Adebayor (Merged)

bizzbo said:
Thank F**k I haven't been a part of this disgusting thread until now. Just goes to show every club has a small amount of skum following them. Would like to apologise to the club and Ade himself if anyone has read this thread, as i say it is a minority that came out with the filthy insults at such a difficult time. Hope Ade and his team mates can recover ASAP.
let's not forget he is currently representing his country not City.
Id say after the shooting I wouldnt be suprised if he didn't care
I hope that the only message from this whole debacle on here is that life and death is much more important than a frickin football logo on a polo shirt.
How people even thought that important after what happened is a sign of complete unreality, and detachment, to the bigger picture.
91 pages about what f**king shirt he was wearing ..... Some of you should really think about not posting so much on here.
The insults thrown the poor lads way have been disgusting, equally so have the squabbling amongst yourselves, repeatedly quoting each other, picking posts apart.
This is a thread that disgusted me in parts.....
....Do you realise what he went through? His mate dying in his arms. Does it really matter what shirt he wears? Words can't explain what some of you have been like.
For those of you who have been man enough to come on here and apologise, fair play to you.
For the rest who came out with your vile shit, who haven't got the balls to apologise then you're not a Blue to me and to many others on here no doubt. Hang your heads in shame.
I'm not going to look through the entire thread, but who cares if he was wearing an Arse shirt?
41 pages on the original shooting topic and 89 pages on the fact he was wearing an Arsenal T-shirt. Nothing like a sense of proportion.
you just don't viciously slate people who are in a vulnerable state. certainly not over a football shirt. to do it to one of our own? yes, it made me genuinely angry.
This thread sickens me, and embaresses city fans, do you think he gives a shit what he is wearing?
Allegiance should not matter whatsoever when an event like this occurs. This is beyond rivalry, it's beyond football. This is not a football player, this is a human being revealing his emotions and the fact he's dying inside because of it.
Some truly horrible "human beings"infest this site these days they really do.
Don't feel like he has to explain anything, the guys been to hell and back, i for one don't give a fuck what shirt he's got on in Togo.
So what is the message that the wider world will get from this. We back our player and will give him all the support we can? Or that we are more upset that Ade wore the wrong team shirt than we are concerned that he was shot at by terrorists for 30 minutes and watched 3 of his colleagues die?
Ignore the the t-shirt, and give him a break!
I think a lot of the reactionary bleaters on here and beyond should be ashamed of themselves today...
.....Take your time to mourn Manu, compared to what happened to you and your compatriots, the game of football pales into insignificance
He's on SSN now wearing the City away shirt. Moving account of how the Togo press officer died in his arms. Lay off him now please.
so the fact that 3 people have been murdered is less important than a shirt colour. surely a new low for BM.Callous doesnt come close.
Don't be stupid and crucify him for a small mistake.
What does it matter what clothers he wears. Hes captain of his country thats just had 4 people murdered
How can we accuse Ade of anything before we know his side of the story? Talk about Kangaroo courts some people would cut off your balls for just looking at their sister.
Who gives a shit what he wears its irrelavant to what type of player he is.
give him a break. that is all.
A few days ago he was nearly killed, his mates HAVE been killed. All football fans should be giving their full support, not acting like children because he is wearing a arsenal shirt.
I can't believe there is even a debate about this. Some of you need to sort your priorties out. It's a football shirt FFS.
Who gives a fuck, really? It's a bit silly of him but people have lost lives and we're worried about a badge on a shirt??
Lets also not forget what he has just gone through !! just a thought !!
we need to be aware that this sort of thing affects people badly .....unfortunately patience with players is nto something that a certain section of fans at our club are blessed with!!!!

sorry to bump this, but it's food for thought for some who insist that they were justified in their anger at adebayor. this is from the last 14 pages. tried to keep it to one quote per customer.

You have lost the fucking plot man.

Was you like this when Diana died?

This thread has turned into yet another example of the recent and worrying trend of public grief getting out of hand, of people feeling the need to wail about something as if their very own family was involved.

The club and all it's fans have paid their respects to not only Ade, but also the Togo national team, this was done via various statements on the OS and through the silence held pre Blackburn. Other than that we can do no more.

I can almost imagine a few of you walking round in black for the next six months over this and to be honest, im thinking that this is no longer about Ade, it is more about a few self obsessed posters?

Words like scum, wankers, twats, bastards and various other remarks that have been bandied around very easily from behind the safety of the keyboard to fellow blues for daring to hold a different opinion on the 'shirt', not the terrible tragedy that Ade has gone through, because we are all as shocked and behind him on that, is just fucking pathetic and we all need to grow up and just get on with it.

