Adam Johnson - How good is he really?

lancs blue said:
You are aware that after leaving Inter Mancini spent the next year watching the Prem on TV and even some live games when he was in London for a couple of months? I think he'll have known who he was alright.

Yeah I was aware of that, but it still doesn't convince me that he knows much about him, or that he's a Mancini player. By the way I'm not overly bothered that we didn't sign anyone else, I think we might have had a lucky escape with Merida, and I think we already have a good enough squad once all fit.
lunebleu said:
LongsightM13 said:
I have relatives up there and I've seen a fair bit of this lad. He's quality. An English player who is genuinely two-footed is rare. Bed the fact he is young, English, scores and makes goals, has a good attitude and really wants to be a City player, and I'm made up. Not the finished article but an excellent signing, especially as Chelsea were planning a 'Sturridge' in the summer.
I've got a mate who lives up there and he rates him, but reckons he's struggled a bit this year.----Boro fans call him 'Jinky'----for some reason!

I think we have got a fairly good perspective now on what we can expect from him. But what do you think the reason he's called "Jinky" is?
craigsteel said:
Not quite what we needed, We already have Bellamy,Petrov and Robiniho if ever gets the balls for it again so signing seems very strange, Could have done with right sided players to put pressure on the non performers eg SWP, we play a left winger on the right instead ...puzzling

This - it's a strange signing as Petrov is more experienced and quicker on the left and should be in front of Johnson, likewise Bellers. Weiss I think is a better prospect long term, and Johnson is not anywhere near SWPs league yet and isn't right sided in any case. Not what we need right now but the money didn't come out of my piggy bank so I'll trust to the club.
I know this is off thread but there have been loads of threads on this, so I'l just stick in a active topic, anyway.
Why arnt we playing Everton this midweek? we both aint playing so it would of been a ideal time to play.
Numptyed said:
I know this is off thread but there have been loads of threads on this, so I'l just stick in a active topic, anyway.
Why arnt we playing Everton this midweek? we both aint playing so it would of been a ideal time to play.

They are dragging it out till they have players back.
Numptyed said:
I know this is off thread but there have been loads of threads on this, so I'l just stick in a active topic, anyway.
Why arnt we playing Everton this midweek? we both aint playing so it would of been a ideal time to play.

FA Cup replays were scheduled for this week and I'm not sure City would want the match at the moment after tough games for the last two mid-weeks and in the next two mid-weeks as well.
Decent signing for me.

Pointless talking about Messi and players like that, they won't come to City until we're the finished article. At the moment we're just well placed contenders and nothing more.

All signings are disappointments if you compare them to Messi, Xavi and that lot.
KentBlue said:
I have faith in Mancio. If he thinks he's a player who can benefit the team then I'm happy to go along with him.

I cant see Bobby picking out Johnson and saying 'we'll have him' tbh.

Cant help[ but think given a choice Bobby would have bought someone italian or spanish.
People saying he is two-footed haven't watched him! he constantly cuts inside and tries to take everyone on, sometimes resulting in a stunning goal but quite often it is frustrating. As for his attitude, with us at least, leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not bitter or anything and i'm sure he'll work hard for you, but that's how he was with us.

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