Alan Henning - how should we respond?

intheknow! said:
France, Turkey, Italy and Germany have paid ransoms and had their hostages freed. UK Gov could have done the same but they chose not to.

Whilst regrettable, all that would happen if ransoms were to be paid, would be a "how much is a life worth" crisis.

Apart from highlighting yourselves as "payers" therefore making your citizens a target, you'd get this scenario.

Say we paid £100,000 for the first hostage. They'd ask for £1 million for the next. And then the next?

I don't know of an answer to that because a line would be eventually be drawn and of course, they'd be killed.
bobmcfc said:
intheknow! said:
bobmcfc said:
I'm not in agreement with regards to nuking but I believe we could have ground troops protecting villages and civilians from Isis. I think protecting people from these dispicable backward thinking murderers is number 1 on our priorities list

Oh and they made it our problem when they behead our citizens

ISIS now control an area the size of Britain stradling parts of two countries (Syria and Iraq), how is it possible to station enough troops around various different villages to protect "civillians" and who exactly are those who need protecting? How will we know who needs protecting and who actually supports ISIS? They will be sitting targets for suicide bombers, IED explosions etc etc. How much is all this gonna cost?

France, Turkey, Italy and Germany have paid ransoms and had their hostages freed. UK Gov could have done the same and they chose not to.

You talk about cost them say we should pay ransoms ?? I don't know exactly how it could be done as I'm not a specialist in ground warfare and military strategy. I guess the powers that be will figure it all out and decide what we should do. I have no say in it and neither will you

We supposedly live in a democracy, so surely we should have a say in things because its in our name that our Military fights and in our name that our leaders act and our money that finances these things. I would also say that the so called specialists havent a clue either, thats why Iraq and Afghanistan was such a humiliating failure for us.

To launch another ground offensive is going to cost billions, paying a ransom would have cost a few million. Other European Countries have always paid ransoms. I would rather spend our money at home. I dont want more Tory cuts and yet spending billions on wars that cannot be won.
foetus said:
intheknow! said:
The minute you kill one ten more will be radicalised.
Kill them fuckers as well.

Maybe we should let them take over the planet and just form a holding hands circle around the world

That should do it ;)
intheknow! said:
bobmcfc said:
intheknow! said:
Thank you Bob xx

Would genuinely like to know what ive said you disagree with tho?

I just cant abide people on here knee jerking about blitzing the place with bombs or nuking them etc. Calling for British troops to be sent to fight an unwinnable war again. How can anyone think that "boots on the ground" is the right thing? It did not work in Afghanistan or Iraq and it wont work now. I dont want anymore money wasted, like the billions that already have been, i dont want anymore british soldiers killed,limbs blown off or mentally damaged.

This is a religious inspired ideological Holy war. Its a showdown between Sunni and Shia that goes back to the time of the Prophets death. The whole Muslim world, especially the Sunnis have been repressed for so long by the Dictators, now they have fallen like dominos all the pent up extremist interpretations are exploding into the open. Its NOT our fight. Its a battle that must be resolved by the Muslim world. Its not for Europeans to be deciding who is allowed to have a state and who isnt. Can anyone seriously argue that things are better now that before Bush and Blair invaded?

I just cant understand why people cannot see ISIS are baiting us out, wanting UK, US etc soldiers on the ground, where they will fight as an insurgency against us on a terrain that favours them. This is not a war we can win and shouldnt even try to. If we send troops back there ISIS will gain more followers and sympthasisers among the people because they will say, "look its the crusaders coming back to repress and kill Muslims again". For a region that for the last decade has only known US and UK bombing them into submission it will resonate.

Before anyone thinks extremist ideology can be defeated by the military, remember this: all of the people who founded and are now leading the ISIS, have at some point been incarcerated in huge American prisons set up in Iraq during the Bush Blair era when thousands of Muslim men were jailed for indefinite periods of time. The minute you kill one ten more will be radicalised.

I'm not in agreement with regards to nuking but I believe we could have ground troops protecting villages and civilians from Isis. I think protecting people from these dispicable backward thinking murderers is number 1 on our priorities list

Oh and they made it our problem when they behead our citizens

ISIS now control an area the size of Britain stradling parts of two countries (Syria and Iraq), how is it possible to station enough troops around various different villages to protect "civillians" and who exactly are those who need protecting? How will we know who needs protecting and who actually supports ISIS? They will be sitting targets for suicide bombers, IED explosions etc etc. How much is all this gonna cost?

