A question for WHEELSY

Wheelsy OSC Sydney said:
I just wanted it more/was more desperate I guess and sounded out every avenue for purchasing a ticket, as plenty of others did.

I think that was the key Wheelsy,

but there was no need for you or your "disciples" to be disparaging of the OP just because he was a bit niave in the art of obtaining tickets by fair means or foul.
Didsbury Dave said:
Good on you Wheelsey.

If I was in your position I would have done exactly the same.

I've begged, borrowed, blagged my way to tickets before.

Fuck it, it's part of football. there have been lots of games where I haven't qualified for tickets and I've done whatever it takes. Gillingham at Wembley, I got tickets off my dad's mate. They went to people with a certain number of ticket stubs and I got a load together and dished them out to a couple of mates who got tickets. Blackburn 2000, I booked the corporate trip way in advance on a hunch it would be a do or die. Cup final 81 the local priest got me one somehow.

I could go on and on. If I can't get a ticket from City for a big game i'll try to get one from the home team. If it comes to it I'll go to the ground and use a tout.

There's only ever been one game where I ended up missing the game and sitting outside the stadium - the 1-1 OT draw where Brightwell scored.

Its every man for himself when it comes to tickets. If we get to Istanbul I will do anything to get one. If I had to pay thousands I would.

Ignore these idiots, Wheelsey.

Were they Protestant or catholic tickets?
blueju said:
emptypockets said:
I have a question too - does the water in your toilet flush clockwise or anti-clockwise?

It actually goes the same way...it just looks reversed cos we are upside down ;)

Where abouts in Perth Blueju, only the rest of my family now live in Duncraig.
Citytillidie69 said:
Wheelsy OSC Sydney said:
I just wanted it more/was more desperate I guess and sounded out every avenue for purchasing a ticket, as plenty of others did.

I think that was the key Wheelsy,

but there was no need for you or your "disciples" to be disparaging of the OP just because he was a bit niave in the art of obtaining tickets by fair means or foul.

He was being more than naive. He was asking him how he felt about depriving "fellow blues" of tickets.

Despite his pleas of it being an innocent question, it wasn't.
Citytillidie69 said:
blueju said:
emptypockets said:
I have a question too - does the water in your toilet flush clockwise or anti-clockwise?

It actually goes the same way...it just looks reversed cos we are upside down ;)

Where abouts in Perth Blueju, only the rest of my family now live in Duncraig.

Near Rockingham mate, in a suburb called Baldivis. Ive heard of Duncraig but ive got a feeling its North of the city and we are South.
blueju said:
Citytillidie69 said:
blueju said:
emptypockets said:
I have a question too - does the water in your toilet flush clockwise or anti-clockwise?

It actually goes the same way...it just looks reversed cos we are upside down ;)

Where abouts in Perth Blueju, only the rest of my family now live in Duncraig.

Near Rockingham mate, in a suburb called Baldivis. Ive heard of Duncraig but ive got a feeling its North of the city and we are South.

Baldivis, middle of nowhere! Though to be fair, most places in WA are in the middle of nowhere though!

I was over last month, mostly around Rockingham. Perth is a great place once you leave the city, the beaches are great (nowt much else to do though, tbh).
wheelsy i would have been on some photos from shalke taken outside antrim 8 bar (spelling prob wrong) if your blue roo haddent got in the way how you feel about that robbing me of immortality hey

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