Ajax fans being obnoxious

Still want to know why Ajax are flying the big star of david...

just as sad as rangers doing the same and celtic doing the \palestinian flag, surely.. matt has evaded answering my question
Freds Patio said:
There would be no Ajax, only a massive Bayern Munich, if we didn't dig them out of the shit in the war. Fuck em. Another "holier than thou" bunch, "we do it properly" etc etc.

Thats not correct. Bayern Munich were considered an enemy of the Nazi state,and mercilessly persecuted under that regime.They were champions the season before Hitler came to power. They were virtually destroyed after that for having a Jewish chairman and a middle class fanbase.That club didn't return to the top until the 60s.Favoured Nazi clubs were working class clubs like Schalke,Rapid Vienna, 1860 Munich and Hertha.

I'm still waiting for the Spielberg film about the Bayern team running to hug their exiled Jewish chairman during a wartime friendly in Switzerland, before finally returning to the top.

The Bayern and Ajax stories tick every Hollywood box of good beating evil.<br /><br />-- Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:10 am --<br /><br />
dom said:
Still want to know why Ajax are flying the big star of david...

just as sad as rangers doing the same and celtic doing the \palestinian flag, surely.. matt has evaded answering my question

I answered it in an earlier post. They fly it because they were always abused as ''Jews'' by the provincial clubs, so they reclaimed the insult as a badge of honour.Feyenoord fly Palestinian flags and chant about gas chambers in return.

Not sure why Celtic and Rangers do it, but my guess is Celtic see a link between oppressed Palestinians/Irish and Rangers respond in kind.
matty barton said:
Freds Patio said:
There would be no Ajax, only a massive Bayern Munich, if we didn't dig them out of the shit in the war. Fuck em. Another "holier than thou" bunch, "we do it properly" etc etc.

Thats not correct. Bayern Munich were considered an enemy of the Nazi state,and mercilessly persecuted under that regime.They were champions the season before Hitler came to power. They were virtually destroyed after that for having a Jewish chairman and a middle class fanbase.That club didn't return to the top until the 60s.Favoured Nazi clubs were working class clubs like Schalke,Rapid Vienna, 1860 Munich and Hertha.

I'm still waiting for the Spielberg film about the Bayern team running to hug their exiled Jewish chairman during a wartime friendly in Switzerland, before finally returning to the top.

The Bayern and Ajax stories tick every Hollywood box of good beating evil.

OK so you now attach the Ajax 'story'to bayern's...
what's the story and why do you think that the star of david is appropriate any more or less tha celtic' s often oppressed irish flying the irish tricolour and the the paletininan flag..

any chance of an anwer here?
dom said:
matty barton said:
Freds Patio said:
There would be no Ajax, only a massive Bayern Munich, if we didn't dig them out of the shit in the war. Fuck em. Another "holier than thou" bunch, "we do it properly" etc etc.

Thats not correct. Bayern Munich were considered an enemy of the Nazi state,and mercilessly persecuted under that regime.They were champions the season before Hitler came to power. They were virtually destroyed after that for having a Jewish chairman and a middle class fanbase.That club didn't return to the top until the 60s.Favoured Nazi clubs were working class clubs like Schalke,Rapid Vienna, 1860 Munich and Hertha.

I'm still waiting for the Spielberg film about the Bayern team running to hug their exiled Jewish chairman during a wartime friendly in Switzerland, before finally returning to the top.

The Bayern and Ajax stories tick every Hollywood box of good beating evil.

OK so you now attach the Ajax 'story'to bayern's...
what's the story and why do you think that the star of david is appropriate any more or less tha celtic' s often oppressed irish flying the irish tricolour and the the paletininan flag..

any chance of an anwer here?

Well, Bayern and Ajax are similar in as far as that they were both victims of Nazism.

The Star of David flag at Ajax is not comparable to the tricolour at Celtic. Celtic was formed by and for the Irish community. In my opinion the tricolour is part of Celtic's identity and charm. More importantly, its flown by the club.

The Star of David at Ajax has nothing to do with the club or sectarianism. It was adopted by fans in response to anti-semitic abuse from rival clubs (same as Spurs in our country). Third time I've answered it. It goes back to the 80s, so certainly nothing to do with dislike for your sheikh as some seem to be suggesting.
matty barton said:
dom said:
matty barton said:
Thats not correct. Bayern Munich were considered an enemy of the Nazi state,and mercilessly persecuted under that regime.They were champions the season before Hitler came to power. They were virtually destroyed after that for having a Jewish chairman and a middle class fanbase.That club didn't return to the top until the 60s.Favoured Nazi clubs were working class clubs like Schalke,Rapid Vienna, 1860 Munich and Hertha.

I'm still waiting for the Spielberg film about the Bayern team running to hug their exiled Jewish chairman during a wartime friendly in Switzerland, before finally returning to the top.

