Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

The attitude of English players is embarrassing. I could write for days on the subject but it bores me and more importantly, pisses me off.

Talented lads, aged 15-22, have the easiest start to life ever, doing something we'd all love to do, and earning money I can't even imagining having at my age (I'm 19). Seeing them, younger than me or the same age as me, with all that money is gut wrenching eg. Jack Wilshere is on £50k a week, complete joke.

They go through the early stages of adulthood with more than enough money that secures them, and they will never understand (unless they get released) a days hard work. Money changes people, and to have that much, being so young, creates you, the way you are and the way you act as you grow. Simply put, a spoilt prick.

To name a few; Richards (at an early age), Ashley Cole, Johnson, Barton, Rooney, Etuhu, Carroll, Agbonlahor have all been involved with contractual disputes, on-field incidents and off the field antics which have turned some supporters/players against them, albeit temporarily until they score and everyone loves them again. Even Onuoha (who's seemingly sensible) has moaned publicly about Mancini on a shitty football show rather than approaching him.

They are not in the same world as ourselves. They have all entered the football world at a time where 'footballers' no longer just play football, they are everywhere, and are known to everyone, and even have people aspiring to be people who 'know' them. Their attitude towards the game isn't that same as ours, they don't 'love' the club, and don't care as much as we do after losing a game. And to hear them complaining in the press or on TV about not playing enough (despite only breaking through about 3 years ago) and being flattered by interest from elsewhere (which really fucks us all off you know!) and demanding more money (despite being on £60,000 a week!!! what is an extra £40,000 to you!)...well, it sickens me.

Johnson, work your arse off and get in the team and shut up, or do one.

And as I finish, I realise this argument sounds familiar. Vieira/Bellamy's points.
robertdanmorris said:
ThreeTeamSupporter said:
So some of the players are getting very upset about the way Mancini conducts himself? Boo-fucking-hoo. I mean, Christ, every manager must have problems with characters in the dressing room. City are in the unfortunate position of every single issue being leaked to the press straight away, and poured over, and inflamed, and exaggerated.

Furthermore, what message would sacking him in the near future send to these agitators? Player power, we can do what we want, if we don't like the new manager we can get him sacked too. NO! THIS IS NOT WHAT OUR CLUB NEEDS.

Finally, I think the players who are having tantrums need to take a serious look at themselves. They're gobshiting about a man who one of the most exciting, outrageously talented players of his generation, who knows firsthand what it takes to succeed as a player at the very top; a man who's won silverware wherever he's been as a manager; a man who managed 3 Scudettos with some ridiculously big egos in the dressing room at Inter. They should be looking at themselves, and saying: have I earned the RIGHT to be airing criticism like this?

Now, it may turn out that Mancini isn't the right man for the job at City. We'll know a lot more by the end of the season. But the last thing we need right now, in this delicate transitional period, is for mediocre players to be openly or surreptitiously criticising the management.

And more on topic, as others have pointed out, Johnson never criticises Mancini in this article, it's all inference and bluster.

I wish i could think as positively as you. I really don't think it's dressing-room leaks - it's players coming out complaining that bothers me and it isn't just mediocre ones - Tevez for instance our star player clearly has issues with Mancini. I'm shocked how many negative stories there are and why people don't question the manager. I just wish we had a manager who could get our players working as a team and motivated for the smaller games. Blame the players if you want because it is them not performing - but they all have the ability to and for that reason i blame the manager!!!!

And I'm sick of city fans saying that we are doing better than last year and on target for fourth. Last season we missed out on fourth by a couple of points - and we spent around £100M since then - fourth should be a poor season not a good one this season!!!!!

You expect too much. Give me an example of a situation where a team with as many changes as we've had have become an instant hit? What we pay for players doesn't automatically turn them into Maradona at his peak. It still takes time for the system, the people, the language barriers and the ego's to 'gel'. The best analogy is that of sex. If you take your time, start slowly, build up the momentum and add a few quality improvements as you go along, you will ultimately end up with a longer term and more fulfilling experience. You can 'freshen up' your team over time to add more youth etc. However, if you want instant gratification and a change of face every Saturday night, you normally end up wanking - which, don't get me wrong, has it's place, but City have done enough wanking over the last four decades - I, for one, am ready for the 'real thing'.
Royaloak said:
robertdanmorris said:
I wish i could think as positively as you. I really don't think it's dressing-room leaks - it's players coming out complaining that bothers me and it isn't just mediocre ones - Tevez for instance our star player clearly has issues with Mancini. I'm shocked how many negative stories there are and why people don't question the manager. I just wish we had a manager who could get our players working as a team and motivated for the smaller games. Blame the players if you want because it is them not performing - but they all have the ability to and for that reason i blame the manager!!!!

