Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

Sitting in the pub chatting codshit with half cut blokes can easily be replaced by reading, FIFA or box sets.
Good distractions that they are, I'm not sure they do (to me anyway).

The mere thought of being able to run off to the pub and cause mischief excites me.

It's a tough feeling to shake...........
Catching up on the posts I've missed the last few days.

The "void" for me wasn't actually much of a void. If anything, when I was drinking I never felt that I had time to do anything. I was always either working or busy somehow. Or sleeping. I didn't really realise how much time drinking took up. The other half used to complain all the time that I was always rushing and never had any time to relax. It didn't help that we didn't live together so I was also trying to fit in time to travel to see him.

Now that I don't drink, and I don't need a lie in at the weekends, I'm actually just making better use of my time. Boring I know, but I now use my weekday evenings for stuff round the house and cooking or whatever, and the weekends are free to see friends or long walks or exercise.
You are bang on wit the more time (granted mine still gets hoovered up by my kiddies).

It allows me me to exercise later if I so wish (where as once I'd popped the cork I would write off the rest of the day).............
The only regret you will have when becoming sober is that you didn’t do it sooner, seriously trust me life is so much better without the evil stuff in your life.
That attitude is as lacking in empathy as people who insist those who aren’t drinking on a night have ‘just one’.

That may apply to you, and many others on this thread, but your post presumes to speak for everyone - which you do not.
That attitude is as lacking in empathy as people who insist those who aren’t drinking on a night have ‘just one’.

That may apply to you, and many others on this thread, but your post presumes to speak for everyone - which you do not.
It really wasn’t like that. I struggled for a long time and that quote just really helped me. I was merely sharing it in the hope it would have the same effect on someone else.

I cant begin to tell you how much empathy I have for people who struggle with any form of addiction but I certainly don’t think I speak for everyone. Not sure what gave you that impression tbh
The only regret you will have when becoming sober is that you didn’t do it sooner, seriously trust me life is so much better without the evil stuff in your life.

Fucking Amen to that brother.

I used to think I was too young to be an alcoholic and too young to stop drinking.

Wish I'd put it down at 18 when the shit really started hitting the fan.

Life is brilliant most days as we appreciate it because of the real shit times we've been through and I'm not talking about being skint, getting dumped off the ex, losing jobs etc. I'm talking about the dark times at 2am with a piece of broken mirror trying to slit my wrists.

Life is still life though, and some days are a bit shit, but there's far more good days than bad days and believe me at the end of my drinking and using there was no good days.

You're doing fucking brilliantly DMA all the power in the world to you.
It really wasn’t like that. I struggled for a long time and that quote just really helped me. I was merely sharing it in the hope it would have the same effect on someone else.

I cant begin to tell you how much empathy I have for people who struggle with any form of addiction but I certainly don’t think I speak for everyone. Not sure what gave you that impression tbh
You deployed the words: “seriously trust me life is so much better without the evil stuff in your life”.

How can that be interpreted other than you giving the impression of speaking for everyone. Like that viewpoint on alcohol is universal. Which it is not. Maybe some people think they’ve got more out of alcohol than it’s taken from them. I certainly do.

But I recognise it’s going to foreshorten my life if I don’t hugely cut down.

Not everyone who wants to stop or massively cut down does so because they have fallen out of love with alcohol.

It’s a lot more complicated than four legs good, two legs bad.

Everyone’s experience is unique.
Sitting in the pub chatting codshit with half cut blokes can easily be replaced by reading, FIFA or box sets.
Correct pal.

A few years a go I went through a daft phase for about a year of going pub most nights with a couple of mates. I thought it was ace at the time and had no care in the world but now regret it. Sure there were some laughs but I'd much rather have banked my money and see more cities abroad etc. Getting up for work was terrible some mornings and on some occasions so was having the old beer sweats right in the middle of the office.

Fortunately I quit drinking in the week, started going to the gym religiously Monday to Friday and as you have, enjoyed playing on my games console in the evening. Feel loads better for it and in my professional life I've been able to progress and really challenge myself. Holidays aside, I won't ever go back to mid-week pub visits and rarely drink on Fridays.
I just look at local pubs near the rough estate and see men who’ve clearly given up on life just drinking themselves stupid. It’s actually really sad.

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