According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

I was also gutted when Martyn Margetson left the club, as he had the best signature in the first team at the time.


A great loss!
If he's so desperate to leave city then he surely won't mind taking a pay cut,so any club wanting to buy him can pay the huge transfer fee and not have to worry about paying the ugly twat a quarter of a mill a week.
Let's see how desperate he really is to be with or nearer his daughters.
City hold all the ace's Carlos... so it's your move now you tosser.
Blue Haze said:
Could be old news, but LOL Blue Moon cited in The Independent.

The Blue Moon website forum encapsulated the mood as usual, late last night, in the post which, in a cleaned up form, read: "Sorry Carlos but today is Gaël Clichy day. So if you wouldn't mind... We'll deal with you tomorrow."
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 07116.html</a>

lol, do we know who actually posted that?
He wants to go that much he won't take a pay cut. He always tries to give his all. But his time is up bye bye. Lets see how long he lasts at his next club. All who have ever spoke about him say he moans. If he want to be with his kids why does he just not come back? Fuck all we could do about it. He just could'nt play again. But with his millions he does'nt need to. He's out staying his welcome now.
adrianr said:
Sorry Carlos and Kia, but today is Gael Clichy day. So if you both wouldn't mind fucking off, we'll deal with your boring shit tomorrow. Tar.
shame they 'cleaned it up'
We played far better without him towards the end of the season, much more as a team, the great thing is that our true Captain will be recognized, move on next please
its just another excuse in a long list of pitiful excuses.

oh, City refuse to discuss a new contract, i'll hand in a transfer request.
oh, nothing to do it manchester.
oh, it always raining in manchester.
oh, i cant be arsed to learn english even though i've lived here for over 5 years.
oh, i'll sign a 5 year contract, take my £150k a week and still act like a twat.

fair enough ... no one wants to keep a player from his family. so obviously its a move back to Argentina that he wants. oh, maybe Spain, after all they speak Spanish there, and its sunny and there must be something to do there surely?

Trouble is .... he has no bargaining chips.

He has 3 years left on his contract, so City arent in a desperate need to sell him if he's refusing to sign a new deal.
He's worth at least £35m so City arent going to let that just walk out the door.
Is there any club that would actually want to sign him and the baggage that comes with him ie. his agent (isnt it funny that Mark Hughes, hasnt got a new job yet somewhere .... same agent ... see a pattern?), who have demonstrated in the past they arent the easiest to work with?

Barca might have gone for him, but would be scared off by a £40m price tag if their main targets are Fabregas and Sanchez.
Madrid might be interested, but they'd have to sell a few before that happens.
No Argie clubs will pay £35m+ for him.
Milan, Inter, Bayern, Juve could have a go, but how different is Italy compared to England, at least England is closer to Argentina than Italy is.

City need to stand firm, sympathise to a degree, but still act like a company.
If a club bids then let him go.
He can buy himself out of his current contract, which is £30m for any potential transfer fee City would get and the wages he was due to earn, which is about £15m over the 3 years, so buying himself out for £45m.
If he refuses to come back from South America this summer, suspend his wages and ban him from playing and even training with another team, until he returns.

Anything else would set a dangerous precedent if any player can simply walk out of his contract for personal reasons. Players are people, but they are still financial assets.
10am here in Perth, got up expecting good news on the transfer front, but end
up getting a kick in the teeth. Shame, he was a great player. The scum still
won without Ronaldo, so we shall win without Tevez.

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