Adebayor (Merged)

Bossman Blue said:
wrongun73 said:
why do people find it so hard to believe that he has acted stupidly.
players of any club, not just city, are expected to be ambassadors for the club which employs them and pays their vastly over inflated wages, while abroad.
the wearing of another teams shirt who are in the same league, (if he had a barca top on for example there would not be all this shit) is obviously going to be frowned upon. the club may well have said nothing about this because they would be perceived as heartless by the press but believe me i bet they're fuming, and rightly so.

How can we accuse Ade of anything before we know his side of the story? Talk about Kangaroo courts some people would cut off your balls for just looking at their sister.

if you looked at my sister your balls woul simply 'drop off' lol
Bossman Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
I've said this since the thread started, that it would be something like this.

Whatever the reason, this or something else it won't change anything for the Ade haters on here.

If it was the case, the Ade haters, (if they exist), should commend him because what is he meant to say, 'no balls to that, I play for Man City'? It is a perfectly reasonable explanation if it is infact why he wore it.
El Boy Wonder said:
Shaun Wright-Phillips wore a Chelsea shirt for three years and no one cares about that

....potentially the most stupid comment so far, and there have been some stupid comments
Haha, funny some people on here! Who gives a shit what he wears its irrelavant to what type of player he is. The guy could where a united for all I care, as long as he comes back and scores I don't care!
Ade is not the sharpest knife in the box lets be honest. He is in shock & should take all the time he needs to get back to his best...

...However City should Ensure he is representing the club @ all times. (Or Togo)
The Fat el Hombre said:
El Boy Wonder said:
Shaun Wright-Phillips wore a Chelsea shirt for three years and no one cares about that

He's not stupid enough to wear one since though is he?

Bit of a presumption on your part that Fat el Hombre. How do you know what he wears at home? About as much as we all know about why Ade was wearing an Arse shirt.
I guess he didn't know he would be going back to Togo and has a stock of clothes there.
Ran out of clothes ( if he hadn't lost his bags) and just pulled on a top he had . Probably Arse tops is all he has there.
I have always believed players do not think like fans and so do stupid things that wind fans up.
Don't be stupid and crucify him for a small mistake.
I would have been very proud seeing him interviewed in a City top.
Unless of course he has seen some of the tasteless comments made on Arse fans site and thought he would respond with a wind up. Only he knows.

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