Ajax Vs City CL Post Game Discussion Thread

It was uncomfortable to watch and I had to turn the sound off to cut out rat-boys sarcastic crowing . . that was bad enough but coming onto this forum to see fellow blues ripping into both manager and team . . same manager and same team that have taken us to where we are as PL Champs. Well, that takes the biscuit.
There are some fickle twats on this forum who feel that bad-mouthing our own is a cool thing to do . . feel proud of yourselves lads because if you think that the team and manager are shite then look to yourselves and you'll see shite supporters.

People in glass houses huh.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
taconinja said:
My wife lost her job today, so there's really no sting in this loss for me although I would have loved to have seen the win just to take the edge off. Hopefully we pick up and improve from here. Also would rather not see people tearing into Mario any longer because they want someone else starting. Didn't seem to change much tonight.

Sorry to hear this. Good luck to your wife getting back into the job market.

Does she know anything about football ;)

Thanks... Cheered me up a bit!
Re: That's why edin dosent start

Once again Blues looking for individual scapegoats to cover for a poor team performance. For what it's worth Edin was one of the better players on view tonight.

When are we going to learn? The media will have a field day over tonights' performance and we as blues need to show solidarity and support for our team. The team did not play well but singling out individuals is unproductive and, in this case wrong as there was not one player who performed as well as they can.
We have taken a step back this season. Especially the defense. It cost us a win at Real, and pts tonight.
I know, lets set up a stocks in Albert Sq and pelt Mancini with rotten fruit.
Some of you on here need to get a grip of your balls, the man is the best manager we have had since Mercer, lets see if your slagging him off when we win the league again this season, man up you tossers
citysince88 said:
Well I guess we can look on the bright side and say we cannot get a tougher group than this one next season........

Can we ?

I guess if we get placed into the 4th pot, which after this shit its probable.

Mancini was wrong, he didn't know what the problem was. It was him. The dumb fuck is standing there saying that the move to 3-5-2 wasn't a problem??? They scored a goal almost instantly during that time, and in under 10 minutes they changed back?

The plot has been lost. Mancini holds the CL up on this mantle that even he is going to be doubting he can conquer. He thinks its some mystical league in which you have to make drastic changes over what your players are comfortable with. He's made a series of shit decisions and poor adjustments.

We were exactly in this same position at this time last year, except we have fewer points. Same criticisms of Mancini, the players, etc. I suspect we'll become used to it?
No surprise for me. I rate it on a different level if it comes to CL. If this happens in the PL then it is disgrace. But this is CL and Mancini gets it wrong 90% of the time in the CL.
Team selection, tactics, mentality (going forward, sitting back etc.), changes, formation.
Somewhere he makes huge mistakes and other teams will make us pay for it.
No matter they have a better squad+more experience (Bayern, Real) or they dont have better squad and more expereince (Dortmund, Napoli,Sporting, D. Kijev, Ajax)
We look like an underdog, cant play to our strenghts changing to hoofing the ball, sitting back, sitting deep, sideways passes and then back to Hart.
NO PLAN so the players choose this absymal sideway passes/back to Hart, hoof it.

Someone wrote in the match thread around 10th minute that wee let Ajax run and pass the ball because they will be tired after 20 minutes and then we get into the play.

Well they didnt seem tired after 80 minutes for me. Already scoring 3 goals nearly 4.

Also the fact they were going for the equalizer while we were happy with 1-0.

Then they wanted the 2-1 for them more than we.
And then they went for the 3rd or 4th goal.
This is mentality. At no point they were delighted with the score.

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