5:2 diet

SWP's back said:
CTID101 said:
I understand that so thats what I am asking, could I fast on the tuesday and thursday?
or would it still harm my body for the workout days?
Oh no mate, you'll be fine.

I'm currently doing weights 4 days a week, rugby twice and still going for a run (only about 3 mile) every morning and it's not been an issue.
Cheers mate.
Put my mind at rest.
Benarbia_is_god said:
Anyone doing it? Thinking of giving it a bash.

How much have you lost doing it? What do you eat on your fast days? How do cope with hunger pangs?

I'm doing 5:2. Fasting the two days. Monday and Tuesday. Just water.

Been doing it for 4 months. Combining that with a low carb diet. No sugar, flour, pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and no fruit. Some berries on occasion. But I've become so sugar sensitive that I think carrots are like candy. I've come to a point where when I enter a coffee shop, and they have pastries, all I see is sugar and flour. Frankly it disgusts me a bit.

Fuck sugar and fuck processed food. I cook everything from scratch. Every day. Enjoy cooking and enjoy food like I have never before.

Loving it.

Hunger? Either just say f*ck you or drink water. Hunger passes. The second day I don't even think about food and I get a serious energy burst.<br /><br />-- Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:49 pm --<br /><br />
True_Blue69 said:
Apparently has huge health benefits. There was a documentary on Horizon on the BBC last eat called East, Fast and Live Long or something like that. Basically says that by doing the 5:2 diet you will increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Has massive health benfits.

In the same documentary they mentioned rats that had grown new areas (cells) in their brain. That shit just blew my mind. Fantastic documentary.

Started fasting the next day.
SWP's back said:
minimalistic said:
I fancy giving this a go. I have done various diets in the past and have been told to avoid coffee. However, I drink a lot of it at work (with sweetener) and was wondering if anyone knows whether caffeine has a negative effect on this diet?
No have as much as you like.

But black on fast days.

Cheers. Will give it a go.
adrianr said:
Howling Wolf said:
CTID1988 said:
Might give this a go. Doesn't your body just store more fat after its been starved though? Or is that only when you havent eaten for a few days

i think this is the idea though you are creating a calorie deficit over the whole week, but the body doesnt start storing extra fat as the fasting days are only at regular intervals, a bit like the reason why people on ultra low calorie diets will have a cheat meal once a week.

btw i have been doing IF slightly differently, I fast from bed time till 6pm everyday. and then have an earing period between 6pm and 10pm. during the fasting period i just have protein shake first thing and at lunch.

I am gonna try 5:2 next to see if suites me better.

Hate to break it to you mate but what you're doing isn't IF. You're not fasting during the fasted phase, you're having breakfast and lunch :p

A 4 hour eating window is incredibly small to get all your calories in too (depending on what you're trying to do, loose weight/cut it's not so bad, maintain/bulk it's nearly impossible). Before going to 5:2 maybe try a Leangains style 16:8 (hours not days), properly fasting for 16 hours (not even a shake) and having a larger eating window to consume all your calories. My eating window is usually 1pm till 9pm, so a large part of my fasted state is sleeping, I can have lunch as normal and dinner as normal too. Only thing I have in the morning is a cup or two of black coffee.

Found this so easy to integrate into normal life as I was never really one for breakfast anyway. Getting through to 1pm is a piece of piss too if you have things to do in the morning (like work). Don't have to have any fasted days, still easy to do on the weekends, can still eat out in the evenings. If you find this doesn't work of course give 5:2 a whirl, but this may be a slightly easier starting point.

Well the way I understood it was during the fasting period you consume a quarter of your normal calories and then a normal meal during the eating window. I train everyday sometimes before work as well, so two protein feeds is very very roughly a quarter of what I might normally have in those hours. To be honest though my weight has remained stubornly at around seventeen stone, however I feel I have become leaner. I am a binge eater and over eat when I am training all the time and sometimes have huge gains and can put on stones inn weeks so personally I think I have had moderate success with this as it is controlling my eating.

I might try going till one like you say with nothing but suspect i will be more likely to over eat later on if I try this. Thanks for the info.
ManCitizens. said:
Would this be ok to do with Insanity or am I best off waiting until I've finished? Once I've finished I'm planning on doing weights Mon-Wed-Fri C25k Tue-Thur-Sat + cycling to work Mon-Thur (about 12km there and back).
You can combine the two quite happily.

I recommend them being done together if anything.
SWP's back said:
bammy blue said:
BigJimLittleJim said:
you're not verging on pisscan status, you ARE well into into it. You're an alcoholic by any definition, and you need to knock it on the head seriously.
However, it is easy to see where you can gain massive health benefits straight away - by substituting the alcohol for low calorie drinks such as sparkling water, you'll lose fucking loads of weight, sleep better, have more money in your pocket, live longer, feel a million times better etc..etc..
The one thing I would advise is go see your doctor before going cold turkey - he will probably get you to see the Nurse regularly to discuss diet and so on, which you should do - I did, and it shamed me into getting my shit together, and was informative too.
At 5'9" tall, you could well have a target weight of say 11 stone, which means you're carrying nearly another person's weight around on you that you can lose- imagine how fantastic and light you'll feel once it's off!!

Best of luck and let us know how you're doing.

Cheers for the words pal, gona start cutting back on the ale from monday. To be honest I can take or leave the booze, I never wake up thinking I could do with a beer or owt daft like that, its just when I go out it always seems to involve quite a few pints. Anyway looking forward to this, maybe posting the results on a Friday will help to encourage myself to lose some poundage, abit more of a challenge! Downloaded the my fitness pal app to help count what I'm eating also, looks quite useful.
Best of luck Neil, give me a buzz if you need any pointers or anything mate.

Cheers pal, need to sort meself out!
RP2 said:
I'm going to embark on this after the weekend. I'm now the heaviest I've ever been in my life. (Hit the 20st mark, at 6' 2")

I like the idea of a Friday weigh-in on here or something - even just updates from people who are doing this - it might act as motivation for some people.

I'm 20 stone and 6'3. Think i'll stick to Monday and Thursdays.
So, going to start this next week and just wondering what those who are on it eat during their fast days?

I saw someone mention some chicken and veg but any other options?
CTID101 said:
So, going to start this next week and just wondering what those who are on it eat during their fast days?

I saw someone mention some chicken and veg but any other options?
I just do two grilled chicken breasts and a bag of beansprouts but there are lots of good ideas here:

<a class="postlink" href="http://thefastdiet.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://thefastdiet.co.uk/</a>

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