Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I wouldn't say I'm an alcoholic as I don't feel the need to drink every day. In fact, during the week I barely touch a drop even though there's shit loads of alcohol in the house. I'm more of a social drinker but when I do go out - often around City games - I binge drink and often get so pissed I really don't know when to stop as I'm largely incapable of making that decision when I'm wankered. Forest away the other week was ridiculous - I can't pinpoint exactly how many I had but I'm sure it was in excess of 10 pints before the match even kicked off. Not helped by a mate (who can put away far more than me) bringing 2 5 litre kegs of beer on the train for the journey down. To be fair, he didn't hold a gun to my head - "You don't have to drink it you know!" but that's easier said than done when it's there in front of you and you want to unwind after a week at work. There followed probably another 5 or 6 pints at half-time and after the match before I staggered into the house at around 9.15pm (after I'd fallen asleep on the bus and missed my stop).

Then it was off to Leipzig on Tuesday morning early doors with the obligatory pint at the airport as soon as I was through security. Normally when I've got a long day of travelling ahead with little sleep the night before, I get pissed quicker but I managed to semi-pace myself and didn't get too rat-arsed even when I got to Leipzig in the evening. Because of that, I wasn't too pissed and was able to call it a day at 1.30am. Even when I got back to the hotel - which had a 24 hour bar - I was tempted and would've probably had another drink were it not for the staff being on a shift change. However, I was just sober enough to be able to make the decision that I wasn't hanging around and waiting so buggered off to bed.

Match day started sensibly enough with an adequate breakfast in the cafe just round the corner from the hotel but as soon as I hit the Augustiner at around 12.30pm that was it. 4 1 litre steins in there and countless other drinks in the run-up to kick-off time plus at least one in the ground. The long-winded walk back into the city afterwards helped sober me up a fair bit but then I was back on it. I've no idea what time I got to bed but put it this way, I don't remember going to bed - only waking up the next morning. Then I was back on the beer for the long journey home (a train to Berlin and 2 flights). Even now I'm still not feeling fully refreshed but whereas alcoholics will feel the need to get back on it the next morning, I've not touched a drop since Thursday night and have no real inclination to have a drink before the weekend.
You’re a binge drinker like me, mate.
So I spoke to the doctor. Need to have blood tests to see how much damage I have done to myself. Might need some b12 injection???
The hard work starts now, I have normalised alcohol into my life so well that with it bei g gone time will seem like it's stopped. This is it though I stop or I lose everything, I worked hard for everything I dont want to lose due to drinking. So here it is Day 1
Well done mate you’ve taken a massive step , I won’t go to much into details but I lost my younger brother recently through alcoholism . Seek as much help as you can . There’s some good advice posted on here by people who care for each others wellbeing . Just one thing never forget that your loved ones need you as much as you need them. Take care pal take one day at a time .
So I spoke to the doctor. Need to have blood tests to see how much damage I have done to myself. Might need some b12 injection???
The hard work starts now, I have normalised alcohol into my life so well that with it bei g gone time will seem like it's stopped. This is it though I stop or I lose everything, I worked hard for everything I dont want to lose due to drinking. So here it is Day 1
It's amazing how that can creep up on you. It just becomes the norm to have a drink, and for many it's that life changing moment when you realise that nearly every recent photograph of you is with an alcoholic drink in your hand. That's when you know you have a problem.

Recognising the problem is only the start of the (and I hate to use the word) journey to recovery, whatever that might look like. For some people it's total abstinence, and others it massively cutting back. The hardest part is finding something to fill the void in the short term, then it's a shift in lifestyle at a pace that is comfortable to you. Nobody can tell you how long that's going to take you; EVERYONE is different. Yes, you might encounter the odd speedbump and pothole, but as long as you carry on moving in the right direction it will only be a good thing.

Sometimes it helps to focus on the positives, such as how much money you are saving by not drinking. Keep a tally of how much money you aren't spending on booze, and put that money to good use. Something like off peak gym membership is roughly £20 a month, and that's the cost of 4 pints. Peak hours membership is £40 on average, which is less than a night out for most people. When you put it into context like that it really does help.

I really hope you get yourself back on track. Stay strong Blue.
Thank you everyone.
On the outside everything is well, I'm holding my job down which pays incredible wages I have a loving wife amd a beautiful little girl but I am absolutely destroying it all, devestated my wife today with my admission. Was a big step today to admit my issue, if I'm honest I don't know what happens from here, just threw all the alcohol in the house away. I want to be a better person, I want to be me from 4 years ago and I think drinking let's me pretend I am, it's like I miss myself and I want me back.
I'm sorry everyone I'm just lost at the moment
Little by little. You’ve take the first steps. Just be careful going from what you have been supping to no drinking as that can be a shock to the system and you may need medical help with that. You are also likely need some form of bereavement counselling to talk about the loss of mum. It’s a tough path to follow but a better one than the current one. Livers are resilient organs but if you keep on hammering it, it will become damaged.
Awful awful hangover
Banging headache
Not been able to function all day
Moody and tired around my wife and kid
Struggling to work

It’s not worth it

It doesn’t take much for me to feel like that these days. I went out Saturday night, didn’t drink loads but I am still struggling to get over it. I’ve got no interest in drinking anymore.
I'Ve just been listening to George Carlin.
He reckons that drinking alcohol will turn you into the same r sole your father was...

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