Adebayor back at Carrington yesterday.

Pigeonho said:
FantasyIreland said:
timschaefer86 said:
I didn't realise the payout was so drastic, so I guess I can understand a little.

Still, he earns a week more than I earn a year, so it's hard to see anybody being unhappy with 80 grand a week.

Just a year,blimey i suspect it would take the majority on here at least 5 to earn his weekly wage,however irrelevant that fact is.
Away from the point of the thread, it really is grotesque what they earn. I know people on upwards of £80k a year and they have what I regard as a rich-mans lifestyle. Nice house, couple of cars, more or less financially independent. I earn just shy of £25k a year and on that I support me, my kids, pay my mortgage, bills etc etc and still have enough for a decent standard of living, though each week is budgeted. Earning £80k a year would be life-changing for me, which is why I then find it hard to comprehend how these guys earn £145k a week and what they must do with it! Imagine not ever worrying what your account was, and that you could literally buy what you wanted without worrying about it? Must be one hell of a fucking feeling I give them that!
Mmm..I am in a line of work where people are (relatively) well paid - though nothing like £175k a week I hasten to add (unless you get to the very, very top, and even then people don't earn that kind of money). I can assure you that (in general) people's lifestyles seemlessly adapt to the money they earn. I don't think my colleagues have highly extravagant lifestyles, but they find a way to spend the money - more expensive holidays, more expensive meals out, etc. etc., and it quickly disappears. Doesn't help to live in London, mind.

Obviously earning £175k a week is a different ball game entirely but to some extent the same applies. Think of how all these footballers buy silly properties, have 10 fast cars and spend ungodly amounts on clothes. And don't forget they have professional parasites buzzing round them whose only focus is on helping them spend their money. I think that, despite the money they earn, a lot of these guys end their careers with much less cash than you'd expect (especially if you add in a divorce or two).
bluestevei said:
why dont he go, he will be on say 100kpw, and he would get a signing on fee to help his wage shift. but if i was the owner/manager and people wouldnt move because of the money, i make them come in at 8 and stay till 5-6 six days a week and make them work for the money. you know painting, getting the kit ready for the first team, train with the young uns, cutting the grass at eastlands and carrington and running about getting the tea and coffee made.
I'm sure they were all put into his contract! ;-)
People forget that £175K per week isn`t what he`ll end up with in his arse pocket,with top Tax and NI Contributions will mean more likely to be approx £85K.
However,me personally,I think I could just about live on that x 52 weeks = £4.42M per annum.Lucky bastards all of `em !!
Braggster said:
Pigeonho said:
FantasyIreland said:
Just a year,blimey i suspect it would take the majority on here at least 5 to earn his weekly wage,however irrelevant that fact is.
Away from the point of the thread, it really is grotesque what they earn. I know people on upwards of £80k a year and they have what I regard as a rich-mans lifestyle. Nice house, couple of cars, more or less financially independent. I earn just shy of £25k a year and on that I support me, my kids, pay my mortgage, bills etc etc and still have enough for a decent standard of living, though each week is budgeted. Earning £80k a year would be life-changing for me, which is why I then find it hard to comprehend how these guys earn £145k a week and what they must do with it! Imagine not ever worrying what your account was, and that you could literally buy what you wanted without worrying about it? Must be one hell of a fucking feeling I give them that!
Mmm..I am in a line of work where people are (relatively) well paid - though nothing like £175k a week I hasten to add (unless you get to the very, very top, and even then people don't earn that kind of money). I can assure you that (in general) people's lifestyles seemlessly adapt to the money they earn. I don't think my colleagues have highly extravagant lifestyles, but they find a way to spend the money - more expensive holidays, more expensive meals out, etc. etc., and it quickly disappears. Doesn't help to live in London, mind.

Obviously earning £175k a week is a different ball game entirely but to some extent the same applies. Think of how all these footballers buy silly properties, have 10 fast cars and spend ungodly amounts on clothes. And don't forget they have professional parasites buzzing round them whose only focus is on helping them spend their money. I think that, despite the money they earn, a lot of these guys end their careers with much less cash than you'd expect (especially if you add in a divorce or two).
All the more reason to stay and bank his £175k a week!<br /><br />-- Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:28 am --<br /><br />
chrismcfc1 said:
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

Yeah great for the players , I am sure we as a club have learnt from it aswell
Which is why we didn't break the bank for hazard, sensible spending from now on
I say. None of them are worse than bridge what a joke no pride at all !!
Not really, fair play to him. He's coining it in, will have shit loads in the bank when he retires and will have the rest of his life, (from what, 36?), to spend it all. Only a mug would turn it down and only a mug would go elsewhere for less.
Adebayor may be standing his ground. Fair enough.

However, it may be that the offer from Spurs matches his current wages but maybe Adebayor senses an opportunity to get more money out of us.

Adebayor may be happy to train with the EDS for a year (when does his contract end?) but then he may well find that this does not benefit him in the longer term. Who would want to pay huge wages to a player, close to 30 years of age, who hasn’t played first team football for a year? Who would be willing to give a big contract to a player who was happy to pick up a large wage playing for the reserves? He may well find himself having to play in Russia or China to get the wages he craves. Didn’t he reject out of hand, the chance to join Zenit?