CTID, regardles of what happens in the world, regardless of who manages us, regardless of who plays for us and regardless of who supports us!
After seeing his interview on SSN and the way he is, I do realise that that him wearing his Arsenal shirt isn't particularly releveant in this instance. In a perfect world someone might have lent him a top but it isn't a big issue and there are much more important things that take precedence over him wearing an Arsenal shirt rite now. Good luck to Ade and he has my best wishes
The Fat el Hombre said:
After seeing his interview on SSN and the way he is, I do realise that that him wearing his Arsenal shirt isn't particularly releveant in this instance. In a perfect world someone might have lent him a top but it isn't a big issue and there are much more important things that take precedence over him wearing an Arsenal shirt rite now. Good luck to Ade and he has my best wishes

Nice one.
It's all too easy to make harsh, judgemental, even biggoted comments through the anonymity of the internet, but it makes these comments no less shameful.

Thanks for the post with all the compassionate messages
The Fat el Hombre said:
After seeing his interview on SSN and the way he is, I do realise that that him wearing his Arsenal shirt isn't particularly releveant in this instance. In a perfect world someone might have lent him a top but it isn't a big issue and there are much more important things that take precedence over him wearing an Arsenal shirt rite now. Good luck to Ade and he has my best wishes

I was one of the people that thought it was out of order him wearing an arsenal shirt but credit to the bloke for explaining it and agree that he shouldnt have had to.

I do feel a bit shit about it now so, sorry Ade.

I think the cameras and media should leave him well alone now.....for however long it takes.

He still seems to be in shock and who can blame him.
blueinsa said:
You have lost the fucking plot man.

Was you like this when Diana died?

This thread has turned into yet another example of the recent and worrying trend of public grief getting out of hand, of people feeling the need to wail about something as if their very own family was involved.

The club and all it's fans have paid their respects to not only Ade, but also the Togo national team, this was done via various statements on the OS and through the silence held pre Blackburn. Other than that we can do no more.

I can almost imagine a few of you walking round in black for the next six months over this and to be honest, im thinking that this is no longer about Ade, it is more about a few self obsessed posters?

Words like scum, wankers, twats, bastards and various other remarks that have been bandied around very easily from behind the safety of the keyboard to fellow blues for daring to hold a different opinion on the 'shirt', not the terrible tragedy that Ade has gone through, because we are all as shocked and behind him on that, is just fucking pathetic and we all need to grow up and just get on with it.

CTID, regardles of what happens in the world, regardless of who manages us, regardless of who plays for us and regardless of who supports us!

I most certainly have not lost the plot. I'd expect the same level of basic respect towards anyone in Adebayor's situation. Expect is the wrong word. But I certainly think people here have every right to expect a bit of respect to our own goddamn player. I don't know how many people need to tell you until you listen. if you have nothing nice to say in this situation, then STFU, stop making a complete pariah of yourself.
Going to be fun when Adebayor comes back, will be allowed to say he's had a bad game or will the bleeding hearts demand that we pretend he played well to save our souls?
bizzbo said:
blueinsa said:
You have lost the fucking plot man.

Was you like this when Diana died?

This thread has turned into yet another example of the recent and worrying trend of public grief getting out of hand, of people feeling the need to wail about something as if their very own family was involved.

The club and all it's fans have paid their respects to not only Ade, but also the Togo national team, this was done via various statements on the OS and through the silence held pre Blackburn. Other than that we can do no more.

I can almost imagine a few of you walking round in black for the next six months over this and to be honest, im thinking that this is no longer about Ade, it is more about a few self obsessed posters?

Words like scum, wankers, twats, bastards and various other remarks that have been bandied around very easily from behind the safety of the keyboard to fellow blues for daring to hold a different opinion on the 'shirt', not the terrible tragedy that Ade has gone through, because we are all as shocked and behind him on that, is just fucking pathetic and we all need to grow up and just get on with it.

CTID, regardles of what happens in the world, regardless of who manages us, regardless of who plays for us and regardless of who supports us!

I most certainly have not lost the plot. I'd expect the same level of basic respect towards anyone in Adebayor's situation. Expect is the wrong word. But I certainly think people here have every right to expect a bit of respect to our own goddamn player. I don't know how many people need to tell you until you listen. if you have nothing nice to say in this situation, then STFU, stop making a complete pariah of yourself.

He has had repect, compassion and all the sympathy from everyone connected with MCFC regarding the horrendous attack he and his team mates have suffered and he will continue to get it, especially from me.

The difference between us though mate is that i wont continue to use it as an excuse if and when he needs to be criticised and imo, the wearing of the Arsenal top needed to be criticised. Yes we have had a reason given but im still of the opinion that he could and should have just thought about it and worn something else. I wont change my mind about it and i wont apologise for holding that view either.

If that makes me a pariah as you put it, so be it as i know different.

Again, condolences to Ade and we all hope to see you soon back on the pitch were you belong.
I don't understand why people are getting so uppity at the notion of giving a man who recently endured being shot at for 15 minutes. and then watching his mate die in his arms. an easy time until he gets his head together.

It isn't 'liberal' or 'tree hugging' or whatever else you witty and original people want to call it. It's called being human and having a heart.

Fuck me, I'd hate to know some of you cunts in real life.

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