Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I posted way back in this thread about my relationship with booze and how I was looking to change it.....that didn't happen as I'd wanted. I've not had drink for 4 days now, and while that probably doesn't sound a lot, it's a win for me. I'd normally have wine every day, sometimes a glass, other days a whole bottle (I've had occasional dry spells, but they never last more than a few days). I don't consider myself to be an alcoholic, but this had become a habit, an end of work day = need a drink, kind of relationship.
After the FA Cup final I ended up digging out any Rag I could find and falling out with someone I've been friends with for 50+ years. I was rude to his wife & daughter and I don't think there's a way back with him. I don't remember the exchange of words, but plenty have reminded me of what I said in my drunken stupor and it wasn't great.
Time to try again.
I was an absolute filterless liability when I was drunk. I'd say anything for a laugh and I was pretty mean.
It's fantastic now to wake up after an evening out and not be worried about who I've offended or hurt.
Good luck.

all you say i know already and its wrecked my brain, and some more.

i dont know why i post my intimacy really,I feel Iv got worse now with lying to her,by trying to stop , which I have done
for the last 4 months or so,with a few relapses.I also admit that now after being sober 95% / 99% of the last
4 months,i cant live without it. I will always fall into it . My job, everything takes its toll.
As you have said before you want to stop for family reasons and I think you have done well . I love a drink but deep down I know its not good long term . If I didn't enjoy it I would like to think I could stop . I really don't see the appeal that some people have just drinking mass produced crap . So at least your being honest with yourself and every day off the beer is a bonus .
Here I'am on my first day off till saturday.

been in work for 6 days and I had it all planned

my son slept last night at my sisters,he knows I drank while

away in Istanbul,he's 15. Went to asda at 9.15 and was on it

by 10am. Got everything planned if the mrs comes home

unexpectantly from work,got 2 bottles of alcohol free empty to say thats what I'm on

if she or my son comes home ,I'm now a secret drinker albeit on a very reduced intake.

progress ? I don't know .
I don't know if you're joking or not but that's bloody funny :)
If true, it's fiendish! And I don't mean it in a bad way, it's clever to do such a thing. Back when I couldn't go a day without a drink I'd have little stashes hidden in a few different obscure places, but, from time to time i'd forget where I'd hidden the stuff. So I'd buy more vodka, or whatever, drink some quick and then go to hide it in a spot nobody knew about, and occasionally I'd find undrank booze sitting there! It was like finding money!
The bullshit addicts do to cloak their addiction is funny to me in a way..
Anyway to add a hint; if you're gonna hide alcohol.. if you've got a shed that's good, if you've got a loft, that's decent, but a pain in the arse to get to, boot of your car is a option, but if you drive to work you'll be sipping on the job
This all sounds so terrible doesn't it.. but not to addicts!
I don't know if you're joking or not but that's bloody funny :)
If true, it's fiendish! And I don't mean it in a bad way, it's clever to do such a thing. Back when I couldn't go a day without a drink I'd have little stashes hidden in a few different obscure places, but, from time to time i'd forget where I'd hidden the stuff. So I'd buy more vodka, or whatever, drink some quick and then go to hide it in a spot nobody knew about, and occasionally I'd find undrank booze sitting there! It was like finding money!
The bullshit addicts do to cloak their addiction is funny to me in a way..
Anyway to add a hint; if you're gonna hide alcohol.. if you've got a shed that's good, if you've got a loft, that's decent, but a pain in the arse to get to, boot of your car is a option, but if you drive to work you'll be sipping on the job
This all sounds so terrible doesn't it.. but not to addicts!
I got rumbled last night,
i went to my sisters for a bbq , my parents picked me up and I
was rushing around putting our bins out,getting the washing in etc

I fucked up and left 1 can I'd drank in the afternoon which she found before I came home last night.
I'd drank at my sisters while telling my lad its " alchol free " , she went ballistic last night when i got home and ignored me
this morning before she went to work, last night i admitted drinking while away in turkey , i owe her that.
I felt rough as this morning and I'm here now hair of the dog time, I'm in a mess and in trouble when she comes home at 6pm

can't believe I'm saying this but thank god im in work for 6 days from tomorrow.
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I got rumbled last night,
i went to my sisters for a bbq , my parents picked me up and I
was rushing around putting our bins out,getting the washing in etc

I fucked up and left 1 can I'd drank in the afternoon which she found before I came home last night.
I'd drank at my sisters while telling my lad its " alchol free " , she went ballistic last night and ignored me
this morning before she went to work, last night i admitted drinking while away in turkey , i owe her that.
I felt rough as this morning and I'm here now hair of the dog time, I'm in a mess and in trouble when she comes home at 6pm

can't believe I'm saying this but thank god im in work for 6 days from tomoorow.
Ah! Your plan backfired on you, I fear you'll have to do some sucking up for a while I'm afraid
Staying in sober tonight. That’ll then be a week since I last had a drink. I normally go out every Friday so this is very rare.

As before, I feel great both mentally and physically. I’ve no idea what’s caused this change but something has clicked in to place.
The only regret you will have when becoming sober is that you didn’t do it sooner, seriously trust me life is so much better without the evil stuff in your life.
When you are are addicted and half puggled, listening to somone saying alcohol is 'evil stuff' conjours up visions of grumpy Sally Army types banging tamborines and frowning at decent honest drinking folk. But alcohol certainly ain't your friend. That fucker is evil in the way it makes you think it's your bezzie, whilst turning you against friends, family and workmates. It robs you of so much and gives you so little in return. It is an evil bastard.

Twenty-one months.

(Apologies to any grumpy Sally Army types reading this.)
When you are are addicted and half puggled, listening to somone saying alcohol is 'evil stuff' conjours up visions of grumpy Sally Army types banging tamborines and frowning at decent honest drinking folk. But alcohol certainly ain't your friend. That fucker is evil in the way it makes you think it's your bezzie, whilst turning you against friends, family and workmates. It robs you of so much and gives you so little in return. It is an evil bastard.

Twenty-one months.

(Apologies to any grumpy Sally Army types reading this.)
Potentially a bit of a head scratcher for a morning but what have you found that fills the void?

Or did you effectively discover that there wasn't a void to fill..........
I’ve woken feeling fresh and ready for the day. Why? I didn’t go to the pub last night.

I tend to find alcohol heightens senses. If I’m having a great day then I’ll have a laugh but if I’m not in a good place then it goes south quickly.

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