Adebayor (Merged)

loffers said:
bizzbo said:
there are contrasting views and then there are times when it's just not appropriate, not helpful to say certain things

Can you publish a list of those who were offended by him wearing the Arsenal shirt so I can add them to my ignore list , it's the way forward IMO.

yep im one too :) cya later kidda
I've followed this thread with some interest over the last few days. To be honest, I personally find it embarrassing that people on this board got themselves so wound up about the shirt Ade was wearing that they felt they needed to come on here and express their outrage. I can completely sympathize with Bizzbo, and am glad that he had the nuts to dish out a few bollockings.

There's a certain hypocrisy which has become all too prevalent on this board where players are treated completely differently. Here's an example, IF Robinho had gone through what Ade has just been through, and worn a Santos shirt, or a Real Madrid shirt, I wager that 99% of the foamers who found what Ade did unacceptable, would literally be falling over themselves to defend him. It seems that being from Togo is not quite as fashionable as being from Brazil.

In terms of what happens next to Ade - frankly, if we believe what he said, that his friend and press officer died in his arms - I would not expect him to play again this season. Adebayor is still a very young man, and will probably be deeply affected in the coming weeks and months. However the one thing I do suspect, is that when he does come back to play football, he will have a new found maturity.
BillyShears said:
I've followed this thread with some interest over the last few days. To be honest, I personally find it embarrassing that people on this board got themselves so wound up about the shirt Ade was wearing that they felt they needed to come on here and express their outrage. I can completely sympathize with Bizzbo, and am glad that he had the nuts to dish out a few bollockings.

There's a certain hypocrisy which has become all too prevalent on this board where players are treated completely differently. Here's an example, IF Robinho had gone through what Ade has just been through, and worn a Santos shirt, or a Real Madrid shirt, I wager that 99% of the foamers who found what Ade did unacceptable, would literally be falling over themselves to defend him. It seems that being from Togo is not quite as fashionable as being from Brazil.

In terms of what happens next to Ade - frankly, if we believe what he said, that his friend and press officer died in his arms - I would not expect him to play again this season. Adebayor is still a very young man, and will probably be deeply affected in the coming weeks and months. However the one thing I do suspect, is that when he does come back to play football, he will have a new found maturity.

I would still of been pissed off if it was a Real top not santos, just like if ade had a monaco top on.
And I havent been bollocked it a forum.
scottyboi said:
BillyShears said:
I've followed this thread with some interest over the last few days. To be honest, I personally find it embarrassing that people on this board got themselves so wound up about the shirt Ade was wearing that they felt they needed to come on here and express their outrage. I can completely sympathize with Bizzbo, and am glad that he had the nuts to dish out a few bollockings.

There's a certain hypocrisy which has become all too prevalent on this board where players are treated completely differently. Here's an example, IF Robinho had gone through what Ade has just been through, and worn a Santos shirt, or a Real Madrid shirt, I wager that 99% of the foamers who found what Ade did unacceptable, would literally be falling over themselves to defend him. It seems that being from Togo is not quite as fashionable as being from Brazil.

In terms of what happens next to Ade - frankly, if we believe what he said, that his friend and press officer died in his arms - I would not expect him to play again this season. Adebayor is still a very young man, and will probably be deeply affected in the coming weeks and months. However the one thing I do suspect, is that when he does come back to play football, he will have a new found maturity.

I would still of been pissed off if it was a Real top not santos, just like if ade had a monaco top on.
And I havent been bollocked it a forum.

You should have a little more perspective about the whole thing. He'd spent 30 minutes being shot at, and had had to endure having a friend of his die in his hands. In that situation what normal people in the real world do, is cut the other person some slack and say "oh big deal. lets just hope he's okay".

As Bizzbo and quite a few others have said, the negative comments about Ade and the shirt just showed how detached people are from reality. Not a single human being on this forum, would EVER have the temerity to criticize Adebayor to his face. Not one. It's such an easy cop out for those people to say things like "well, it's just my opinion. that's what messageboards are for". Maybe it is. It does make me wonder though whether I want to be part of an online community which is populated by such ignorance...
The Fat el Hombre said:
scottyboi said:
I was one, bye treacle never spoke to you anyway. Dont let my profile slap your arse on the way out.

Hahaha! I was one too, so I'll put you on my ignore list as well loffers

I'm just glad the mods didn't lock this thread when it was getting a little heated, which would have left evryone pissed off with each other and this would have dragged on.

yeah...we had another large thread earlier in the day that i had merged....that was removed by request of the OP

this one started and we left it on the board in the first instance so many more threads didnt keep sprouting up.

it did get a bit heated at times, but at the end of the day we try to be liberal with it as the topic wasnt going away
BillyShears said:
scottyboi said:
I would still of been pissed off if it was a Real top not santos, just like if ade had a monaco top on.
And I havent been bollocked it a forum.

You should have a little more perspective about the whole thing. He'd spent 30 minutes being shot at, and had had to endure having a friend of his die in his hands. In that situation what normal people in the real world do, is cut the other person some slack and say "oh big deal. lets just hope he's okay".

As Bizzbo and quite a few others have said, the negative comments about Ade and the shirt just showed how detached people are from reality. Not a single human being on this forum, would EVER have the temerity to criticize Adebayor to his face. Not one. It's such an easy cop out for those people to say things like "well, it's just my opinion. that's what messageboards are for". Maybe it is. It does make me wonder though whether I want to be part of an online community which is populated by such ignorance...

Good old Billy, in at the death to stir up the pot again.

You really are a sancitmonious piece of work Billy who really believes he is better than anyone else.

As for your last comment......cya!
BillyShears said:
scottyboi said:
I would still of been pissed off if it was a Real top not santos, just like if ade had a monaco top on.
And I havent been bollocked it a forum.

You should have a little more perspective about the whole thing. He'd spent 30 minutes being shot at, and had had to endure having a friend of his die in his hands. In that situation what normal people in the real world do, is cut the other person some slack and say "oh big deal. lets just hope he's okay".

As Bizzbo and quite a few others have said, the negative comments about Ade and the shirt just showed how detached people are from reality. Not a single human being on this forum, would EVER have the temerity to criticize Adebayor to his face. Not one. It's such an easy cop out for those people to say things like "well, it's just my opinion. that's what messageboards are for". Maybe it is. It does make me wonder though whether I want to be part of an online community which is populated by such ignorance...
That's your opinion, don't force it on others
AntonDonJuan said:
BillyShears said:
You should have a little more perspective about the whole thing. He'd spent 30 minutes being shot at, and had had to endure having a friend of his die in his hands. In that situation what normal people in the real world do, is cut the other person some slack and say "oh big deal. lets just hope he's okay".

As Bizzbo and quite a few others have said, the negative comments about Ade and the shirt just showed how detached people are from reality. Not a single human being on this forum, would EVER have the temerity to criticize Adebayor to his face. Not one. It's such an easy cop out for those people to say things like "well, it's just my opinion. that's what messageboards are for". Maybe it is. It does make me wonder though whether I want to be part of an online community which is populated by such ignorance...
That's your opinion, don't force it on others

I'm not forcing anything upon anyone. I'm commenting on the premise of the thread and my feelings on what others have said, and of the incident itself.
I said all along that it was a complete and utter disgrace what some people posted on here and I hope they are still eating humble pie because they should be ashamed of themselves.
avoidconfusion said:
I said all along that it was a complete and utter disgrace what some people posted on here and I hope they are still eating humble pie because they should be ashamed of themselves.
Why? I never once called him anything, i just questioned why he had an arsenal shirt on, which i am well within my right to do

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