Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

Skashion said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Well slap my arse with a wet kipper for getting that one wrong.

Feather and tar me, call out the army.
Don't be so harsh on yourself, you weren't the only one, and you didn't make the intellectual reference either. :)

In the scheme of things it isn't that important mate
scenecreamer said:
fuck him. he isn't being driven to another club! the sniveling little woman is whining to the press to get his ego stroked and in the process he's feeding the media's spin against Mancini.

SELL THE PUNK. He'll be seen for the lackluster, over-hyped, under-achieving, arrogant twat he's already proven himself to be.

and he won't be missed. he'll be kicking himself this time next year
I hate it when people sit on the fence!
For what it's worth, I said in pre-season he's massively over rated, haven't seen anything to change my mind, Saturday he had a real chance to make a mark and failed abysmally, flashy player, does the odd trick or two but can't affect games to warrant a place, but in saying that he's no worse than Milner or yaya or Barry for going's a conundrum but in the end only Johnson himself can make Mancini pick him more regularly by putting in performances on the pitch when given the opportunity.
The story in that rag by the way is rubbish, he would never leave and noone would pay his wages.
Didsbury Dave said:
DD said:
There's no point in ever arguing. They have been brainwashed into believing that flare and excitement are unneccesary evils; that a player who can run at defenders and actually frighten them a bit from time to time is not required. A bit of unpredictability should be consigned to the 1960s where it belongs. A couple of bad games and he's a bad egg, yet if Balotelli had the same amount of poor games, he'd be asked to be given time, because Mancini knows a player when he sees one.

It isn't even a question of being brainwashed, mate. It's a wierd cod-loyalty thing from the same names every time.

If anything negative happens at the club it is the fault of the media, the players, the backroom staff, the ex-players, Lawro, Ferguson, our plastic fans, Bellamy, Stephen Ireland, me, PRestwich Blue, Billy Shears or Platini.

Saint Bob can do no wrong. Haven't you seen his nice hair?

You talking to yourself again?
C1TY4LIFE said:
I don't get these type of players at all, being the same age as Adam (22) I would give my cock and balls away to play just 10 minutes in a City shirt with the potential he has, but for a player who was playing Championship football first team due to Downing leaving, Mancini signed this lad up gave him a hefty pay increase and the opportunity to be apart of a team fighting to be Champions that were the main cause he got them handful of caps for England yet chooses to spit his dummy out because he can't get in a team behind a world cup winner (Silva) or an established Premier League midfielder (Milner) then he is way over his head, he's good yes but nowhere near his potential which is scary knowing how good he could be if he just gets his head down and applies himself. Against Birmingham I thought he was our worse player couldn't pass and every time he tried to dribble past the defence just lost the ball.

Don't ruin yourself AJ your asking to be the next Kieron Richdardson, good but never reach your potential.

AJ playing shit will of course be the managers fault,he got his start and flattered to deceive.
gio's side step said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
You call it a leap of faith, i see it as knowing Balotelli can offer us more than Johnson based on what i've seen of the two players. Balo has shown he can perform for one of the best teams in world football but your right in terms of he will need to convince people and the only way he'll do that is with performances on the pitch however i certainly think he'll offer more to the team Johnson hence why i'd start Balo over Johnson at present. I think Johnson can go onto to be a very good player whereas i think Balo has the potential to be world class

I never meant it to come across as oh we have Balotelli so Johnson shouldn't be playing, i'd fine it hard to put a case forward for Johnson starting with or without Balo in the team at the moment from what i've seen of him so far this season especially when he's started games, thats the issue for me

I think what we are actually finding with this debate and something Ive been thinking for a while, is that we have assembled a big squad with a lot of perceived top players, (for all of the reasons discussed over the past year relating to the project etc) without working out a relatively consistent plan/team shape/formation. As a result of us not already having established ourselves as a top 4 side last year, and not having reached the carling cup final or won it, we are still at 'work in progress' level more so than ever when we signed another bunch of players during the summer, all with the aim of making us stronger.

But Im fed up of hearing what a great squad we have. How we have one of it not the best squad in the league. What about our first eleven or first fourteen for example? It's becoming increasingly disjointed, playing too many different players/shapes in different games. I am all for having options, and accept he hasnt had a first eleven to pick from on a consistent basis all season, but I sense more difficulties than solutions - which might be one of the reasons for the safety first football in the mean time.

For example, for me, Johnson should play. But then for you, Silva and Balo should play. For someone else, Milner should play. Add to that, Mancini does rate Barry, so it's unlikely he is going to be dropped. Equally, he hasnt spent all the cash to drop Yaya Toure. Then other fans think we need another striker in January to play along side Tevez. I think at some point, we are going to need to work out a consistent shape/team for a run of games at home where we need to create enough clear cut chances to be likely to win games. Not draw them. Modify from time to time due to the number of potential Europa games/FA cup/ away games etc, but sporadic team selections can lead to sporadic performances.

Sorry for this going against the thread, I do fear for Johnson.

