5:2 diet

Stato said:
stony said:
TINY said:
Do you go to the meetings or just online? I tried to do it online but struggled for a good food plan, and exactly how much I should be eating etc.

I go to the weigh in every week, but I don't like the meetings. Too many needy fuckers treating it as therapy. I stay sometimes, but mostly get weighed and fuck off. It's a bloke who runs it, so it's not as bad as the ones where it's all women.
Load of decent recipes and as long as you stick to the list you can eat as much as you want.
Which plan are you using ? I'm doing extra easy, and make sure that a third of my plate is superfree(veg etc) I'm allowed 15-20 syns a day.
You can actually have a full English breakfast every morning on that one.
Grilled bacon with the fat trimmed - free
Grilled Skinny Lizzie sausages(these are actually really nice) 1 1/2 syns each
Beans - free
Mushrooms fried in one cal spray - superfree
Eggs fried in one cal spray - free
Two rounds of small wholemeal bread/toast - part of your healthy extra or if you've already had that then you can syn the bread at 3 syns a slice.
Full English for 3 syns if you have two sausage or no syns without

Stuff like homemade chilli, spag bol, chicken casserole etc, is all free or only a couple of syns.
I even have homemade chips/wedges, and they're free too. Just chip a potato, put it one a baking sheet, spray it with one cal and stick it in the oven for half an hour. Makes really nice chips.
well done and I'm glad it is working for you but that doesn't seem much of a diet.

You don't have to eat lettuce every meal. It's all about the fat content and sugar. If you do a full English correctly then it's quite a healthy meal.
stony said:
TINY said:
stony said:
I'm still doing the slimming world diet. Lost another three and a half pounds this week which takes me to a total loss so far of 52lb in 13 weeks.

Do you go to the meetings or just online? I tried to do it online but struggled for a good food plan, and exactly how much I should be eating etc.

I go to the weigh in every week, but I don't like the meetings. Too many needy fuckers treating it as therapy. I stay sometimes, but mostly get weighed and fuck off. It's a bloke who runs it, so it's not as bad as the ones where it's all women.
Load of decent recipes and as long as you stick to the list you can eat as much as you want.
Which plan are you using ? I'm doing extra easy, and make sure that a third of my plate is superfree(veg etc) I'm allowed 15-20 syns a day.
You can actually have a full English breakfast every morning on that one.
Grilled bacon with the fat trimmed - free
Grilled Skinny Lizzie sausages(these are actually really nice) 1 1/2 syns each
Beans - free
Mushrooms fried in one cal spray - superfree
Eggs fried in one cal spray - free
Two rounds of small wholemeal bread/toast - part of your healthy extra or if you've already had that then you can syn the bread at 3 syns a slice.
Full English for 3 syns if you have two sausage or no syns without

Stuff like homemade chilli, spag bol, chicken casserole etc, is all free or only a couple of syns.
I even have homemade chips/wedges, and they're free too. Just chip a potato, put it one a baking sheet, spray it with one cal and stick it in the oven for half an hour. Makes really nice chips.

Cheers for that mate, interesting. When I did it I did the red day green day thing and it did my head in. I haven't looked at this super easy stuff. I'm gonna have a read of it later on tonight and see what's what. These things always sound too good to be true tbh! However I know so many people that have following slimming world and have lost weight AND kept it off and ate enjoying a healthy lifestyle now.
Another 3 and a half pounds lost this week. Only two and half to go until I've lost 4 stone. Just celebrated by having a couple of bacon butties(all healthy and within diet guidelines of course)

Fantastic work mate.

Would be interested to see what your weekly food plan looks like. Do you ever write it down anywhere?
CTID101 said:

Fantastic work mate.

Would be interested to see what your weekly food plan looks like. Do you ever write it down anywhere?

I don't mate, but I do stick religiously to the list of what I can and can't eat. Always try and make sure my plate has at least a third of veg.

Today it will be

Two weetabix with semi skimmed milk for breakfast

A couple of bacon butties for dinner, using weight watchers bread and bacon. I've had to use todays syns for the bread.

Home made spag bol for tea. Extra lean mince, but I still drain any fat off when I've browned it. A couple of diced onions, tin of chopped tomatoes, 250g of mushroom, oregano, basil, garlic and an oxo cube. I'll have that with pasta and there are no syns in it at all.

Yesterday I had

Full English, weight watchers bacon(grilled) two eggs, fried in fry light. Mushrooms, again fried in fry light and beans. You add a couple of slices of bread as syns and tomatoes for free.

Chicken salad for dinner.

Pork chops, homemade chips and mushy peas and mushrooms for tea.

Doesn't sound like much of a diet but it works.

You can even make syn free gravy. Oxo cube and boiling water, add a spoonful of smash to thicken it and it makes a really nice gravy that is completely free on the diet.
That isn't too far off what I eat really.

Here is a screenshot of the spreadsheet I have kept this week;

Fell off the wagon a bit last night as you can see :(

My excuse is I am 18 and after last night I just ate crap, to be fair I could have eaten a lot worse! haha
Cheese bangs the weight on, it's pure fat. It's the one thing I really miss. I'm allowed a certain amount, but it's not enough so I just avoid it altogether, which is a pain because I love cheese.
Sausages are full of fat too, I use skinny lizzie ones. You still have to syn them, but they are far healthier than any other sausage. Taste nice too.
Any sort of bread is bad, I'm always careful to syn it or use it as my healthy extra if I haven't had weetabix for breakfast.
I can take or leave Cheese really its just where I was at the time that looked relatively healthy. Will cut it out though going forward.

Yeh the sausages were just that good that I couldn't not eat them but there all gone now and won't be buying any more.

Well apart from the sandwich and tortilla I didn't have any bread which is an achievement for me as I love it! will quite easily just go and get a few slices from the bag and eat them. Will cut down now though!

Just thought I`d see how everyone elses 5:2 Diet was coming along.Due to my inability in not being able to do any sort of exercise,I`m now into my 8th week and pretty please at having lost 20 lbs of flab plus 2 inches of my waist.
I know its not much compared to some,but hey I want to lose another 28 lbs by next July,as our eldest daughter is getting married in Cuba,so don`t want her in-laws to see a fooking beached whale !!
Any success or complete failure results ?

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