking we were going to walk it, it was all a blur at the end I just remember falling down the steps towards the pitch with bodies everywhere, I had my first child in Sept and I know my wife would hate this but that day in My was more emotional for different reasons.

Very good.
That day summed up 35 years of being a city fan. I went through every emotion. Excitement, nerves, joy when we went 1 up, nerves at1 each. Dispair at 2-1. Anger at blowing it. Numbness of how we could screw up, hope when we scored the equaliser and sheer amazement and happiness when we scored the 3rd. Still amazing to see the goal to this day
Hard to put into words.

I lost my Dad in the November, He had been going to City for the best part of 70 years, all the family are blue through and through.

Dad wasn't much of a Mancini fan - often referring to him as that "bloody Italian" - he didn't think he was quite good enough to lead us to the title.

At 2-1 down 5 minutes left, I just looked up and muttered something under my breath along the lines "Dad you were right".

Then 2-2, I just thought give us one more chance, just 1 and we will score.

3-2 all hell fuc@ing breaks loose, everyone going absolutely mental in block 109 as I am sure it was everywhere else, grown men on their knees, hysteria, euphoria, disbelief - the works.

I just looked upwards to the heavens , and filled up.

What happened that day was meant to be, although we were certainly put through the bloody mill.

I remember the video clip with the old(er) gent who also has bee supporting City for years, he says something like when I started supporting City I was 6 foot tall and had a full head of hair, now look at me - Another bloke kisses his head (maybe his son - dunno) - I am sure most of you will know the one I am talking about.

That clip really strikes a chord.

A day that will live with us all forever.
It was the worst I've ever felt at a football match ... and then the best I've ever felt at a football match ... all in the space of a couple of minutes. Incredible.

I think the word "rollercoaster" was invented for that match ?
pete1970 said:
1.QPR Equalize-sank into seat Mild Despair
2.QPR Score Again-sank even lower (on the floor)
3.Dzeko scores-Spring to life,like jack in the box Screeching "Come on!!!!!!!!!"
4.Sergio scores -all hell breaks loose,i loose it completly,nearly hit bloke in mouth next me who looks like Norris from Corrie,Bear hugs everywhere.
Almost the same thing, but
3.(screamed "GET IN!!!")
4. My brother was awake by then because I previously screamed so when Kun scored I felt like screaming to the heavens but I couldn't, my parents were asleep and didn't want to wake them up. (Live on the west coast of US, btw). Felt like an explosion inside though.
I couldn't believe that even we had managed to fuck it up, I just stood not saying a word, sharing the odd despairing look with my mate, then he said shall we get off, fuck it I thought we might as well. Got up to the concourse and walked down, felt like the worst come down ever, my mate went for a piss and I carried on slowly walking down. Then Dzeko scored, he ran back down and I had a feeling that if I stayed put we would score again, then we did, everyone exploded, jumping around with some lads on the concourse, then ran around for a bit and back to my seat for the end.

I doubt that the experience of moving from such utter devastation to pure ecstasy in a matter of minutes will be something I will ever relive and is not a thing which many others will be lucky enough to go through.

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