5:2 diet

CTID1988 said:
Black & White, very arty!
You aint seen nothing yet.. I accidently got my days mixed up, did 5 days fasting and 2 days eating. To be fair though, i look the shit

First day completed. Had four boiled eggs throughout the day and lots of water. Found it extremely hard over lunch time made harder by the fact iv'e been working around ice cream all day but it was easier than I thought it would be.

Can't wait to have a proper meal tomorrow. Definitely something I feel I can stick to.
10 days in 4lbs down. Fast days I don't eat until
Lunch and have a bowl of Heinz soup and a piece
Fruit. I have been having salad/veggies with some
Chicken/fish/pork for my tea. Not started any
Exercise as yet apart from the walking to/from
Work which is about 3 miles a day approx
Howling Wolf said:
CTID1988 said:
Might give this a go. Doesn't your body just store more fat after its been starved though? Or is that only when you havent eaten for a few days

i think this is the idea though you are creating a calorie deficit over the whole week, but the body doesnt start storing extra fat as the fasting days are only at regular intervals, a bit like the reason why people on ultra low calorie diets will have a cheat meal once a week.

btw i have been doing IF slightly differently, I fast from bed time till 6pm everyday. and then have an earing period between 6pm and 10pm. during the fasting period i just have protein shake first thing and at lunch.

I am gonna try 5:2 next to see if suites me better.

Hate to break it to you mate but what you're doing isn't IF. You're not fasting during the fasted phase, you're having breakfast and lunch :p

A 4 hour eating window is incredibly small to get all your calories in too (depending on what you're trying to do, loose weight/cut it's not so bad, maintain/bulk it's nearly impossible). Before going to 5:2 maybe try a Leangains style 16:8 (hours not days), properly fasting for 16 hours (not even a shake) and having a larger eating window to consume all your calories. My eating window is usually 1pm till 9pm, so a large part of my fasted state is sleeping, I can have lunch as normal and dinner as normal too. Only thing I have in the morning is a cup or two of black coffee.

Found this so easy to integrate into normal life as I was never really one for breakfast anyway. Getting through to 1pm is a piece of piss too if you have things to do in the morning (like work). Don't have to have any fasted days, still easy to do on the weekends, can still eat out in the evenings. If you find this doesn't work of course give 5:2 a whirl, but this may be a slightly easier starting point.
bammy blue said:
Gona give this 5:2 thing a try, I'm currently 19st 6lbs at 5'9 so not very healthy. How about we all have a weigh in day on a Friday to see how we are doing?
Mate having seen your chinese lunches on facebook (jealously), just knocking that sort of thing on the head will help immensely. That and cutting out booze during the week.
SWP's back said:
bammy blue said:
Gona give this 5:2 thing a try, I'm currently 19st 6lbs at 5'9 so not very healthy. How about we all have a weigh in day on a Friday to see how we are doing?
Mate having seen your chinese lunches on facebook (jealously), just knocking that sort of thing on the head will help immensely. That and cutting out booze during the week.

Haha that was a one off pal! Yeah the call of the carling is a big one for me, just ain't got anything better to do in the evenings so I go for a few (6-7) pints a night, verging on pisscan status there I know.....
Did my first day yesterday, piece of toast for breakfast, and gammon and salad at tea, plus loads of water.

Felt it round lunch, but think once i get into a routine it will get a bit better.

Gonna do Monday and Thursday as my fasting days.
bammy blue said:
SWP's back said:
bammy blue said:
Gona give this 5:2 thing a try, I'm currently 19st 6lbs at 5'9 so not very healthy. How about we all have a weigh in day on a Friday to see how we are doing?
Mate having seen your chinese lunches on facebook (jealously), just knocking that sort of thing on the head will help immensely. That and cutting out booze during the week.

Haha that was a one off pal! Yeah the call of the carling is a big one for me, just ain't got anything better to do in the evenings so I go for a few (6-7) pints a night, verging on pisscan status there I know.....
Mate at 230 calories per pint, that is 1,610 calories per day in alcohol. (or for your heaight nearly 2/3's of your daily allowance).

Need to cut it out, I managed to stop a bottle of red every day. It can be done fella.
Typical day i eat

Breakfast: Porridge & banana
Mid-Morning: Apple
Lunch: Ham& Cream cheese bagel & Nuts
Tea: Chicken, Sweet Potato, Loads of Veg

If i need a snack i will eat grapes, celery sticks or a handfull of nuts (ooh-er)

Eating like this though seems to be giving me headaches.... any reason why? I drink 2 litres or more of water a day so it cant be that.

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