Ade off?

Chick Counterfly said:
Scoople said:
The last thing we need is more changes in the squad. Mancini should tell the players who are in the 25 they are staying + Milner if he arrives and announce publicly that is the end of transfers. Then we can get a settled squad and build for the season, any more changes and it will be christmas 2011 before the team can gel.

We saw the advantages of a settled squad at WHL, making small improvements in the squad at this time will delay getting settled and happy players who are aware of their job within the team.

Or do we want to be 15 points behind 4th spot before we start.

how many prem games in the next two weeks? 2?

Mancini is balancing on a pinhead, but he thinks he can scrape through until then. I think he probably will, we got away with it a bit at Spurs but we still got a good point. Better to get it right now, get the best squad possible.

But I agree, it's pretty unnerving. Hold tight!

Problem I can see is it must be unnervng for the players. It wouldn't suprise me if Ade wanted out, it's public knowledge that City wanted Dzeko, Ibra and Ballotelli. As for the other players are they going to think thats me next year?

Not a good way to treat players we may be relying on this year .
1.618034 said:
Mario Bail-out-elli


Partin' Petrov

Tara Toure

-- Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:07 am --

Alexsandar Kallitov

im not sure if you were getting at this but i thought of

aleksander call-it-off

Ta ta toure

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