Impeccable One
Well-Known Member
I just realized, you have hit the nail on the head !It is making it harder for all Members for the big games, especially without knowing last season when attendance patterns dipped for a lot of people.
More are being top sliced for other money making schemes, like they do with away tickets. Otherwise they would just do it on a sliding scale.
This has nothing to do with ensuring local/loyal fans get tickets, or keeping away fans out, this is to ensure they have 2,000+ (my estimate) seats they can bundle in to hospitality packages that have far greater margin on them.
We used to have 5 or 6 or 7 onsite hospitality options, at different service/cost levels. Now take a look ...
Hospitality v United
EXCLUDING boxes and other packages greater than a grand ! (There are 6 of these) :O there are another 11 packages on & off site that include food, the majority of these have 3rd tier seats, not premium, and the price of these packages is 300-800 quid.
11 packages, 200 seats per package(my guess), average price 550 quid = > 1.2 million quid for just over 2,000 seats they've avoided selling to people like me for 55 quid. This is an over simplified calculation, but you get the jist of what's going on here. I always thought the shouts of the 'regular man being priced out' were taken to the extreme. But now I can see it with my own eyes.