5:2 diet

Is this 5:2 principle meant to simply be a way of tipping the calories in/out balance or is it meant to have any additional benefits?

Do people find their concentration levels are unaffected on fast days?
nomorethaksintimes said:
Is this 5:2 principle meant to simply be a way of tipping the calories in/out balance or is it meant to have any additional benefits?

Do people find their concentration levels are unaffected on fast days?

Apparently has huge health benefits. There was a documentary on Horizon on the BBC last eat called East, Fast and Live Long or something like that. Basically says that by doing the 5:2 diet you will increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Has massive health benfits.
nomorethaksintimes said:
Is this 5:2 principle meant to simply be a way of tipping the calories in/out balance or is it meant to have any additional benefits?

Do people find their concentration levels are unaffected on fast days?


I stuck to this diet for 5 weeks, during which time I lost nearly a stone and my blood markers, like IGF-1, glucose and cholesterol, improved. If I can sustain that, it will greatly reduce my risk of contracting age-related diseases like cancer and diabetes.

From the Horizon programme on it.
It has other major health benefits which is why many are saying it is not a diet but a lifestyle in which weight loss is a side affect.

Demolished my wheetabix this morning, definitely worth the wait. Do your fast days have to be the same two days every week or can you mix it up?
Benarbia_is_god said:
First day completed. Had four boiled eggs throughout the day and lots of water. Found it extremely hard over lunch time made harder by the fact iv'e been working around ice cream all day but it was easier than I thought it would be.

Can't wait to have a proper meal tomorrow. Definitely something I feel I can stick to.

I bet your loved by everyone around you at the moment eating boiled eggs all day?
bammy blue said:
SWP's back said:
bammy blue said:
Gona give this 5:2 thing a try, I'm currently 19st 6lbs at 5'9 so not very healthy. How about we all have a weigh in day on a Friday to see how we are doing?
Mate having seen your chinese lunches on facebook (jealously), just knocking that sort of thing on the head will help immensely. That and cutting out booze during the week.

Haha that was a one off pal! Yeah the call of the carling is a big one for me, just ain't got anything better to do in the evenings so I go for a few (6-7) pints a night, verging on pisscan status there I know.....

you're not verging on pisscan status, you ARE well into into it. You're an alcoholic by any definition, and you need to knock it on the head seriously.
However, it is easy to see where you can gain massive health benefits straight away - by substituting the alcohol for low calorie drinks such as sparkling water, you'll lose fucking loads of weight, sleep better, have more money in your pocket, live longer, feel a million times better etc..etc..
The one thing I would advise is go see your doctor before going cold turkey - he will probably get you to see the Nurse regularly to discuss diet and so on, which you should do - I did, and it shamed me into getting my shit together, and was informative too.
At 5'9" tall, you could well have a target weight of say 11 stone, which means you're carrying nearly another person's weight around on you that you can lose- imagine how fantastic and light you'll feel once it's off!!

Best of luck and let us know how you're doing.
Danamy said:
Benarbia_is_god said:
First day completed. Had four boiled eggs throughout the day and lots of water. Found it extremely hard over lunch time made harder by the fact iv'e been working around ice cream all day but it was easier than I thought it would be.

Can't wait to have a proper meal tomorrow. Definitely something I feel I can stick to.

I bet your loved by everyone around you at the moment eating boiled eggs all day?

Had one for breakfast, two when I got home from work and one around 8' o clock so not all bad. Had 5 cans of diet cokes throughout the day because for some reason I feel it makes me less hungry although iv'e read it does the opposite.
Benarbia_is_god said:
It has other major health benefits which is why many are saying it is not a diet but a lifestyle in which weight loss is a side affect.

Demolished my wheetabix this morning, definitely worth the wait. Do your fast days have to be the same two days every week or can you mix it up?
You can mix it up however you like mate, you could even run two days on the bounce if you wished.
Hi fellas.
Thinking of starting this but just wondering if anyone here does this and goes to the gym to do weights etc.

I currently train 3 days a week, mon-wed-fri.

So when would people recommend I do the fast days?
or is it just not recommended at all?

Also, any more meal ideas for the fast days? I saw someone had chicken and veg which is something I would probably have as my house is full of it!
CTID101 said:
Hi fellas.
Thinking of starting this but just wondering if anyone here does this and goes to the gym to do weights etc.

I currently train 3 days a week, mon-wed-fri.

So when would people recommend I do the fast days?
or is it just not recommended at all?

Also, any more meal ideas for the fast days? I saw someone had chicken and veg which is something I would probably have as my house is full of it!

I'm no expert but i wouldn't imagine lifting heavy weight on a fasting day to be a good idea, especially when your looking for maximum strength?

Maybe someone will correct me if I'm wrong?

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