Adebayor charged (Merged)

Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

ssg2 said:
Look who’s 6th on the list..................

The Decision Makers
Members of the Main Board are the non-executive directors of The FA.

Lord Triesman (Independent Chairman)
Ian Watmore
Dave Henson (n)
Michael Game (n)
Phil Gartside (p)
David Gill (p)
Roger Burden (n)
Neil Doncaster (f)
Sir David Richards (Vice Chairman) (p)
John Ward (n)
David Sheepshanks (f)
Barry Bright (Vice Chairman) (n)

What does that prove? The panel has to be made up of people from other clubs, it shouldn't but it is. If ex players were on the panel people would kick up a fuss about bias etc.
He'll get 3 matches for his stamp and a fine for his celebration and a warning over his future conduct.
Some of the paranoia on here is embarassing.

why are your every post in this thread bitter?

you remind me of that boy in the playground who comes up to a group in discussion and tries to butt in.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

Its only this weekend which is the big miss - sure we will miss him for other games but not so much as this weekend.

When is RSC back? FFS we need him now and he's still injured!
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

ssg2 said:
Look who’s 6th on the list..................

The Decision Makers
Members of the Main Board are the non-executive directors of The FA.

Lord Triesman (Independent Chairman)
Ian Watmore
Dave Henson (n)
Michael Game (n)
Phil Gartside (p)
David Gill (p)
Roger Burden (n)
Neil Doncaster (f)
Sir David Richards (Vice Chairman) (p)
John Ward (n)
David Sheepshanks (f)
Barry Bright (Vice Chairman) (n)

What does that prove? The panel has to be made up of people from other clubs, it shouldn't but it is. If ex players were on the panel people would kick up a fuss about bias etc.
He'll get 3 matches for his stamp and a fine for his celebration and a warning over his future conduct.
Some of the paranoia on here is embarassing.

What is embarrassing is losing to Burney. Now, GO FUCK YOURSELF RAG. You know full well a full strangth City side would take you apart on Sunday.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

Absolute bullshit, love how the "big four" always fuckin get away with it.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

Couple of things. The violent conduct charge - as an isolated incident city could probably put forward a good case to say he was off balance from a tackle from behind - basically tell the FA to prove he meant it.
However i think if people are honest with themselves it is fairly clear that he did mean it - even if you could argue footage is ambiguous.
We are fighting the charge over the celebration based on the fact that adebayor was racially abused and had objects thrown at him etc throughout the match (and the fact that he didn't leave the field of play etc etc). Therefore if we are to take the moral highground with the celebration situation then appealing against the violent conduct charge on ambiguous footage would pretty much undermine this.
I can't complain too much about the stamp but certainly do feel adebayor has been hard done by with the celebration.
City can take the moral highground and take the violent conduct ban on the chin and will stand a much better chance of a favourable decision over the celebration charge. Otherwise i think he will be found guilty of both.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

To be fair, the two charges are justified.

With such a high profile match with tensions from former players appearing against their previous clubs, the little things are always going to be picked up on. The RVP "stamp" was deliberate, although not perhaps as subtle as Ade intended. From some angles and at full speed you could claim it was accidental, or he was trying to avoid standing on him for example, but from another you can clearly see the twist of the ankle and the additional force put in to the "step". Yes, there are countless events that go in in games which should be punished that don't, but the fact is his foot intentionally caught him on the head whilst he was on the floor and drew blood. Violent conduct = three game ban. Sorry but it's true!

Regarding the celebration, he shouldn't have done it, it was wrong and it caused trouble. Ade had already been talking in the press about how the fans hate him which would have antagonised the crowd further. You are always going to have the "banter" from the fans but to be honest it goes way too far sometimes, even from City fans. The City players, Toure, Given and Bellamy amongst others realised the seriousness of the incedent and very quickly pulled him away. Again, this kind of incident is not without precedent, but after the West Ham/Millwall debacle the FA are taking a hard line on incitement and crowd unrest. If we're lucky we'll get away with claiming it should only be a fine/wrist slapping but I can see a ban for this too in the current climate.

