Adebayor (Merged)

bizzbo said:
'when he needs to be criticised'

sums it up

an insatiable need to judge, let's not let the circumstances interfere with our god given right to slate the players

the majority of posters have expressed a very strong feeling that there is a time and a place

do you really feel as strongly that it's your god-given right to criticise someone regardless of circumstance? it's really that essential that you continue to do so? it serves some purpose right now?

give me a break

the guy is in a vulnerable state. you just need to support him for now. if you can't do that, you'd could always just shut up.

As could you?

What i wont do is see it as an excuse every time, like some on here i feel will?

I do support him re the horrendous attack, i have no problem in him taking as much time as needed to get over it, if indeed he ever truelly can, that is as much support i or anyone else on here can give and i have constantly stated that, so why do you feel the need to try and make out i dont?
We all fully support Ade of course but remember the sri lanka shootings? they never took ages to get over it as people are suggesting Ade will do on here.

I think he will be back pretty soon
blueinsa said:
bizzbo said:
'when he needs to be criticised'

sums it up

an insatiable need to judge, let's not let the circumstances interfere with our god given right to slate the players

the majority of posters have expressed a very strong feeling that there is a time and a place

do you really feel as strongly that it's your god-given right to criticise someone regardless of circumstance? it's really that essential that you continue to do so? it serves some purpose right now?

give me a break

the guy is in a vulnerable state. you just need to support him for now. if you can't do that, you'd could always just shut up.

As could you?

What i wont do is see it as an excuse every time, like some on here i feel will?

I do support him re the horrendous attack, i have no problem in him taking as much time as needed to get over it, if indeed he ever truelly can, that is as much support i or anyone else on here can give and i have constantly stated that, so why do you feel the need to try and make out i dont?

You can't base your argument on what you think might happen in the future.

For the record, I think it's expected that Ade will take a few weeks out to get his head together. Once he's back and sure he's in the right state of mind then I fully expect people to be on his back 24/7 as they were before and that is fair enough I suppose.

I just think that for a while it'd be nice, as humans, to cut the guy some slack.
Final thoughts and words on this.

Ade, take as much time as you need fella and come back strong for us as i know you will.

To all blues who have contributed to this thread, on both sides of the argument i say this...

We are all blues, we all share the same passion, we will however always have a different opinion on things and no doubt, us expressing them on this board will lead to spats but at the end of the day, we are all blues who want the same thing.

If i have upset anyone i say i am sorry as it is never my intention.

blueinsa said:
bizzbo said:
'when he needs to be criticised'

sums it up

an insatiable need to judge, let's not let the circumstances interfere with our god given right to slate the players

the majority of posters have expressed a very strong feeling that there is a time and a place

do you really feel as strongly that it's your god-given right to criticise someone regardless of circumstance? it's really that essential that you continue to do so? it serves some purpose right now?

give me a break

the guy is in a vulnerable state. you just need to support him for now. if you can't do that, you'd could always just shut up.

As could you?

What i wont do is see it as an excuse every time, like some on here i feel will?

I do support him re the horrendous attack, i have no problem in him taking as much time as needed to get over it, if indeed he ever truelly can, that is as much support i or anyone else on here can give and i have constantly stated that, so why do you feel the need to try and make out i dont?

why did you reply to my long post at all? you tell me i've lost the plot and it all starts over again. let's just leave it.
To be honest I re-read my comments on this yesterday and realise now they were completely out of order, in my defence I had only seen the interview in the pub and not heard what he actually said, so I only saw an Arsenal shirt and thought 'wtf'.

I apologise hopefully everyone can move on and get behind Adebayor, and stop having pointlessy vile debates.
blueinsa said:
Final thoughts and words on this.

Ade, take as much time as you need fella and come back strong for us as i know you will.

To all blues who have contributed to this thread, on both sides of the argument i say this...

We are all blues, we all share the same passion, we will however always have a different opinion on things and no doubt, us expressing them on this board will lead to spats but at the end of the day, we are all blues who want the same thing.

If i have upset anyone i say i am sorry as it is never my intention.


Totally agree, and I too am sorry.
bizzbo said:
blueinsa said:
As could you?

What i wont do is see it as an excuse every time, like some on here i feel will?

I do support him re the horrendous attack, i have no problem in him taking as much time as needed to get over it, if indeed he ever truelly can, that is as much support i or anyone else on here can give and i have constantly stated that, so why do you feel the need to try and make out i dont?

why did you reply to my long post at all? you tell me i've lost the plot and it all starts over again. let's just leave it.

Agree bizzbo, apologies for any upset caused mate.
Fuck me some of you need to get off your high horse, especially bizzbo. You seem to have taken personal offence to people questioning him wearing a rival team's shirt, which we are well within our rights to do, you know, free speech and all that.

Stop slagging off people for haven't a different opinion to your own morally correct one and let it be. I'm still of the opinion he shouldn't have had the shirt on, regardless. That's my opinion and i'm sticking to it, just as you are yours, yet i haven't gone on at you about your opinion.

No-one is saying he hasn't been through a terrible ordeal, just that he shouldn't have had an arsenal shirt on. A fact he probably realised himself, seeing as though he did another interview in a city shirt.

When he comes back he will get my full support, but if he carries on playing as shit as he did before he went away, i will continue to criticise his performances. Or am i not allowed to do that, seeing as though he's been through a bad time? Are you going to carry on your one man crusade against posters with a differing opinion to you and use the excuse "Give him time, his head won't be right yet" I am of the opinion that when he steps onto our football pitch, his head should be 100% right and i expect good performances from him. If his head isn't 100% right, he shouldn't be on the pitch. No excuses, he can have as much time off as he needs. But when he decides he's ready, we have every right to expect he's ready.

Is that ok with you, or am i destined to burn in hell forever?

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