The Bayern and Ajax stories tick every Hollywood box of good beating evil.

OK so you now attach the Ajax 'story'to bayern's...
what's the story and why do you think that the star of david is appropriate any more or less tha celtic' s often oppressed irish flying the irish tricolour and the the paletininan flag..

any chance of an anwer here?

Well, Bayern and Ajax are similar in as far as that they were both victims of Nazism.

The Star of David flag at Ajax is not comparable to the tricolour at Celtic. Celtic was formed by and for the Irish community.

The Star of David at Ajax was adopted in response to anti-semitic abuse from rival clubs (same as Spurs in our country). Third time I've answered it. It goes back to the 80s, so certainly nothing to do with dislike for your sheikh as some seem to be suggesting.

Sorry matt
must have missed your earlier response do to eddies in cyberspace

fair play mate
You have a well informed arnd reasoned responses..

Only trouble is that I am as uncomforatable with the feynoord/ palestiona trhing as I am with the Ajax / israeli thing

Theere was a time at city were there were informal links with the unionist/protestant cause
I am simply not interested in football clubs now hanging onto these historical grudges nor, I should imagine are the vast majority of fans
Have you gave an answer why the chose that particular banner then Matty? why not a Russian, oil barrel or dollar bill?

It's a dig at the Arabs like the digs from all the other pundits, media and fans since they started getting into football ownership and that's my opinion.
matty barton said:
dom said:
matty barton said:
Thats not correct. Bayern Munich were considered an enemy of the Nazi state,and mercilessly persecuted under that regime.They were champions the season before Hitler came to power. They were virtually destroyed after that for having a Jewish chairman and a middle class fanbase.That club didn't return to the top until the 60s.Favoured Nazi clubs were working class clubs like Schalke,Rapid Vienna, 1860 Munich and Hertha.

I'm still waiting for the Spielberg film about the Bayern team running to hug their exiled Jewish chairman during a wartime friendly in Switzerland, before finally returning to the top.

The Bayern and Ajax stories tick every Hollywood box of good beating evil.

OK so you now attach the Ajax 'story'to bayern's...
what's the story and why do you think that the star of david is appropriate any more or less tha celtic' s often oppressed irish flying the irish tricolour and the the paletininan flag..

any chance of an anwer here?

Well, Bayern and Ajax are similar in as far as that they were both victims of Nazism.

The Star of David flag at Ajax is not comparable to the tricolour at Celtic. Celtic was formed by and for the Irish community. In my opinion the tricolour is part of Celtic's identity and charm. More importantly, its flown by the club.

The Star of David at Ajax has nothing to do with the club or sectarianism. It was adopted by fans in response to anti-semitic abuse from rival clubs (same as Spurs in our country). Third time I've answered it. It goes back to the 80s, so certainly nothing to do with dislike for your sheikh as some seem to be suggesting.
That doesn't make any sense. Why would rival Dutch clubs target Ajax with anti-semitic abuse if there wasn't a link there in the first place?

I have no knowledge at all of the background of Ajax other than seeing a small number of Israeli flags amongst their support. I'd guess for some historical reason, Amsterdam's Jewish community has identified itself with Ajax. Sometimes there isn't a logical explanation it just happens. A bit like Man Utd being regarded as the Catholic Manchester club, and City the protestant.
Trollsmoan said:
Have you gave an answer why the chose that particular banner then Matty? why not a Russian, oil barrel or dollar bill?

It's a dig at the Arabs like the digs from all the other pundits, media and fans since they started getting into football ownership and that's my opinion.

Because it was in a match against you? I don't know if it actually was, but that would seem logical. If not, then because you/the sheikh are the most recent/most extreme example of what they have an issue with.

If anyone wanted to have a racist dig at Arabs for being Arabs they'd pick on stuff like terrorism,human rights, womens rights, oil prices, honour killings, Islam etc etc

Ajax will still win stuff domestically. They were out of contention in Europe years before City came along.City have so fair failed in Europe and even got beat by poor little impoverished Ajax. They ripped the piss ouy of United when they plated them in the Europa Shite League last season.I think a lot of you are not reading this one correctly.
Matt, you come across as a bit twisted, is it jealousy that rattles your cage or frustration with your own team's recent results.

Nothing lasts forever pal, you'll have your day.......and when you do your forum will be full of people like you who'll just love to tell you that your five minutes stinks, but just like us you won't give a shit. You're wasting your time here pal, we're just not interested how unfair you think it is. We're all still enjoying the party, don't be a party pooper ffs and go and write a letter to your club instead, telling them how grumpy you've become over their poor performances and how it's left you bitter about manchester city and other teams now in the spot light.

Anyway I'm going back to my party mood now......

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