Adam Johnson

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CTID101 said:
dctid said:
stand that Rogers twat
I know. With his tippy tappy football just fucking hoof it to Carroll.

back on topic.

I rate Johnson but he just hasn't progressed. First to 2nd season he got better but since then has gotten a bit arrogant and lazy. Not starting every week makes it hard to develop but Mancini sees him everyday and if he isn't impressing in training he can't start.

A move to somewhere like the Spuds would be a good move but we can't be giving them Ade and Johnson.

A move is best for all parties imo.

What on earth has Brendan Rogers done to anyone? Seems like decent chap to me, who plays good football. Are you taking the piss with your 'hoof it to Carroll' remark?
My source told me that he wears slip on shoes because he cant be arsed with laces and that is FACT.
CTID101 said:
dctid said:
stand that Rogers twat
I know. With his tippy tappy football just fucking hoof it to Carroll.

back on topic.

I rate Johnson but he just hasn't progressed. First to 2nd season he got better but since then has gotten a bit arrogant and lazy. Not starting every week makes it hard to develop but Mancini sees him everyday and if he isn't impressing in training he can't start.

A move to somewhere like the Spuds would be a good move but we can't be giving them Ade and Johnson.

A move is best for all parties imo.

Nothing to do with his style of football - more of the smug bastard way he comes across (to me at least)

Agree a move for AJ would be best but personally i would only make it a a loan move this season certainly not a permanent one
AJ no longer has a place in our new formation. He has not shown the defensive side of his game as Mancini has pointed out. Milner is now the best option in his place as he works the full flank on the right.
city diehard said:
Hope this is true, highlights player with a huge ego who has progressively got worse.

Are you fuckin serious??? I didn't find one thing wrong with that interview. Please highlight where he shows a bad attitude or ego in the vid.

Numerous celebrations last season (Wolves Away CC) where he didn't celebrate, as if he should be playing and that he scores worldies all the time. Egomaniac of the highest order and considering he aint' got the talent to back it up like Mario, he needs to go.

*My opinion is not based on one interview which some people want to claim.
dctid said:
city diehard said:
Hope this is true, highlights player with a huge ego who has progressively got worse.

Are you fuckin serious??? I didn't find one thing wrong with that interview. Please highlight where he shows a bad attitude or ego in the vid.

Just people looking to slate AJ yet again - he is what he is he has always looked awkward in front of cameras

I agree his on field performances have not helped his cause much but the level of slating by people on here is ridiculas based upon a single interview

Good job he did not throw his medal away yesterday and walked off in a huff but thats a different story - hope he goes out on loan gets lots of games and shows us all what he can do - lets face it he would have his pick of most clubs outside Rags and Chelski and maybe Le Arse

He's 25, David is 6 months older, this waste of space has hit his peak which is subservient to what we need. Get rid, simple as. Moreover, do you not think Mancini's frustration with him are for nothing? and wants him gone, so to pass people off who have the same opinion as Mancini, "as just having a go" is ludicrous.
he will end up in Spurs or Liverpool.

hopefully it will be a bid war for him, so we can get as much as we can off him.
I personally reckon he will stay but I'm indifferent towards him, at his current level he will never be more than a squad player at best unless he's willing to work hard to improve, something Mancini has asked of him on numerous occasions. If he were to go I wouldn't be to bothered so long as we get a decent fee for him (£10m+).
city diehard said:
dctid said:
Are you fuckin serious??? I didn't find one thing wrong with that interview. Please highlight where he shows a bad attitude or ego in the vid.

Just people looking to slate AJ yet again - he is what he is he has always looked awkward in front of cameras

I agree his on field performances have not helped his cause much but the level of slating by people on here is ridiculas based upon a single interview

Good job he did not throw his medal away yesterday and walked off in a huff but thats a different story - hope he goes out on loan gets lots of games and shows us all what he can do - lets face it he would have his pick of most clubs outside Rags and Chelski and maybe Le Arse

He's 25, David is 6 months older, this waste of space has hit his peak which is subservient to what we need. Get rid, simple as. Moreover, do you not think Mancini's frustration with him are for nothing? and wants him gone, so to pass people off who have the same opinion as Mancini, "as just having a go" is ludicrous.

Nice way to speak about one of our players. Stay classy!
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