We aren't powerful enough to blag our way out of this yet, we might not have high profile members of our board or fans in high positions in the FA, but the fact remains that both incidents were wrong and if it happened the other way round we'd be screaming for punishment to be handed out. It is going to be a long, hard season and we will do ourselves no favours with incidents like this. As a club we need to be 100% above board on all issues on and off the field, whiter than white and rise above it all, otherwise we're just giving them ammunition to shoot us down. Rose tinted spectacles off guys, this is now where it gets serious....
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

Inevitable that ClattenBERK has suddenly:
a) gone blind
b) had a bout of alzheimers

Because they knew, full well, that if he HAD seen it, then they couldn't have imposed severe penalties. Of course he is kow-towing and brown-nosing to his employers.

I'm not worried or upset as I can accept the inevitable, I'm just fuming at the bent inconsistent 'working man's club committee' that make up the FA. The fucking Wheeltappers and Shunters could do a better job of enforcing the rules!

1-2 to us on Sunday.
Fuck the rags.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

moomba said:
ssg2 said:
What does that prove? The panel has to be made up of people from other clubs, it shouldn't but it is. If ex players were on the panel people would kick up a fuss about bias etc.
He'll get 3 matches for his stamp and a fine for his celebration and a warning over his future conduct.
Some of the paranoia on here is embarassing.

A bit of consistency is all we are asking for, I understand as a rag (correct?) that you will have your own examples where the FA have made up the rules as they go along.

Simple fact though, the FA's rule allow a technicality where a player can't be charged for an offence that is clearly worthy of a charge. They have lied to get around this technicality.

Simple fact number 2,the FA have clearly stated on a number of occasions, that once punished (yellow carded) for an offence that no further action can be taken.

Man United players over the years have been the benificiary of this on a number of occasions.

So it's not paranoia, the facts leave no conclusion that the FA is not capable of administering their own rules impartialy.

I agree that united and others have escaped punishment in the past but they have also been punished but don't forget that some of the examples of united escaping punishment is when a lifelong scouser was cheif exec of the fa so the whole argument falls flat on its face. Gill has not been part of the fa panel for that long, david dein held a similar position for years, why didn't he punish united more as arsenal were challengers.
The FA are not biased and corrupt they are just shit
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

ssg2 said:
Bluemoon115 said:
SSG, just fuck off.
Just telling it how it is, there seems to blame for everyone but Adebayor himself. He fucked up, made a mistake and will be punished for it.
As I've said I thought his celebration was class and don't have any issues about that at all, but people trying to defend his kick out must be looking at a different video to me.
Like I said yesterday, when all your twatty players get banned for their violent conduct charges, your allowed an opinion on the matter (oh and I proved every one of your counter arguments to be made up shite), untill then, go away.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

i see skies of blue said:
To be fair, the two charges are justified.

With such a high profile match with tensions from former players appearing against their previous clubs, the little things are always going to be picked up on. The RVP "stamp" was deliberate, although not perhaps as subtle as Ade intended. From some angles and at full speed you could claim it was accidental, or he was trying to avoid standing on him for example, but from another you can clearly see the twist of the ankle and the additional force put in to the "step". Yes, there are countless events that go in in games which should be punished that don't, but the fact is his foot intentionally caught him on the head whilst he was on the floor and drew blood. Violent conduct = three game ban. Sorry but it's true!

Regarding the celebration, he shouldn't have done it, it was wrong and it caused trouble. Ade had already been talking in the press about how the fans hate him which would have antagonised the crowd further. You are always going to have the "banter" from the fans but to be honest it goes way too far sometimes, even from City fans. The City players, Toure, Given and Bellamy amongst others realised the seriousness of the incedent and very quickly pulled him away. Again, this kind of incident is not without precedent, but after the West Ham/Millwall debacle the FA are taking a hard line on incitement and crowd unrest. If we're lucky we'll get away with claiming it should only be a fine/wrist slapping but I can see a ban for this too in the current climate.

We aren't powerful enough to blag our way out of this yet, we might not have high profile members of our board or fans in high positions in the FA, but the fact remains that both incidents were wrong and if it happened the other way round we'd be screaming for punishment to be handed out. It is going to be a long, hard season and we will do ourselves no favours with incidents like this. As a club we need to be 100% above board on all issues on and off the field, whiter than white and rise above it all, otherwise we're just giving them ammunition to shoot us down. Rose tinted spectacles off guys, this is now where it gets serious....

It's not Ade's fault the arse fans are animals. UNLIKE the Man city fans who can keep themselves under control.

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