13 May at 87 minutes. Admit you had a tantrum.

I was in the Manchester pub with my youngest lad, eldest was in the ground.

Going into the added mins I said to my lad, "we need a Dickov moment", we were both at Wembley in 99 for that one.

My lad said it has happened before so it can happen again with a smile on his face, I didn't believe but he did! :)
all i remember i watching it on sky through my fingers..... the commentators were the worst for the entire game with their anti-city drivel. until zabba scored and for a few minutes after.

at the end i was crumbling.... i remember seeing the fans on telly whipping the seat and i said to myself keep calm blue keep calm!!

i was saying this but i knew i wanted to do the same..... whip something real bad. if sergio had not scored..... i would be in prison for murdering countless scum.

seriously.... i was near breaking point so much that i waited until the joe hart footage finished before i began to celebrate. my heart had nearly exploded during the game.....i had too many pains to the chest.

my mate said to me "if ye score 1 ,you guys will win it ...i can feel it."
bobbyowenquiff said:
strongbowholic said:
Also, Caveman mentions reaction to goals. When Agueroooooooooooo scored, I stood up, very, very calm, hugged my boy and hugged my mate and that was it. Weirdest feeling ever (I went more mental away to Oxford when scored our 4th after being 2 down!).

I know it seems odd, but I just had an overwhelming sense of calmness. Fucking oddest thing ever as I expected I would have jumped so high as to end up 35 rows further forward or summat?

This was also my reaction. It was so odd I just knew we were going to score. It was like watching a film. I was just totally calm. I don't know why because I usually get worked up during matches. I hardly cheered at all. I just stood and watched the crowd. It was a moment of pure bliss.
Glad it weren't just me then! :D
I was in the middle of my final year uni exams and had an exam the next day so almost didn't even come. I changed my mind when I considered what I could be missing. I had already missed the derby through exams.

I had a sleepless night anyway. couldn't stop picturing Aguero's goal everytime I closed my eyes and couldn't stop grinning and laughing to myself. I'm still the same now whenever I see it, even after a million times.
after aguero scored all i thought was common city now please just hang on.
DANNY O'B said:
i was in tunisia surrounded by bastarding chelsea fans, was almost in tears when my gf turned to me and said 'its just a game danny'

Fucks me right off when my bird tells me that! "shut it love you don't understand"
I didn't have a tantrum, from about 80 minutes onwards I was slumped in my seat and for the first time ever I was considering leaving before the end, I justed wanted to be somewhere, anywhere but in the Etihad. The girl who was sat with me grabbed my hand and said 'it's gonna be alright'.
Then Dzeko scored, I didn't even react, I just thought well that's just gonna make tomorrow feel even worse, close but no cigar.
Then as De Jong took the ball forward I got to my feet and then it was madness, Aguero hit the back of the net and I just went mental, one of my mates grabbed both my arms screaming we've won the fucking league and was shaking me like a rag doll (i had bruises for days).
Getting goosebumps right now.
Watched it in pub in London full of blues, I told young guy next to me I was leaving as couldn't watch them win it. He started chatting and because of him I didn't leave and saw it unfold before my eyes

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