Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

Stillsy said:
flb said:
Steady on tiger

Like any new player who comes into a club especially from a lower division they always look good in the short term because they are fresh and new with a style that you cant read.

Defences have cottoned on to how to stop Jonno by sticking 2 or 3 defenders on him when hes attacking the penalty area.

You just said yourself hes shown GLIMPSES of what he can do-glimpses are not enough at the top level im afraid.

Listen,nobody is saying Adam is shit but you cant argue that he needs to improve on his game instead of becoming a stereo type winger like Darren fucking Huckerby.

There are plenty of players who have improved under Mancini-Adam can be another one-if he wants to.

Yes GLIMPSES and why is it only glimpses? Because Mancini isnt playing him. Evertime he plays he does something, even at weekend he ran accross the box and smashed one with his right that would have gone in but suprise suprise the clopter that keeps being played infront of him James Milner was in the way of it and stopped him from scoring

Thats just plain wrong im afraid fella apart from the Newcastle game and scoring against Juventus hes done little.

How many assists has he had?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
This is a real low blow from Johnson.

It is not condusive to anything, bar his own selfish agenda and ego.

There has been a noticeable change in this young man in the last few months.

I am an admirer of his talents and potential, even making a comparison with Giggs in particular traits.

However, I watched on Saturday as he accused team-mates of making mistakes, whilst acknowledging his own.

The gestures. The idiotic sniping celebrations towards Mancini, when he does get on the scoresheet.

Just two days ago, he attempted to drive a further wedge, citing City fans demanding he get on against United, and how gratifying it was.

Yet, aside from wonderful goals against Newcastle Juve, he has done jack shit.

His imput has been minimal. If he thinks it is difficult now fighting for his place, wait until we start winning things and buying better players.

He is symptomatic of everything which is wrong with the English perception of so-called world class players.

If he's English, and can do the fundamentals, he's the second coming.

His quotes about Mancini's mindset, however simplistic it may look to others, is rooted in jibe.

No wonder the war has not been won, when the battle is still being drawn out.

Johnson should be careful who he thinks he will alienate.

So that's your 15th cancer at the club, Tolm.

Maybe, just maybe there is a tumour needs removing.

Tick tock
flb said:
Mattyc55 said:
I find it amusing how a set of fans can go fro
Lauding Johno as the next best thing a couple of months ago, and some even claiming that he's better than Bale; to some of the bile being spouted about his game in here. It seems as if a lot of you have bought into Mancini's words concerning Johnson, but I guarantee you, Fergie and wenger would be chomping at the bit to sign this boy. Yes he
Might lose the ball a couple of times when he's dribbling which invites pressure on our defence, but fucking hell lads, tear are the type of players who win football matches. Ronaldo loses the ball often, as do the likes of Bale and Nani, but when they get it right, they create and score goals which win games. Johnson possesses a rare talent in an Englishman whereby he can beat 3/4 players, and has a good left foot to go with it. I just cat help thinking that another manager would let him play his game, and take the shackles off him which it seems Mancini has placed on him. I find it amusing that you're all blaming Johno for this situation, when it was good old bobby who came out in the press before a big game on sat and slated the kid again. He's probably playing with so much fear at the moment that he doesn't know what the fuck he's supposed to do.

Players like Adam, when in full flow, are the type of wingers that people go to matches to go and see, not fucking James Milner who looks like he's got a nosebleed everytime he ventures over the half way line. Mancini might never appreciate Johnsons game, but other top
Managers would. I agree his comments were a bit silly and easily mis-construed, but they're no worse than Mancini's the other day - I guess everyone has their agendas and people will probably read this as me slagging off Mancini's drab tactics, which to an extent, I am.

Its a team that win football matches,not sea lions juggling the ball like Johnson (at the moment) or that other player we seem to be doing better without Stephen "every manager ive played under is shit" Ireland.

Johnson has soon been found out im afraid by other teams defenses and needs to change his game for the good of hiself.

Im not deluded into thinking that everyone on the pitch should be capable of running past people and creating something special - but when you've got 3, yes 3, defensive minded midfielders on the pitch, it isnt really too much to ask for to have a jinky winger who might well lose the ball once or twice when hes making things happen. Instead, Mancini planks ANOTHER workmanlike midfielder on the right, and we end up struggling to make things happen at the business end of the pitch. For example, with Messi/Pedro for Barca (and I know theyre a much better side), they allow him these players the attacking freedom due to the fact theyve got Busquets/Keita and Xavi sitting behind him. Its all about balance, and at the moment Mancini's stupidly favours not conceding goals. The shots/goalscoring stats dont lie. Silva should be played at the head of the 3, and our wingers should be given the freedom we need to start winning some football games. Its not as if Johno is comparable to Robinho in that he never gets back - I think the lad puts a shift in defensively when required.
I've been pointing out to people that he is terribly overrated for several months, and I can see that there has been a real change from 95% of bluemooners defending him and licking his arse, to around 40% now I reckon. Another few chances missed, and even more will see him for the player that he really is.

He is ineffective, doesn't have the right attitude, hasn't improved, and we have many better options. He isn't even young for gods sake. Milner gets slated on here for not actually doing anything wrong, Johnson has been defended for disappearing for 85 minutes whenever he starts as he is a 'young' player - he is only a year younger than Milner!!!
Stillsy said:
flb said:
Steady on tiger

Like any new player who comes into a club especially from a lower division they always look good in the short term because they are fresh and new with a style that you cant read.

Defences have cottoned on to how to stop Jonno by sticking 2 or 3 defenders on him when hes attacking the penalty area.

You just said yourself hes shown GLIMPSES of what he can do-glimpses are not enough at the top level im afraid.

Listen,nobody is saying Adam is shit but you cant argue that he needs to improve on his game instead of becoming a stereo type winger like Darren fucking Huckerby.

There are plenty of players who have improved under Mancini-Adam can be another one-if he wants to.

Yes GLIMPSES and why is it only glimpses? Because Mancini isnt playing him. Evertime he plays he does something, even at weekend he ran accross the box and smashed one with his right that would have gone in but suprise suprise the clopter that keeps being played infront of him James Milner was in the way of it and stopped him from scoring

Come off it, one half decent shot and little else in 90 minutes isn't the way to convince any manager that he's worth a regular starting spot. His ego is running away with him, I think Nige needs to pin him in a corner and "have a word"!
Adam Johnson = Huge Potential
Does he have anything to learn??.Of course he does...Like pass the ball to David Silva on sat and it's 1-0 against Brum...went for Glory...understandable but inexperienced...Milner did the same thing second half...We have a number of very good young prospects who need to buckle down and do what the boss is asking them.Would he be a starter in a Mourhino side for example??...not a chance.
Do the work first adam and the success will follow.
scenecreamer said:
flb said:

How many assists has he had?

the answer to this question says it all.

crap on Milner all you like, but stats don't lie

No they don't, but they also don't tell the full story.

I don't agree with what Johnson said, and i think he should give his head a wobble, but he is far from being a bad player, so why so many now want to make him out to be is a bit daft, and like most comments posted on here, short sighted.
Same interview, 2 different reports & headlines.
Please ignore Sun and read this :
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... g-man-city</a>

Come on City... Fulham 1 City 3 !!!!!!
I didn't read this report as if it was a condemnation of the Club, Mancini or his tactics. When asked a straight question whether he would leave if he wasn't able to get into the side he gave an honest response. He does, however, go on to talk about what the club must do for the rest of the season, and how they are actually in a good position at present. He also alludes to his own performance and recognises that he must continue to work hard.
This is just more biased, distorted journalism from that loathsome outfit.

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