13 May at 87 minutes. Admit you had a tantrum.

I was at a pub, with my partner and kiddies (Funnily enough was also at a pub in 99 for the playoff with my dad although I was 13 at the time and cried like a baby!)
The pub was full of united fans and just mine and another family sitting on tables near each other. After mackie scored I spent the rest of the match with my head in my hands. I was in shock and utter disbelief. The united fans where getting louder and singing more boring repetitive shit, and I felt more down than ever in my life, and I started taking it out on the mrs.
About 2 mins before dzeco scored I said fuck it lets go ive had enough. I literally stomped off to the car and let the mrs sort the kids and catch up with me.
By the time Id pulled towards the exit of the carpark my old man phoned, and as I loudspeakered it and as I sat the phone on my lap I heard him scream to me 'HOWS THAT FOR YA - WE FUCKIN DONE IT!' I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I slammed on the anchors, I was overwhelmed with all different emotions, I really cant explain how I felt. All I can say is ill never leave a match or pub again early.... Still thinking back gets me emotional, and reading the replies on this thread gives me shivers down my spine.

strongbowholic said:
Also, Caveman mentions reaction to goals. When Agueroooooooooooo scored, I stood up, very, very calm, hugged my boy and hugged my mate and that was it. Weirdest feeling ever (I went more mental away to Oxford when scored our 4th after being 2 down!).

I know it seems odd, but I just had an overwhelming sense of calmness. Fucking oddest thing ever as I expected I would have jumped so high as to end up 35 rows further forward or summat?

It's called shock! you just shut down.
I was sat in despair and had started thinking back down the years of how often the club had badly upset me starting with Halifax away in the FA Cup, a rain sodden nightmare,FA Cup final replay against spurs, the relegation against Luton , Losing to the rags in the cup at their ground despite a Rosler early goal, the wretched cup game against Blackburn under Pearce where we did not get a shot on target, the bloody cup tie against Forest at home where we lost with a team showing no passion or pride.
We equalised and just like at Wembley after Horlocks goal I shrugged and thought to little to late turned to my mate who had also sat with me at Wembley and said we are f......d.
Remember Gillingham he said
That went to feckin penalties this wont
The winner went in
I stood there in shock , no celebration....nothing. I could not honestly comprehend what I had seen. It seemed almost a dream watching the world explode around me and once the understanding sunk in I felt drained and emotionally exhausted. It remained that way all evening, I was quite and subdued all night still only half believing what played out before my eyes.
Walked back to the pub from the ground in a daze after the game felt like I had been in a car crash.
I'm not prone to hyperbole, but I honestly felt physically sick from the moment Cisse equalised. I had a horrible sense of foreboding that we wouldn't pull it back, and would habitually be referred to as the ultimate chokers. All I could think about was the hammering we were facing from the press and public alike. Even now I still have to pinch myself that we turned it around in the way we did. It was most unlike City. Fucking hell.
warpig said:
pride in battle said:
warpig said:
are people not a bit bored of constantly talking about this game now? it's gone. over. time to move on.

Do one...

I will leave you stuck in your time warp then. byyyyyye!

Bored? are you a real BLUE? That match is set in stone in every BLUES memory! Well it should be :)
No I didn't have a tantrum but was slumped in my seat taking sh*t from the away fans in the 2nd tier South stand!
A few minutes after QPR scored their second goal it started to sink in........
we were going to lose, I started sinking into my seat (CB stand).I was so miserable thinking of all the taunts we were going to get - from the rags,all the media worldwide, Typical City etc.
I have to explain something here.My wife died unexpectedly in hospital a few months before and I was gutted. My first match back (season ticket) we were playing Spurs and went behind , we equalised then into last few minutes Nasri to Tevez , a return ball and we won 2-1.I remember looking up to the sky and said a quiet thank you to my wife.
Back to May 13th - 87th minute -I was looking up to the sky again thinking City can't do this to me, I uttered my wife's name and asked if God could help.
93mins20 secs......Agueroooooooooooooo.
I uttered a silent prayer as I went ballistic. All true.

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