Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

Booze is the last thing you need when you've got other problems. You can never drown your sorrows; they always float back up and have then to be dealt with during a hangover! Help is what you need and there's plenty out there and in here. PMs are very helpful. We are here for you, Mate.
As others have said, well done for taking that first step and admitting that you have a problem. Only advice I can really offer is to talk to your doctor. All the best mate.
We're away until Wednesday but I'll start again at Day 0 today. Had two pints with dinner last night and the waiter brought out two Baileys at the end of dinner, which I would never have gone for even in the heyday. The mrs isn't drinking at the moment so I had them both, needless to say I'm not feeling quite right today. Physically I feel fine, it wasn't enough for a hangover but I'm mildly on edge mentally. I'll stop whilst I'm somewhat ahead.
Thank you everyone.
On the outside everything is well, I'm holding my job down which pays incredible wages I have a loving wife amd a beautiful little girl but I am absolutely destroying it all, devestated my wife today with my admission. Was a big step today to admit my issue, if I'm honest I don't know what happens from here, just threw all the alcohol in the house away. I want to be a better person, I want to be me from 4 years ago and I think drinking let's me pretend I am, it's like I miss myself and I want me back.
I'm sorry everyone I'm just lost at the moment
I'm not religious mate, but I've found AA to be a great help the last few years. If nothing else it'll put you in touch with people in the same boat as yourself who can relate to what you're going through. You've gone part of the way to taking the first step already so well done there and always feel free to send me a message if you want someone to talk to.
Agreed. My mum is an atheist but she went to AA meetings and they did help. Although they’re not for everyone.
Thank you everyone.
On the outside everything is well, I'm holding my job down which pays incredible wages I have a loving wife amd a beautiful little girl but I am absolutely destroying it all, devestated my wife today with my admission. Was a big step today to admit my issue, if I'm honest I don't know what happens from here, just threw all the alcohol in the house away. I want to be a better person, I want to be me from 4 years ago and I think drinking let's me pretend I am, it's like I miss myself and I want me back.
I'm sorry everyone I'm just lost at the moment

What you been drinking? If it is vast amounts going teetotal off the rip can be dangerous better to buy some weak cans of lager and wean yourself off.
What you been drinking? If it is vast amounts going teetotal off the rip can be dangerous better to buy some weak cans of lager and wean yourself off.
Well I don't drink during the day but a night time will consist of about 5 pints and then probably measured half a litre of spirit. No enjoyment in the taste just the buzz which incidently is getting harder and harder to get to
Well I don't drink during the day but a night time will consist of about 5 pints and then probably measured half a litre of spirit. No enjoyment in the taste just the buzz which incidently is getting harder and harder to get to

Yeah I'd say that is enough to mean you need to wean off, when my elder brother went to his GP about his drinking he was having 2 bottles of red and 4 cans of strongbow a night, and they came up with a plan for his to wean off using weaker lager.

Should be plenty of information about it online too good luck mate.

This is a good listen if you have time, the science of what it actually does to your body and brain.

Thank you everyone.
On the outside everything is well, I'm holding my job down which pays incredible wages I have a loving wife amd a beautiful little girl but I am absolutely destroying it all, devestated my wife today with my admission. Was a big step today to admit my issue, if I'm honest I don't know what happens from here, just threw all the alcohol in the house away. I want to be a better person, I want to be me from 4 years ago and I think drinking let's me pretend I am, it's like I miss myself and I want me back.
I'm sorry everyone I'm just lost at the moment

Hi, like the others have said, admitting that you have a problem is the first step, but reading through your posts, it seems that the trauma of losing your Mum was the trigger for this, and you've used the booze as a crutch. I think you could do with some grief counselling, because this will allow you to face the one thing that you are trying to blot out. You've pushed it to one side and tried to bury it with the drinking. I think it would be really beneficial for you to come to terms with your grief and take it from there.

Good luck
You’ve already made the first step to getting better mate. Just remember it won’t happen over night and it’s a progressive journey step by step until you reach your destination, so don’t panic if you don’t feel all is well within a few weeks or months. Just focus on the progress.

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