13 May at 87 minutes. Admit you had a tantrum.

After Mackie's goal I spent more time looking at the scoreboard than the pitch. I kept thinking "85 minutes" score one by then and we'll win this. I stopped believing by the 86th minute. My head was in bits. How could I recover from this? I decided I couldn't face anybody. I was going to drive to somewhere quiet afterwards, North Wales or Lake District came to mind.
Dzeko's goal made no difference to how I felt, in fact I felt worse! Then the pandemonium of THAT goal. My seat is near the steps to the concourse and after twice checking the goal was allowed I just went running down them steps really not in control of what I was doing. Your brain doesn't take in everything when you're going through a moment like that. Only thinking back afterwards I realised it was actually quite busy in the concourse. There were people sprawled on the floor crying. I was hugging random strangers. We were all going through this together, we were all as one. it was the greatest moment of my life, right there, and I have 3 kids!
When I eventually got back to my seat I couldn't believe the game hadn't re-started, it felt like Id been gone hours! It was bizarre. I saw fans running off the pitch, I saw Clichy on the floor and I saw a team of Champions...
From mackies goal onwards I was sat in my front room head in hands literally pulling my hair out.

When Edin scored I just kept saying we can do it. When sergios shot hit the net I just jumped up and was running round my front room screaming. Couldn't stop laughing afterwards. Was a release of a lifetime of rag fuckers taking the piss. When the game finished I went and cooked a roast chicken. Food has never tasted so sweet.

Couldn't wait to pick me mum up from the station to hear all about it inside the ground.
I was in the Colin Bell Stand, with Paul Lake's Knee and another Irish fella. Fans started leaving from around us at about 83 minutes (although it could have been later, it was all a nausea induced blur). Anyway, I lost the head with them amd started shouting at them to support their team. In hindsight, this was probably a bit harsh: I can, sort of, understand why they left. The pain I was feeling at the time was unbearable, maybe some people couldn't face staying.
Anyway, around that time the other Irish fella - standing to my left - turned round to me and simply said, "He's done it again. How the fuck has Ferguson done this?". He was quite calm. I don't think I answered him; I couldn't say anything. A minute or so later, I turned riund to PLK and said, "That's it. It's over. Mancini's gone. He's fucked." He didn't say anything to me.
Then I started thinking that I would have to delete my Facebook page and twitter account (@mickthehack, by the way). Then I started thinking about calling in sick for a week as the rags in my place would be bolloxes.
The next thing I remember is an almighty, deafening, roar exploding when Mario had the header in injury time. It erupted and died almost at the same time and that let me know he hadn't scored. I couldn't really see from where I was standing. More on that anon.
When Edin scored, I went balistic; I really thought we could do it, even in injury time. I was standing up and I looked over at PLK, who was sitting down with his arms folded. He just shook his head and muttered, "It's too late."
And then came Sergio.
Like the Mario chance, I had to rely on the crowd to tell me. I remember urging Nige on when he had the ball and I remember seeing Sergio running with the ball, but the angle was so that I didn't see the ball hit the back of the net. I heard an almighty roar start behind the goal - but unlike Mario, it didn't stop. Ever.
I remember grabbing PLK and the other fella and just repeating over and over, "Was it offside? Was it offside?"
Then, when the ball was passed back to Joe, I stated crying with fear that QPR were somehow going to get the ball and score. But thankfully the whistle went.
I've never heard a noise like the crowd's roar in my life.
I'll never forget it.
After the game, PLK and I walked back to Picadilly. We were in a daze.
What a day.
Pam said:
Watched the whole of the second half the other day for the first time. It was agonizing. We were on the floor, weren't we? There was no going back to work for me. Not ever.
I can't watch it. I can only watch from Edin's goal.
I just stood there, lifeless. Usually I'll comment quite a lot during the match, and be positive and in good spirits, but between the Mackie goal and the Aguero goal the only thing I did/said was 'fucking hell Nasri you French shithouse ****' (or words to that effect) when he let the ball go out for a throw.
I'm sat outside a pub in lanzarote with my soon to be fiancé, best mate and partner and 4 other city supporters ..... at about 80 mins i start chanting we need a Gillingham we need a Gillingham ..... I have my head in my hands and only actually look up to drink more larger. Then the dezko goal goes in and by then time we have all calmed down and put the table back in the correct position... that goal happens .... next thing I know I'm off across to the united bar who have been popping out every 5 mins to sing songs to us .... stood in the doorway shouting "ave it" and run back to celebrate ..my mate comes running out of the bar spraying champagne everywhere .... 3 days later it’s my girlfriends’ birthday and we get engaged (all planned... not a reaction to Citys win... sorry!) simply the best holiday ever.
I won't lie, I was devastated at 87 mins. Felt like throwing up at 90 mins. Edin's goal for some reason made me feel worse as now we were going to lose the title to those filthy rags by just one goal. Was far too emotionally drained to throw a tantrum.

Only thing that kept me going was the uncanny coincidence that I was sat with my ex brother-in-law and the only other time I did this was at wembley. Still can't believe what happened next especially when I consider who I was sat with.

I would love to experience the joy of Aguero's goal again, but if I have to feel as desperate as I did leading up to it then I'll live without. I never want to feel as low again, twice in one lifetime is enough.
I was really ill the other year and missed the FA Cup final as I was in a coma, my family were telling the docs you need to wake him for the final, it was a bout a week later they had me watching it so after making a full recovery there was only 1 place I was going to be for this game. I was clearing security at Perth airport as Kompany scored against the rags and managed to get the last 10 mins of the derby in the emirates lounge before flying back.
My mates got me free tickets for the QPR game, my 7 year old sons first game and I said before the game someone thinks there gonna have this title and it's going to be snatched from them and I hope it's not us. As much as I felt that I didn't want to believe it, I just wanted to enjoy it, sing and party.
I still felt we had a chance until Ballo header was saved by the keeper, then after Dzeko scored I felt sure until the ball went out Nasri throw etc Then I can't remember anything until about 2 mins after the goal and I stopped and just watched my boy jumping and cheering holding his scarf then people kept picking him up and hugging him. I still don't think he appreciates what he saw but I know he loved it. That's our moment and another excuse to watch youtube clips of the day. I love City, I thank my dad, grandad for making me a blue and my kids for following me, it's a way of life and something that the Sheik and Mancini understand, ups and down just make it all the more enjoyable!

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