Adebayor (Merged)

I posted on this initially then thought I would mull over is further...

My opinion is the same, Ade's behavior has been completely unacceptable.

Please can people get it into their head the shooting and the polo shirt ARE NOT LINKED !

Ade thinks he is above the law no question and has chosen the spotlight when he knew the world would be watch to embarrass city, himself and in a way arsenal.

The guy is a fucking disgrace and it will take me a long long time to even consider forgiving the pleb. If I had my way he would be transfer listed with immediate effect.

He might as well have wiped his arse with a city shirt and laughed in our faces.
AntonDonJuan said:
avoidconfusion said:
I said all along that it was a complete and utter disgrace what some people posted on here and I hope they are still eating humble pie because they should be ashamed of themselves.
Why? I never once called him anything, i just questioned why he had an arsenal shirt on, which i am well within my right to do

please drop it. he didn't mention you specifically. it's really sad that people still think this is the time and place to defend themselves. only one person matters here and we all know who that is.
blueinsa said:
Good old Billy, in at the death to stir up the pot again.

You really are a sancitmonious piece of work Billy who really believes he is better than anyone else.

As for your last comment......cya!


Go find someone else to troll pal...
AntonDonJuan said:
BillyShears said:
You should have a little more perspective about the whole thing. He'd spent 30 minutes being shot at, and had had to endure having a friend of his die in his hands. In that situation what normal people in the real world do, is cut the other person some slack and say "oh big deal. lets just hope he's okay".

As Bizzbo and quite a few others have said, the negative comments about Ade and the shirt just showed how detached people are from reality. Not a single human being on this forum, would EVER have the temerity to criticize Adebayor to his face. Not one. It's such an easy cop out for those people to say things like "well, it's just my opinion. that's what messageboards are for". Maybe it is. It does make me wonder though whether I want to be part of an online community which is populated by such ignorance...
That's your opinion, don't force it on others

I don't really care if people spout nonsense on here, it is a forum but if Ade gets booed then I will be livid.
Free speech is one thing, disrespecting him for wearing an item of clothing would be unforgivable.
bizzbo said:
AntonDonJuan said:
Why? I never once called him anything, i just questioned why he had an arsenal shirt on, which i am well within my right to do

please drop it. he didn't mention you specifically. it's really sad that people still think this is the time and place to defend themselves. only one person matters here and we all know who that is.
Get to fuck, you are really pissing me off with your moral bullshit
BillyShears said:
blueinsa said:
Good old Billy, in at the death to stir up the pot again.

You really are a sancitmonious piece of work Billy who really believes he is better than anyone else.

As for your last comment......cya!


Go find someone else to troll pal... it's ok for you to cast aspersions against anyone who doesnt share your point of view but when it is done back, the toys and dummy are thrown far and wide?

You are comedy gold!
AntonDonJuan said:
bizzbo said:
please drop it. he didn't mention you specifically. it's really sad that people still think this is the time and place to defend themselves. only one person matters here and we all know who that is.
Get to fuck, you are really pissing me off with your moral bullshit

what on earth? put your toys back in your pram and show some grit.
kippax_blueboy said:
AntonDonJuan said:
That's your opinion, don't force it on others

I don't really care if people spout nonsense on here, it is a forum but if Ade gets booed then I will be livid.
Free speech is one thing, disrespecting him for wearing an item of clothing would be unforgivable.
He won't get booed though, no-one is saying that, people questioned why a city player was wearing an arsenal top, which is perfectly understandable, but some people like bizzbo think we've broken the humanitarian law and deserve to rot in hell
Perhaps some people over-reacted before all the facts were out.

He was clearly in shock. Give him a break ffs.

A good mate of mine was in a car crash and the other driver died in his arms. He was never the same happy-go-lucky fun seeking bloke, that he had previously been, after that.

What Ade needs now is help, support and sympathy. He is one of ours now so lets make sure he gets it.
AntonDonJuan said:
avoidconfusion said:
I said all along that it was a complete and utter disgrace what some people posted on here and I hope they are still eating humble pie because they should be ashamed of themselves.
Why? I never once called him anything, i just questioned why he had an arsenal shirt on, which i am well within my right to do

Your aggression is in your wording

“To say I question” is a lot more aggressive than to say “I ask”

It’s a small difference in some ways but a huge one in others. Posters were not “asking” why on earth Ade would wear an Ars shirt. They were “questioning” his right and motives over the shirt.

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