Adebayor (Merged)

blupoo said:
Am I right in thinking that that is an old shirt? I mean, I work for a company that gives you uniform, and that changes seasonally, I still keep the old stuff and use it when I'm decorating etc. Surely with the kits and sports gear these guys get given he must have loads of old clothing from every club he's been at. The other question I have is whether he is back in his home country, if this is the case then it does not surprise me that he may not have any of city's gear there, he wasn't expecting to go home, he was an Arsenal player last season and it is to be expected that he would have old training gear there, he only signed in summer, so if he is back home then I can understand that he has no man city gear there.
Yes you could say "he should have city stuff with him" but who would have expected all that has happened and why should he take his work clothes when he's expected to play for his country?

One thing we should do is arrange for a truckload of City kit to be sent to his house in Togo, hell we could send another truckload to be distributed amongst the kids and the poor and the like.

A point will be made, and we can all move on.
I dont like to see him in an Arsenal shirt as much as the next City fan but seriously everyone..... LET IT GO!!!!! After everything that has happened.. im sure the shirt he is wearing is of little significance to him and rightly so.. how bout we all focus on our rise and some positive things FOR ONCE!!

P.S: If Carlos ever does that..... watch out!!!!!!!!!!!! Because i hate west Ham hahahahahahaha
If only he'd worn ANY non-football related top, and all these anger fuelled comments wouldn't be expressed.

I was a p1ssed off when I saw him on the box in that shirt, and it was a silly mistake I think, a really silly one. I think we can rest assured at least that he didn't wear it to make a statement against City either, he is just all over the place coz of what happened I think.

If he was consciously wearing it out of respect for a guy that might have given it him I would still feel disappointed though, because surely for his current fans and employers he should consciously also NOT wear it out of respect, no? I don;t think if he hadn't worn it on tv that the guy that gave it him would've taken it as an insult.
bizzbo said:
AntonDonJuan said:
We paid for him, we pay his wages he is our employee.

we didn't 'buy him'.

you can't buy a human being

we paid for his uefa registration
Same thing, stop being pedantic because you can't think of anything else to say
texas pete said:
Pigeonho said:
I'd say that looking at the initial pics on the news, where Ade is clearly distraught, and what must be going on in his mind after wtinessing those murders, which only came about because of a GAME, i'd say my guess is pretty much spot on that his head will be fucked up.

So you are guessing !?

I am aswell admittedly.

Can you not see you have no argument whatsoever ? You are just disagreeing with everyone who doesn't agree with you.

It appears to me you are just playing devils advocate against the majortiy (but I am just guessing)


Any statement that is made please first inform pigeon whether it is a guess or fact.


Big of you, well done. The thing is though like I said, it would be more likely his head is fucked up after such an event, therefore it would be more credible for me to guess just that to back up my arguement? And i'm not disagreeing with people who don't agree with me, I am giving one of our players the benefit of doubt as to why he may have had an Arsenal top on, nothing more. I searched the forum to see if Robinho has a 45+ page thread about when he said he was playing for Chelsea, not us. Shock horror, there is none. To me, after securing a deal for a phenominal amount of money each week, I think it would be fair to say Robbie's state of mind would be such that he would be able to remember where he is playing, and who for. But noooooo, Robbie was our new hero and we couldn't possibly slag him off, could we? The difference between that and Ade is massive, but the same. Massive because of the states of mind both players were in when they made their 'gaff', but the same because it looks bad on the club. Robinho should be the one vilified though, because he should have been in such a happy state of mind he could at least remember the names of his employers, whereas Ade should not be vilified, because his state of mind is such that he is, (I am guesssing), a complete fucking mess right now.
AntonDonJuan said:
bizzbo said:
he has no duty to us

he is on compassionate leave
Well fuck me, that solves it then. We give him time off from his ordeal, and to repay us, he wears another club's top. Fucking brilliant that, i take it compassionate leave suspends all rules of his contract etc which i'm guessing has a line in it about representing the club at all times? That's a new one on me

yes, he's on compassionate leave. he's not expected to look after city in line with his contract, he's expected to look after himself, so he can return a fit and healthy person.

if that's a new one on you, then, so be it.

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