France, Turkey, Italy and Germany have paid ransoms and had their hostages freed. UK Gov could have done the same but they chose not to.

Right we all know what you think, you have spent the best part of the last 12 hours regaling us about how bad we are in the west, but you have not given us a solution to the problem, all you seem to be saying is that we should have paid a ransom (blaming the government for not doing so) are you suggesting that we should just stand back and allow ISIL free reign right across the Middle East to rape and murder and convert by the sword?
TangerineSteve17 said:
intheknow! said:
France, Turkey, Italy and Germany have paid ransoms and had their hostages freed. UK Gov could have done the same but they chose not to.

Whilst regrettable, all that would happen if ransoms were to be paid, would be a "how much is a life worth" crisis.

Apart from highlighting yourselves as "payers" therefore making your citizens a target, you'd get this scenario.

Say we paid £100,000 for the first hostage. They'd ask for £1 million for the next. And then the next?

I don't know of an answer to that because a line would be eventually be drawn and of course, they'd be killed.

There is no evidence that Countries who pay ransom have their citizens targeted for kidnap more than those who dont.
UK Gov could've saved Alan Henning and others, they chose not to.
mancityvstoke said:
The UN said hundreds have been killed - with militants carrying out summary executions of civilians in Mosul, including 17 civilians in one street.

A dozen Iraqi security personnel were also killed and four women committed suicide after being raped.

I feel sorry for anyone living there who does not agree with these people.

They are just psychopathic gangsters

with the statement above it makes me wonder how anyone could sit back and puff on a cigar while these things are happening, and those that are saying to get out and leave it alone must be very very short sighted indeed, do they honestly think ISIS will sit forever in a plot of land they have conquered 'never to bother anyone again'
I'm not allowed to post the link but I googled videos of ISIS executions and what I saw was very very scary and barbaric.

Frightened young Men kneeling down with hands tied and just shot in the head and pushed into rivers......not one or two ...fucking loads at a time.

No one can defend these people. I don't know the answers and last night I was calling for all out war.

After calming down I now think there is no answer.

We must defend our own shores......that's it.

No one should go there . Innocent people are the ones who suffer as usual.

We should never have gone there in the first place.

It's a bad world.
Ducado said:
intheknow! said:
bobmcfc said:
I'm not in agreement with regards to nuking but I believe we could have ground troops protecting villages and civilians from Isis. I think protecting people from these dispicable backward thinking murderers is number 1 on our priorities list

Oh and they made it our problem when they behead our citizens

ISIS now control an area the size of Britain stradling parts of two countries (Syria and Iraq), how is it possible to station enough troops around various different villages to protect "civillians" and who exactly are those who need protecting? How will we know who needs protecting and who actually supports ISIS? They will be sitting targets for suicide bombers, IED explosions etc etc. How much is all this gonna cost?

France, Turkey, Italy and Germany have paid ransoms and had their hostages freed. UK Gov could have done the same but they chose not to.

Right we all know what you think, you have spent the best part of the last 12 hours regaling us about how bad we are in the west, but you have not given us a solution to the problem, all you seem to be saying is that we should have paid a ransom (blaming the government for not doing so) are you suggesting that we should just stand back and allow ISIL free reign right across the Middle East to rape and murder and convert by the sword?

Well said and the longer we wait the bigge the problem gets.

We are going to have to go in, and so are the US.
intheknow! said:
TangerineSteve17 said:
intheknow! said:
France, Turkey, Italy and Germany have paid ransoms and had their hostages freed. UK Gov could have done the same but they chose not to.

Whilst regrettable, all that would happen if ransoms were to be paid, would be a "how much is a life worth" crisis.

Apart from highlighting yourselves as "payers" therefore making your citizens a target, you'd get this scenario.

Say we paid £100,000 for the first hostage. They'd ask for £1 million for the next. And then the next?

I don't know of an answer to that because a line would be eventually be drawn and of course, they'd be killed.

There is no evidence that Countries who pay ransom have their citizens targeted for kidnap more than those who dont.
UK Gov could've saved Alan Henning and others, they chose not to.

So you're saying we should have funded them to go and buy more weapons to kill more people? We give them 1 million for a hostage they can then afford to go and kill 100 innocents.

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