To be honest i've enjoyed this debate and can certainly see your point of view. We all have our own opinions and theres always going to be people who think certain players should start over other players, thats football for you

I completely agree with you when you say we need to work out a consistant shape/team for a run of games, it makes it easier for the players to know where they should be playing and they'll get a greater understanding of each other. I personally feel Mancini would like to go with a 4-3-1-2 formation but unfortunately Adebayor and Balotelli for whatever reasons haven't been available for much of the season so it's been difficult to go with two up top and against certain sides such as United and Chelsea i think it's unlikely we'd go two up top anyway as we probably need to match them in the middle of the park

I don't want Johnson to leave, i think he can be an asset to us but at this moment in time i don't think he offers enough when he starts game. Does Milner? Thats also up for debate, i don't think he's been great and i certainly wouldn't have him playing from the wide areas
colin's bell helmet said:
ono said:
Mancini is right. Everyone on here wants us to be a top, top club. Unfortunately there are a few players who simply cannot play every week if we are to achieve this target.

Johnson is one of them.

@ Dave,

Of course every team in the league would want him in their squad. He can change games and he can make an impact from the bench. However, our attacking trio of Silva, Tevez and Balotelli are all better players. 4-4-2 isn't working well for us, because our options in the centre of the pitch really limit us to playing a 3. So that leaves a series of questions...

Do you feel we'd be a as solid with him in the side at the expense of either Yaya, Barry, De Jong or Milner? Maybe in some games, but against the top teams - no way.

Is Johnson good enough to change the system for? I don't think he is.

Do you believe Johnson would start for Chelsea, United or Arsenal? I don't.

Do you trust Johnson when we are playing a top side? Again, i don't i'm afraid.

He excites me, but for now Mancini is totally correct. He has to offer more than a couple of fancy runs. He needs to be assisting, he needs to be scoring and he needs to be helping the team.

It's a shame, because i like him, but i don't think there can be room for sentiment when we are expected to win every week.
i'm more a person that wants attacking players to be left to attack and leave the defensive duties to the defence, if a system that includes a back 4 of boateng,kolarov,toure,kompany and de jong/yaya just in front can't cope with looking after the likes of birmingham's strikers and needs the likes of johnson to track back almost as a full back at times then we've got some fuckin serious defensive issues. imo johnson looked average against birmingham because everytime he picked up the ball he was in his own half of the pitch and has to run 60/70yrds before he gets to an area of the pitch he can cause other teams serious problems by which point he's fuckin knackered.
The problem is, against the top sides he will be expected to track back, because top sides have top full backs who attack.

Cole, Evra and Clichy play as midfielders at times. In those sort of games, i don't trust him to get the better of Evra or Cole, nor do i trust him to track their runs.

He doesn't have to be running with the ball for 60 or 70 yards. That's probably the opposite of what Mancini wants him to do. Our game is supposed to be built around controlled possession, where we advance upfield as a unit.

If Johnson cannot find enough space to be effective, then he isn't versatile, or he doesn't have the football intelligence to be effective in a central role. Silva, Balotelli and Tevez all drift from their positions and are still effective for the team. Johnson can only really effectively play on either flank. If there is no space on the flanks or if he is up against a defender who gets the better of him, he needs other ways to be effective. So far he hasn't got them.

He's got a similar problem to Adebayor. Tevez plays centrally with Silva and Balotelli either side (or he will when everyone is fit). Now you'd expect Adebayor to rotate with Silva and Balotelli, but that won't really happen as Adebayor can only really play where Tevez plays. So if Adebayor plays, we have to either play 4-4-2 or play without Tevez.
Bigga said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He's clearly not read the thread so I didn't deem it worthy of a reply to be honest. I just smiled.

Maybe you don't read your own sh*te...?

Didsbury Dave said:
Don't take this the wrong way, Johnny, but anyone who wants Johnson to leave the club has no knowledge of the game. It really is as simple as that.

If you took the 18 managers of the premier league and asked them "Would you want Adam Johnson in your squad" you'd get 18 Yes's.

If you took the entire England squad and asked them "would you like Adam Johnson in your club you'd get 100% Yes.

If you took every football pundit and ex-player in the media and asked them "Are Manchester City better or worse with Adam Johnson in the squad" you'd get 100% Yes.*

It isn't a bold, brash, or contraversial statement. It's stating the bleeding obvious.

* What the fook is that bit about??

I'm saying AJ IS in the squad, not the FIRST team cos he doesn't deserve it!! You make out like he's left out, but he's not. He's made to sit on the subs bench and itch to play and GET IT RIGHT! Make himself un-droppable.

Wasting your breathe Bigga. Dave is never wrong, Mancini is at fault for everything.

DD or Dids Dave or whatever he calls himself has obviusly been taking his silly pills in this thread. He is making no sense. Trying to drag the topic off its original track and making it an anti-Mancini thread.

Johnson needs to get his head down and start producing when he gets the chance as opposed to piss it up the wall and chatting to the press.

It is another case of billy big balls syndrome now he has a couple of England caps and the lad needs a slap around the face and needs to wake up to the fact that he is not the finished article.<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:33 pm --<br /><br />
johnny crossan said:
Numptyed said:
fuck me all this time i thought there were 20 clubs in the Prem!

it's all too much for the doyen of the obvious I'm afraid, he needs a lie down and some soothing support from Billy & PB.

Lol - it is ok - he has DD ;-)

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