Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

So. Many people know me on here and judging by the amount of new users many don't.
I have gone from the young lad that gets smashed Friday to Sunday to the grown up that has a few drinks after work.
Unfortunately in the last 3 years and if I'm honest since my mum passed away my drinking has become unstoppable. I will drink to excess 5 or 6 nights a week it doesn't matter what I'm doing or what is happening I cannot stop until I'm absolutely hammered, i pretend im okay by going to bed early 1 night without a drink. I need help but AA is all about finding God which I'm absolutely not interested in.
I'm not an alcoholic but I'm on the brink amd I don't know what to do

Hi matey, well done admitting you have a problem, that's step 1.
I've finally gave up drinking after 20 years of drinking 8 to 9 pints every night.
When I say gave up I mean I'm 7 weeks sober.
I tried weaning myself off it but failed miserably so I made the decision to just quit.
I spoke to a reformed alcoholic who gave me the following advice, when I was failing.
1 Give up
2 Set achievable goals, more like false promises.
Promise yourself a drink in an hour or next the day, then move the goal posts and start the cycle again.

I Use non alcoholic beer when cravings are strongest. I can tell you the good ones

Don't feel you are on your own, your not.

Good luck
Hi Pal - well done for accepting you have a problem. I have friends who have been successful via AA and some who haven't. My suggestion is your Doctor first who may refer you for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or counselling which maybe beneficial.
AA Can be good for some people and is not necessarily about finding God. The pedantic 12 step approach works for some but not others I guess. Regardless of what road you go down, getting the right support for you personally is what is most important. I volunteered in substance misuse and some found 1-1 sessions much easier, others preferred team groups.
Most of all I believe you have to be honest and open during the process. If you lapse own it and discuss why it may have happened. Don't beat yourself up about it, happens to most people. Be realistic about the goals you want to achieve and good luck
Amazing work right there buddy. Great little milestone that.

Had a break from here for a while and the Internet in general. Great to see this thread doing well and people getting after it! It's a great life being clean and sober. Challenging, but life is.

Tomorrow I'll be 1700 days clean and sober. If I can do it, anybody can. One day at a time guys and gals. One day at a time.
What a brilliant achievement! Well done. I'm a couple of years behind you but full of motivation and good intention.
And you're right, being sober doesn't make life any easier but sometimes facing the challenge is much more rewarding than hiding from them from behind a bottle.
Hi mate, really is long time no see.

I been on anti depressants when my mum passed as she chose 3 days before lock down so i got it all in one go, didnt even know it was happening until my wife sat me down and said you dont talk or laugh anymore talk to me!
Came off In August after 2 years.
Doctor my be a good first call. I'm embarrassed
i don't have a drink problem in fact i hardly drink, i did however feel very down in the dumps, im one of those blokes that says pull yourself together you soft ****( to myself),but i just couldn't get over my depression, i plucked up the courage to see the doctor (because i was embarrassed as well), it was a locum ,never met her in my life and as i started talking i cried like a baby, i walked out the doctors with the weight of the world taken off, because i spoke about it, i was prescribed drugs,but just talking did the job for me , all sorts of shit came out that i hadn't even thought about,nowadays if someone i know is having a hard time i dont call them soft cunts anymore ,i tell them what i went through and hopefully that helps them get help, good luck mate
We're away until Wednesday but I'll start again at Day 0 today. Had two pints with dinner last night and the waiter brought out two Baileys at the end of dinner, which I would never have gone for even in the heyday. The mrs isn't drinking at the moment so I had them both, needless to say I'm not feeling quite right today. Physically I feel fine, it wasn't enough for a hangover but I'm mildly on edge mentally. I'll stop whilst I'm somewhat ahead.
You are allowed a wobble, it’s how you beat the ten count and get up from your knees that counts
We're away until Wednesday but I'll start again at Day 0 today. Had two pints with dinner last night and the waiter brought out two Baileys at the end of dinner, which I would never have gone for even in the heyday. The mrs isn't drinking at the moment so I had them both, needless to say I'm not feeling quite right today. Physically I feel fine, it wasn't enough for a hangover but I'm mildly on edge mentally. I'll stop whilst I'm somewhat ahead.
It's really positive that you've identified the physical and mental impact that a few days drinking has had on you.
Sometimes a bit of an experiment with drinking can be a powerful tool in assessing the relationship with alcohol and figuring out where you want to go next.
Consider it a learning opportunity and use it for the future.
So. Many people know me on here and judging by the amount of new users many don't.
I have gone from the young lad that gets smashed Friday to Sunday to the grown up that has a few drinks after work.
Unfortunately in the last 3 years and if I'm honest since my mum passed away my drinking has become unstoppable. I will drink to excess 5 or 6 nights a week it doesn't matter what I'm doing or what is happening I cannot stop until I'm absolutely hammered, i pretend im okay by going to bed early 1 night without a drink. I need help but AA is all about finding God which I'm absolutely not interested in.
I'm not an alcoholic but I'm on the brink amd I don't know what to do

The three biggest words for anyone alcohol issues…

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