Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

So 3 days in. Didn't need weening or drugs to be safe from not drinking. Feel okay, with everything at stake I have found it easy especially with booze removed from the house!
Had to refer myself to a psychiatrist as some underlying shit in my life which has most certainly came to the foreground with the drinking stopped.
It's good to have some control over my life again, my taste has started to come back which is nice . The 8hrs keep a night is incredible.
In the words of the famous Churchill quote Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
Amazing start. Well done.
Willpower and a good reason to stop drinking will get you through the first few days or weeks but make sure that you have a support network ready to fall back on when a tricky day sneaks up on you.
I use the Try Dry app and The Naked Mind as well as a couple of Facebook groups but tbh those groups are quite female focused so you might not find them as useful.
I wonder now how I ever functioned for so long on the poor quality sleep I had when I drank. And I seem to have so much more time now too.
This really does have the potential to be the best decision you've ever made!
Amazing start. Well done.
Willpower and a good reason to stop drinking will get you through the first few days or weeks but make sure that you have a support network ready to fall back on when a tricky day sneaks up on you.
I use the Try Dry app and The Naked Mind as well as a couple of Facebook groups but tbh those groups are quite female focused so you might not find them as useful.
I wonder now how I ever functioned for so long on the poor quality sleep I had when I drank. And I seem to have so much more time now too.
This really does have the potential to be the best decision you've ever made!
It really can be, but only you can do it, get after it lad!
So 1 week in at 10pm tonight. I will be tucked up snoring away as I am these days.
Come to the conclusion that I literally could have done this before it got bad a few months ago. Not to say my relationship with alcohol was great before, drinking to excess was my thing, drink everyone under the table. The problem being drinking to excess became every night rather than just Saturday or Friday. Anyway alcohol free for 7 days and I feel fantastic. Probably saved around £60 this week from not drinking and you can't say fairer than that. Thanks for all the tips everyone
Anyway I'm sure your all bored of my waffling on. I will post a 1 month update
So 1 week in at 10pm tonight. I will be tucked up snoring away as I am these days.
Come to the conclusion that I literally could have done this before it got bad a few months ago. Not to say my relationship with alcohol was great before, drinking to excess was my thing, drink everyone under the table. The problem being drinking to excess became every night rather than just Saturday or Friday. Anyway alcohol free for 7 days and I feel fantastic. Probably saved around £60 this week from not drinking and you can't say fairer than that. Thanks for all the tips everyone
Anyway I'm sure your all bored of my waffling on. I will post a 1 month update
Very well done Mate! Keep posting, it's not boring at all. It helps those who've stopped and might encourage others to stop too. Keep posting, it helps.
So 1 week in at 10pm tonight. I will be tucked up snoring away as I am these days.
Come to the conclusion that I literally could have done this before it got bad a few months ago. Not to say my relationship with alcohol was great before, drinking to excess was my thing, drink everyone under the table. The problem being drinking to excess became every night rather than just Saturday or Friday. Anyway alcohol free for 7 days and I feel fantastic. Probably saved around £60 this week from not drinking and you can't say fairer than that. Thanks for all the tips everyone
Anyway I'm sure your all bored of my waffling on. I will post a 1 month update

Check in as often as you like, always good to hear updates
Had some routine blood tests a week or so ago, which I was given the results for over the phone yesterday. All good in general, but nothing too surprising on the liver front. Slightly reduced functionality. Doctor asked how many units I drank a week and I told him (50) most weeks, although I have definitely reduced my intake from that this calendar year.

It’s probably the best news I could have tbh as it’s serious enough (because it’s tangible) for me to look at reducing my intake further, but completely irreversible (along with an improvement in my diet, which is also long overdue).

Think I’m going to try two things: to not drink four days a week and knock spirits on the head. Think that’ll take my input down below the 30 units mark. Even better if three of those days are consecutive. Looking back, that was the rough level of intake in my ‘30s, so there’s absolutely no reason I can’t return to that.

Definitely do not want to stop. I love drinking, the effect it has on me, and the person I am when I’ve had a drink. I’ve had an awful lot out of alcohol over the years, but I desperately don’t want to get to a stage where I can’t drink again because I’ve pushed it too far. Think I would regret that massively.

It’s not going to be easy. My job exposes me to booze every day, and there are always offers of boozy lunches and nights out, but it’s far from impossible. I’m not one of those people who can never say no to a drink, far from it, I just need to learn to say ‘no’ more often, and stop drinking when I’m on my own in the house. Reckon those two things, plus the four day and no spirit rules, will make a huge difference and mean I can continue doing something that I genuinely love, as sad as that may sound to some.
So 1 week in at 10pm tonight. I will be tucked up snoring away as I am these days.
Come to the conclusion that I literally could have done this before it got bad a few months ago. Not to say my relationship with alcohol was great before, drinking to excess was my thing, drink everyone under the table. The problem being drinking to excess became every night rather than just Saturday or Friday. Anyway alcohol free for 7 days and I feel fantastic. Probably saved around £60 this week from not drinking and you can't say fairer than that. Thanks for all the tips everyone
Anyway I'm sure your all bored of my waffling on. I will post a 1 month update
It sounds like you're doing great. And your sleep has improved so quickly! Some people take weeks to get back to a decent pattern.
Post as often as you want or need to, there might be some days when you need a bit more support.
Confession time for me.
Iv always drank from a young age,getting worse in my 20's 30's ,i toned it down considerably since my mid 40's when i married and had a kid late,but carried on binge drinking to excess on days off and holidays.
Iv thought about stopping full stop for years and years but just not managed it, work stress etc,always a reason to carry on.
Iv got in a few bad scrapes the last few years and been lucky that nothing bad has really happened to me.
Yesterday,though,i got very drunk after the game and embarrassed my family while out last night,argued with a bloke and it nearly came to blows.Its not me being like that,but it is,the alcohol changes me sometimes to be like that and the next day Im horrified with myself,feel guilty and ashamed of myself.

My mrs give me an ultimatum this morning,her or the beer.
This is the kick up the arse i needed and hopefully a blessing in disguise.Sobriety and total abstinance for me from here on in,i hope.
Confession time for me.
Iv always drank from a young age,getting worse in my 20's 30's ,i toned it down considerably since my mid 40's when i married and had a kid late,but carried on binge drinking to excess on days off and holidays.
Iv thought about stopping full stop for years and years but just not managed it, work stress etc,always a reason to carry on.
Iv got in a few bad scrapes the last few years and been lucky that nothing bad has really happened to me.
Yesterday,though,i got very drunk after the game and embarrassed my family while out last night,argued with a bloke and it nearly came to blows.Its not me being like that,but it is,the alcohol changes me sometimes to be like that and the next day Im horrified with myself,feel guilty and ashamed of myself.

My mrs give me an ultimatum this morning,her or the beer.
This is the kick up the arse i needed and hopefully a blessing in disguise.Sobriety and total abstinance for me from here on in,i hope.
I wish you many benefits stopping the booze

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