Ajax Vs City CL Post Game Discussion Thread

I love city,always have & always will but tonight was a f*cking embarrassment. What was Mancini doing ? The entire team looked completely confused with his tactics in the second half,why change something that isnt broken ? I really dont get his 3 at the back & from the looks of it,neither do the entire defence
Re: The zonal marking system ....

Up until this season we had the best defence in England playing it so now all of a sudden it is a problem?

I know we all will look at every detail but this isn't our problem it just didn't work tonight.
Blue and Proud said:
We are now in the knockout stage - If we don't win the next 3 UCL games then we are out. Simple as...

Don't kid yourself B&P ......

we are out NOW!

This game was MUST-WIN tonite ..... but only for either us or Ajax to have a tiny glimmer of hope , not for much else

even if we do manage to somehow win our three remaining fixtures , it won't stop Dortmund and Madrid going through .
Not blaming Lescott for the loss AT ALL, but tonight showed that he might be a strong (as in got a lot of muscle strength) centre half, but he is found out in the Champions League, where technically proficient players could not care less that he is 6'2 and 15 stone. FOOTball is his downfall. Time for Nastasic to get a run of games and assert himself as the left sided CH IF we are going to continue to

Was it Yaya or Kolo that was left out of the CL Squad?!

Again, my hat is off to Milner. He left the game with 20 mins to go and STILL covered more ground than any other City player.

Time to either USE THE RIGHT PLAYERS for the 3 at the back, or scrap it. BTW, we do not have the midfield to play 3 at the back. Ajax clearly does. Arsenal does. Barca does. City don't, at present. Whether they will when Garcia is back to play that DM anchor remains to be seen.

Did not deserve to win tonight. Outplayed. However, we had the chances to make a real game of it, and they had the chances to make it embarrassing.

Looking at the table, BD with 7 points and RM with 6, it is hard to see ANY way that City, even IF they could get 10 points, can qualify.

Sadly, we appear to believe that the way we play in England is not good enough for Europe. I would disagree, but then i do not get a vote.
Re: That's why edin dosent start

Seosa said:
Petetheblu said:
Seosa said:
Half of fucking Bosnia turns up again to defend St.Edin...

He was on par with the rest of the team but should've buried his chances to be perfectly honest. Whether he likes it or not, he impacts games better when he's used as a sub.

As for the Bosnians, pft, how the fuck can you lot even have a Sovereign State of your own?

Mate, take your useless shit elsewhere, WE lost, deal with it and take a breath!!

What's your problem, cockwomble? I've just said Edin was as poor as the rest of the team, we were shite and we deserved to lose. Edin's fellow nationals however are fucking farcical.

NO, your the cockwomble. Stop behaving like a girl FFS.

Shit statement on a football site!!
Mancini needs to wake up and smell the coffee, if he wants to last the season.

Yaya, great player on his day, but those days are getting rarer, as he ages his bursts will only be more scarce, lazy and ran rings around in mindfield, if we get a good offer we should sell. Barry has proved he is useless in europe especially next to Yaya, time to actually get some genuine CMs like Coutinho or dynamic DM like Paulinho.Mancini's reluctance to even consider the merits of wingers has left us with no outlet on the wings and made us impotent at counter-attacking and place higher burden on playing well to even stand a chance of getting points.

Mancini's poor record in European competition was his undoing at Inter and it will be here, his insidtence that there are no tactical evolutions to come in football seems silly and misplaced, particularly when he keeps playing 3 at the back against 4-3-3, it does n't work, that was found out years ago so stop doing it. Kompany seems no where near the level he was, it might be time to move him on as well. We broke new ground over the last 2 years, this team was great at times but now no ones playing well, they all seem like a spent force, maybe it is time to smash it up and start again, take the captaincy of VK, sell Mario and Edin buy a poacher like Jackson Martinez and a flair striker like Jovetic, get some width some genuine CMs, more runners and athletes, less Yaya and nasri types and get a solid no nonsense experienced CB who will comand his defence and strike fear into opponents. Some people said we should go back to playing like we did last season, the worrying thing is that does n't look possible; the solution is we either go all out to possesion football and abandon Barry and Yaya or we go to dynamism a high emphasis on pressing running counter attacking, no more static DMs, 4-5-1 or 4-4-1-1 rather than whatever that was tonight.
Evidently we have no idea what formation we play best... seem numerous systems now and none of them work. It's like we've been "found out". Everyone seems to forget that two years ago, we parked the bus game after game and everyone said we were "too defensive". First game of the season against Spurs we went out at WHL and absolutely ran riot over them... the entire league didn't know what hit them as we had never played such a system before.

It's at a point where we've become predictable, players like Silva who were pulling the strings are now isolated because the opposition knows what to expect.

It's going to take a few more games until Mancini really works out what system we go with.... he needs to work out it out quickly though as the more batterings we take, the less confident our players become.
jimharri said:
hisroyalblueness said:
It was uncomfortable to watch and I had to turn the sound off to cut out rat-boys sarcastic crowing . . that was bad enough but coming onto this forum to see fellow blues ripping into both manager and team . . same manager and same team that have taken us to where we are as PL Champs. Well, that takes the biscuit.
There are some fickle twats on this forum who feel that bad-mouthing our own is a cool thing to do . . feel proud of yourselves lads because if you think that the team and manager are shite then look to yourselves and you'll see shite supporters.

People in glass houses huh.
If you're happy with our performances in Europe this season, then I envy you. Honestly, I do.

I didn't say that I was happy you dimwit - I just made the point that the fickle wankers ripping into both team and manager perform worse as fans than the manager and team in their given roles.
Haven't you sussed that supporters that only give their support when things are going terrifically well aren't supporters at all - and that fans (as short for fanatics) would never rip into their own like this.
I'm ashamed of the likes of you, I honestly am.

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