And I'm sick of city fans saying that we are doing better than last year and on target for fourth. Last season we missed out on fourth by a couple of points - and we spent around £100M since then - fourth should be a poor season not a good one this season!!!!!

You expect too much. Give me an example of a situation where a team with as many changes as we've had have become an instant hit? What we pay for players doesn't automatically turn them into Maradona at his peak. It still takes time for the system, the people, the language barriers and the ego's to 'gel'. The best analogy is that of sex. If you take your time, start slowly, build up the momentum and add a few quality improvements as you go along, you will ultimately end up with a longer term and more fulfilling experience. You can 'freshen up' your team over time to add more youth etc. However, if you want instant gratification and a change of face every Saturday night, you normally end up wanking - which, don't get me wrong, has it's place, but City have done enough wanking over the last four decades - I, for one, am ready for the 'real thing'.

So City are a bunch of wankers then?
As alluded to in n-mcfc's's a true story about a youngCity player a few years ago when he'd just broken into the team.
The lad in question banked with a large high st bank and a friend of mine handled his accounts. The player in question had gone out to PC World and picked up about £2500 worth of computer gear signed an hp agreement and off he went with the gear. A couple of months later my friend gets a call from the lads agent asking him to pay PC World the required amount as the player had had some letters saying he owed money and they were thinking of court action against him for missed payments. My friend asked if he was on so much money, why didn't he just pay for the stuff when he went to get it? The agent said "he thought I paid for it all for him"
There you go, an example of how cosseted young footballers are.
flb said:
Royaloak said:
You expect too much. Give me an example of a situation where a team with as many changes as we've had have become an instant hit? What we pay for players doesn't automatically turn them into Maradona at his peak. It still takes time for the system, the people, the language barriers and the ego's to 'gel'. The best analogy is that of sex. If you take your time, start slowly, build up the momentum and add a few quality improvements as you go along, you will ultimately end up with a longer term and more fulfilling experience. You can 'freshen up' your team over time to add more youth etc. However, if you want instant gratification and a change of face every Saturday night, you normally end up wanking - which, don't get me wrong, has it's place, but City have done enough wanking over the last four decades - I, for one, am ready for the 'real thing'.

So City are a bunch of wankers then?

I suspect that we all, City included, have a little tug now and again.
n_mcfc said:
The attitude of English players is embarrassing. I could write for days on the subject but it bores me and more importantly, pisses me off.

Talented lads, aged 15-22, have the easiest start to life ever, doing something we'd all love to do, and earning money I can't even imagining having at my age (I'm 19). Seeing them, younger than me or the same age as me, with all that money is gut wrenching eg. Jack Wilshere is on £50k a week, complete joke.

They go through the early stages of adulthood with more than enough money that secures them, and they will never understand (unless they get released) a days hard work. Money changes people, and to have that much, being so young, creates you, the way you are and the way you act as you grow. Simply put, a spoilt prick.

To name a few; Richards (at an early age), Ashley Cole, Johnson, Barton, Rooney, Etuhu, Carroll, Agbonlahor have all been involved with contractual disputes, on-field incidents and off the field antics which have turned some supporters/players against them, albeit temporarily until they score and everyone loves them again. Even Onuoha (who's seemingly sensible) has moaned publicly about Mancini on a shitty football show rather than approaching him.

They are not in the same world as ourselves. They have all entered the football world at a time where 'footballers' no longer just play football, they are everywhere, and are known to everyone, and even have people aspiring to be people who 'know' them. Their attitude towards the game isn't that same as ours, they don't 'love' the club, and don't care as much as we do after losing a game. And to hear them complaining in the press or on TV about not playing enough (despite only breaking through about 3 years ago) and being flattered by interest from elsewhere (which really fucks us all off you know!) and demanding more money (despite being on £60,000 a week!!! what is an extra £40,000 to you!)...well, it sickens me.

Johnson, work your arse off and get in the team and shut up, or do one.

Quite eerily, I'm writing an article for a blog whereas I question the English mentality and why our players never seem to want to reach the next plateau in their development. They get a good wage, get a headline, shag a WAG wannabe and think they've made it.

Quite an astonishing and unique attitude amongst the English footballer.

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