Ade off?

Ade went missing on far too many occassions last year and if we signed an able replacement I wouldn't be sorry to see him go. If he hadn't have put in so many lacksidasical performances last year then Mancini wouldn't have been forced to scour the market for a replacement. Echoing what others have said, he ought to be knuckling down now and trying his damndest to get back in the side, not crying to the media about how hard done by he is. This is the first hurdle he has faced at city and he collapses and spits his dummy out. Pathetic. So what if we were trying to sign torres et al in the summer, players are commodities and commodities can be replaced.
Mancio said:
PowderBlue said:
We're paying him 160k a week, allegedly so its going to be difficult to get rid of him, but for me, the guy is an awesome talent and his head needs turning to point forwards. We're a squad rather than a team and they'll all get a fair crack his season, so he will get his chances. He just needs to MTFU

unable to win an header.
unable to hold a ball.
his first touch is shit.

hardly an "awesome talent"

Still shit talking anyone who's not "in" with the're so fucking predictable.
BillyShears said:
Mancio said:
unable to win an header.
unable to hold a ball.
his first touch is shit.

hardly an "awesome talent"

Still shit talking anyone who's not "in" with the're so fucking predictable.

please answer on the merits, point by point. otherwise you're just doing useless controversy.
It looks like Ibra and Robinho are both of to milan, and dzeko going nowhere, i think the adebayor for benzema deal may look more attractive considering his attitude, and the fact he ruined his one chance yesterday to prove he can better last season form - and ruined it - he proved his head and heart isnt with city. He was more of a vanity signing from the hughes era, we dont need him if there are better players who want to play for us.
Mancio said:
PowderBlue said:
We're paying him 160k a week, allegedly so its going to be difficult to get rid of him, but for me, the guy is an awesome talent and his head needs turning to point forwards. We're a squad rather than a team and they'll all get a fair crack his season, so he will get his chances. He just needs to MTFU

unable to win an header.
unable to hold a ball.
his first touch is shit.

hardly an "awesome talent"

He does posess awesome talent, my point being his attitude is not in the right place hence he isnt displaying it - but you knew what i meant.
BillyShears said:
It's a really simple situation for Ade. He's not first choice, he's a squad player. He knows City tried to sign the likes of Dzeko and Torres, so he knows he has no long term future at the club. He's not started a league game, and it looks unlikely he'll start many barring major injuries.

Someone explain to me, why under those circumstances, he's a prick for wanting to leave?

I really do wish we could be a little more gracious and a little less arrogant as supporters. We KNOW we can buy better. We KNOW we're bigger than any one player. So if a player wants to go, wish him the best, and move him on.

Sabster said:
BillyShears said:
It's a really simple situation for Ade. He's not first choice, he's a squad player. He knows City tried to sign the likes of Dzeko and Torres, so he knows he has no long term future at the club. He's not started a league game, and it looks unlikely he'll start many barring major injuries.

Someone explain to me, why under those circumstances, he's a prick for wanting to leave?

I really do wish we could be a little more gracious and a little less arrogant as supporters. We KNOW we can buy better. We KNOW we're bigger than any one player. So if a player wants to go, wish him the best, and move him on.


so how does this differ from jo for example, another player with no long term future, but who has managed to play himself into the squad? Ade needs to knuckle down, keep his trap short and start playing so he is undropable.
warpig said:
Ade went missing on far too many occassions last year and if we signed an able replacement I wouldn't be sorry to see him go. If he hadn't have put in so many lacksidasical performances last year then Mancini wouldn't have been forced to scour the market for a replacement. Echoing what others have said, he ought to be knuckling down now and trying his damndest to get back in the side, not crying to the media about how hard done by he is. This is the first hurdle he has faced at city and he collapses and spits his dummy out. Pathetic. So what if we were trying to sign torres et al in the summer, players are commodities and commodities can be replaced.
Adebayor forgets football is a team game, we can't be doing with players who don't want to be part of the team. I couldn't believe others thought on here we need another "top class" striker to go with TEvez, Balotelli, Adebayor and Jo, most City fans with a brain would know if that would happen, Adebayor would be sulkily finding his way quicker than you could say goodbye.
warpig said:
Sabster said:

so how does this differ from jo for example, another player with no long term future, but who has managed to play himself into the squad? Ade needs to knuckle down, keep his trap short and start playing so he is undropable.

Exactly! People rant on about he has the talent but he needs to show a proper attitude, knuckle down to some serious work and remined us of what talent he does have. Throwing your dummy out of the pram because you haven't been picked is unprofessional and shows both immaturity and arrogance (hardly warranted) of the highest order.

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