5:2 diet

bammy blue said:
Lost a stone and a half since I started this, was 19 and a half, now 18. Got a week away now then will get back at it, want to be 17 stone by Christmas.

Well done oakie, keep up the good work!!

And you mate.Hell I`ve been reading all the posts and your will and desire to lose weight is much to be admired mate.
I`m only 5`7" tall but have weighed in, this time last year at 17.4 stone.Only managed to lose a few lbs before our last hols,but then came in at 16.11 stone.Looked at the holiday snaps and fuck me,did I not like what I saw !!
Looked at this thread and seeing what others had lost,I thought,thats it,pull your fucking finger out oakie and do something about your waist and various chins !!
Now down to 15.5 stone and can`t believe how easy I`ve found this diet and even the missus has lost a stone in the same time scale ... 8 weeks.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I'm 18 lbs down somehow and I've not really changed much in my diet or fitness wise, just a few tweaks.

I`ve virtually cut out bread and butter and even cheese,but do have the occasional mixed crackers with some grated Cheshire Cheese.The missus works for the BHF and one of the young volunteer lads has lost an incredible 9 stone in 12 months and survived on hardly anything other than Special K,three time a day !! However he did incorporate 3 times a week gym work outs.
oakiecokie said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I'm 18 lbs down somehow and I've not really changed much in my diet or fitness wise, just a few tweaks.

I`ve virtually cut out bread and butter and even cheese,but do have the occasional mixed crackers with some grated Cheshire Cheese.The missus works for the BHF and one of the young volunteer lads has lost an incredible 9 stone in 12 months and survived on hardly anything other than Special K,three time a day !! However he did incorporate 3 times a week gym work outs.

what would he prefer, 9 stone or 9 years off his life?

know I'm being a bit of a dick on that but that's not healthy for you, just by switching to slightly healthier options and incorporating a bit more exercise over a gradual period of time makes a big difference, a proper routine as well. Breakfast, even if it's only light, I've found to be a big help, I don't snack anywhere near as much these days and that's a huge difference, as is eating at normal times.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
oakiecokie said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I'm 18 lbs down somehow and I've not really changed much in my diet or fitness wise, just a few tweaks.

I`ve virtually cut out bread and butter and even cheese,but do have the occasional mixed crackers with some grated Cheshire Cheese.The missus works for the BHF and one of the young volunteer lads has lost an incredible 9 stone in 12 months and survived on hardly anything other than Special K,three time a day !! However he did incorporate 3 times a week gym work outs.

what would he prefer, 9 stone or 9 years off his life?

know I'm being a bit of a dick on that but that's not healthy for you, just by switching to slightly healthier options and incorporating a bit more exercise over a gradual period of time makes a big difference, a proper routine as well. Breakfast, even if it's only light, I've found to be a big help, I don't snack anywhere near as much these days and that's a huge difference, as is eating at normal times.

I agree entirely with you ref that sort of diet can`t do you any good.Likewise mate,I find myself craving for snacks but have cut well down and I can`t remember the last time I even looked at a packet of crisps.Do like the odd choccy biscuit,but in moderation nowadays.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
oakiecokie said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I'm 18 lbs down somehow and I've not really changed much in my diet or fitness wise, just a few tweaks.

I`ve virtually cut out bread and butter and even cheese,but do have the occasional mixed crackers with some grated Cheshire Cheese.The missus works for the BHF and one of the young volunteer lads has lost an incredible 9 stone in 12 months and survived on hardly anything other than Special K,three time a day !! However he did incorporate 3 times a week gym work outs.

what would he prefer, 9 stone or 9 years off his life?

know I'm being a bit of a dick on that but that's not healthy for you, just by switching to slightly healthier options and incorporating a bit more exercise over a gradual period of time makes a big difference, a proper routine as well. Breakfast, even if it's only light, I've found to be a big help, I don't snack anywhere near as much these days and that's a huge difference, as is eating at normal times.

Agreed, I'd prefer to lose weight/ tone up using a routine I can stick to as opposed to that. There's no point denying yourself all the things you enjoy, just moderate it.
I`m going to start on the 5-2 diet today.

Went up to 18st 7lbs when on steroids for lung and joint problems,. I`ve recently finished the little white bastards after over 4 years of use, but still on other medication which stops my immune system attacking my body. I might have to take this for the rest of my life.

todays weight is 17st 4lbs

wish me luck.

I`ll need it
r.soleofsalford said:
I`m going to start on the 5-2 diet today.

Went up to 18st 7lbs when on steroids for lung and joint problems,. I`ve recently finished the little white bastards after over 4 years of use, but still on other medication which stops my immune system attacking my body. I might have to take this for the rest of my life.

todays weight is 17st 4lbs

wish me luck.

I`ll need it

Fucking hell mate, I hope they monitored you properly for side effects. I took steroids for nowhere near as long, and they cut the blood supply off to my hips. They didn't pick it up in time because they were incompetent arseholes. What should have been a simple operation to put a new vein into the hip, became a total double hip replacement in my 30s.
My uncle suffered similarly when he used them long term. Another side effect is causing brittle bones. He took them for emphysema and everytime he had a bad coughing fit, he cracked a rib.
If you've had a few health problems it might just be worth speaking to your GP about any diet just to be on the safe side. I've been at this 5:2 lark for just over a year now and got down from 13 1/2 st to about 11 1/2, it came down quite gradually but then evened off over the last few months which is just as well 'cause I reckon I'm about where I should be, so as far as I'm concerend it works. It has amazed me how effective it is as I don't feel like I've cut out much.

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