If the rumours were true, he should have gone to PSG when given the chance. But then Adebayor doesn’t appear to be particularly intelligent.
Pigeonho said:
chrismcfc1 said:
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

Yeah great for the players , I am sure we as a club have learnt from it aswell
Which is why we didn't break the bank for hazard, sensible spending from now on
I say. None of them are worse than bridge what a joke no pride at all !!
Not really, fair play to him. He's coining it in, will have shit loads in the bank when he retires and will have the rest of his life, (from what, 36?), to spend it all. Only a mug would turn it down and only a mug would go elsewhere for less.
Absolutely agree. The only caveat to that is that it's not completely clear how much better a deal staying is for him, when he's only got 2 years left given that Spurs would offer him a 4 or 5 year deal + a signing on fee that partially compensates for the drop in wages. If spending 2 years in City's reserves puts him in a bad position when he's out of contract in terms of getting a new deal, he might be making a mistake.

Having said that, I bet that in 2 years he would be able to find himself a decent gig at £70k+ per week - possibly more if he goes to the Middle East, Russia or China, who knows? So you can very much see why he's doing what he is doing.
The thing is, its unrealistic to expect anyone to take a salary cut to suit your ambitions. The club has made it clear they want him to leave, so its not as if they can call in a favour. Cant see any professional that would be too willing to take a significant paycut to facilitate the desires of an organisation that openly want him out.

IN addition, Adebayor takes his charity obligations quite seriously. Ive heard it a few times that he donate fairly large sums to certain African based charities so any significant drop in salary will also effect that side of his life.

All footballers earn too much money, but this is a problem of city's own making. You cant expect other clubs or the players themselves to fix it for you.
It's funny how fans have a go at Adebayor and his ilk for getting the best pay day that they can. That's what professionalism is about. The system, which City have exploited and to some extent helped to create and even worsen, produces these situations all the time. The players owe nothing to the clubs, or the fans, so, when they fall out of favour for whatever reason, tough titty to the club. No point in bleating on about the crazy pay the club agreed to - if its in the contract, that's the end of it. The same thing has been happening at Chelsea with players surplus to requirements throughout the Abramovich years.

I don't have any sympathy with Adebayor, but equally, I don't have any great sympathy about our owners, being stuck with a player who is surplus to requirements. The club took a risk with a few players, and we are fortunate that our owners can afford it. We've finished up where we want to be largely without Adebayor, though he was helpful at the outset of his stay with us, and his presence may have helped to attract a few other players who have helped us a little more along the way than he did.

He's almost an irrelevance now. If he goes for £5/6m, that's a great piece of business for the buying club. (Probably £10m less than it should be.) He had a pretty good season for Spurs last year, and they wouldn't have finished 4th without him. We'll never know how good he may have been for us - perhaps we saw the best of him as it was, but, he isn't as good as any of our top 4 forwards now, his face and attitude don't fit anymore,so, let's just wish him well on his way out of the Carrington door.

As for the comment that Adebayor 'doesn't appear to be particularly intelligent' I don't see any evidence for that, and I view that comment as bordering on being racial. Where's the evidence for that? No such comments made for Bridge, or Santa Cruz.
Amazing to see how quickly we've kicked on. From Robinho through to Adebayor to Tevez and now to Aguero. Each one of those were incredible signings for us to make at the time.
the blue panther said:
It's funny how fans have a go at Adebayor and his ilk for getting the best pay day that they can. That's what professionalism is about. The system, which City have exploited and to some extent helped to create and even worsen, produces these situations all the time. The players owe nothing to the clubs, or the fans, so, when they fall out of favour for whatever reason, tough titty to the club. No point in bleating on about the crazy pay the club agreed to - if its in the contract, that's the end of it. The same thing has been happening at Chelsea with players surplus to requirements throughout the Abramovich years.

I don't have any sympathy with Adebayor, but equally, I don't have any great sympathy about our owners, being stuck with a player who is surplus to requirements. The club took a risk with a few players, and we are fortunate that our owners can afford it. We've finished up where we want to be largely without Adebayor, though he was helpful at the outset of his stay with us, and his presence may have helped to attract a few other players who have helped us a little more along the way than he did.

He's almost an irrelevance now. If he goes for £5/6m, that's a great piece of business for the buying club. (Probably £10m less than it should be.) He had a pretty good season for Spurs last year, and they wouldn't have finished 4th without him. We'll never know how good he may have been for us - perhaps we saw the best of him as it was, but, he isn't as good as any of our top 4 forwards now, his face and attitude don't fit anymore,so, let's just wish him well on his way out of the Carrington door.

As for the comment that Adebayor 'doesn't appear to be particularly intelligent' I don't see any evidence for that, and I view that comment as bordering on being racial. Where's the evidence for that? No such comments made for Bridge, or Santa Cruz.

A sensible post. Don't agree that the comment about intelligence was racist, but I agree with the rest of your points.

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