Adebayor charged (Merged)

Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

shaiomarali said:
for the first time in an FA appeal, scientific and technological evidence will be used.

a team of scientists from NASA and MIT who are experts in the physics of the body and body motion will present a frame-by-frame movement of adebayor's gait and swagger in renditions of circumstances, including but not limited to avoiding a double footed tackle by a wanker.

in addition, a polygraph will be performed in situ, supervised by FBI and M16 agents to assess authenticity.

I don't think you're entitled representation in these hearings, but I definately think human motion experts should be consulted over this.

I remember an Aussie Rules player many years ago being charged over what looked a clear bite on the arm of a player. The Human Motion expert came in and proved by the movement of the players skin that it wasn't a bite.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

What about Song for booting Adebayor?

What about RVP for his celebrations not to mention his tackle in the 'stamping' incident? what about his comments after the game? Surely bringing the game into disrepute - slander of a fellow professional?!

And how did the referee not see it - he was right next to the incident ffs!!!

Effin jokers, the lot of them. We may as well have a room full of chimps running football in this country.

You'll see similar things happening up and down the country this weekend, and not a fooking thing will get done about it. Its a joke.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...


I've said it before and I'll say it again - FOOTBALL IS CORRUPT. How much more proof do people need? We're being tried by Arse and Rags, hardly fair.

Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

moomba said:
shaiomarali said:
for the first time in an FA appeal, scientific and technological evidence will be used.

a team of scientists from NASA and MIT who are experts in the physics of the body and body motion will present a frame-by-frame movement of adebayor's gait and swagger in renditions of circumstances, including but not limited to avoiding a double footed tackle by a wanker.

in addition, a polygraph will be performed in situ, supervised by FBI and M16 agents to assess authenticity.

I don't think you're entitled representation in these hearings, but I definately think human motion experts should be consulted over this.

I remember an Aussie Rules player many years ago being charged over what looked a clear bite on the arm of a player. The Human Motion expert came in and proved by the movement of the players skin that it wasn't a bite.

quick! get him on a plane to manchester! fast track it!
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

of course they aren't gonna charge van molester....he plays for the Sky 4 remember and that would upset the Paedo and the Rags who are fucking shitting in their little Devonian booties!
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

As expected fellow Blues the F.A have done us big-time, this is sign of things to come as we try to break entry into the old boys club, they will do us for everything they can get away with.... I hope we appeal this charge... it's strange how they have not annouced what the ban would be so we can at least get reduced.

To salfords we go and a RESULT is what WE WILL GET
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

Adebayor should not appeal. There is no point in raising more profile against this incident. The ban has been called & the FA wont go back on it.
We won the game & City are in a good position. Ade can only come back stronger & better for it, IMO.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

shaiomarali said:
i see skies of blue said:
To be fair, the two charges are justified.
With such a high profile match with tensions from former players appearing against their previous clubs, the little things are always going to be picked up on. The RVP "stamp" was deliberate, although not perhaps as subtle as Ade intended. From some angles and at full speed you could claim it was accidental, or he was trying to avoid standing on him for example, but from another you can clearly see the twist of the ankle and the additional force put in to the "step". Yes, there are countless events that go in in games which should be punished that don't, but the fact is his foot intentionally caught him on the head whilst he was on the floor and drew blood. Violent conduct = three game ban. Sorry but it's true!
you forgot about the part where van persie turned his head around. if he didnt ade would be kicking the top of his head. if it even was intentional, it was never to poke an eye out. even kungfu masters might not have that precision when the target is dynamic.
I never mentioned anything about an eye, RVP may have done, but that is not the point. What do you think the outcome would be if he kicked him on the top of his head then?!
Did he kick out/stamp deliberately? YES!
Have the FA ever gone back and retrospectively banned anyone for violent conduct? YES!
shaiomarali said:
i see skies of blue said:
Regarding the celebration, he shouldn't have done it, it was wrong and it caused trouble. Ade had already been talking in the press about how the fans hate him which would have antagonised the crowd further. You are always going to have the "banter" from the fans but to be honest it goes way too far sometimes, even from City fans. The City players, Toure, Given and Bellamy amongst others realised the seriousness of the incedent and very quickly pulled him away. Again, this kind of incident is not without precedent, but after the West Ham/Millwall debacle the FA are taking a hard line on incitement and crowd unrest. If we're lucky we'll get away with claiming it should only be a fine/wrist slapping but I can see a ban for this too in the current climate.
we all agreed it was poor taste ok. but this is subjective, and the fact that other acts of similar nature go unpunished is the reason why people are not happy about it.
At least on this we have precedent on our side. Other cases HAVE been punished before, but mainly with fines/warnings and not with bans. If he does get a ban for this, then we may have a case for discrimination, but with the image of the game at stake with a world cup bid on the cards, and after the W Ham/Millwall incident (as discussed in my quote), wouldn’t surprise me if they took a hard line on this. There is no place for crowd violence / abusive chanting in football. The Arsenal fans are guilty on both counts, but if Ade hadn’t ran the length of the pitch the crowd trouble wouldn’t have happened.
shaiomarali said:
i see skies of blue said:
We aren't powerful enough to blag our way out of this yet, we might not have high profile members of our board or fans in high positions in the FA, but the fact remains that both incidents were wrong and if it happened the other way round we'd be screaming for punishment to be handed out. It is going to be a long, hard season and we will do ourselves no favours with incidents like this. As a club we need to be 100% above board on all issues on and off the field, whiter than white and rise above it all, otherwise we're just giving them ammunition to shoot us down. Rose tinted spectacles off guys, this is now where it gets serious....

when we scream for punishment, our efforts are not heard (swp, the recent rvp, the racial abuse of the arsenal fanse, etc.). but when other clubs do it, somehow we get more than we deserve. thats the issue.
Agreed to an extent, hence the point about of lack of power at the moment. Is it all part of “the fear” from the big four who are now taking us seriously and trying to hold us back? Could be, but do we want to be one of those clubs who go whining to the FA (a la Arsenal/Man U) when we don’t get our way? Not really. We want to win things fairly, on our own terms, with grace and dignity, that way they can have nothing against us to knock us down with when we get what we deserve.
Mark Clattenburg = Dishonest

how can this clown say he didn't see the Van Persie 2 footed lunge at Adebayor?

surely his credibility is very dubious because after all wasn't he suspended as a referee earlier this year after police investigations into corruption and financial wrongdoings relating to his businesses?

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