Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

So many relatable posts that I won't even try to tag them all and individually respond. Such is the length and depth of Bluemoon, really a great base of knowledge and experience sometimes.

Well done to all those out there still trying. If you really want to stop, you'll find your moment and reason. For me it wasn't being carried out of numerous pubs, or spewing up on my Mrs Xmas present in a bag whilst on a bus home, or waking up in a puddle of my own piss in my front room with no idea how I got there. It wasn't the erratic behaviour when mixing with drugs either. There was finally this one hangover that had me sat with my head in my hands wondering if it was all worth it anymore.
I bought the Mrs, Allan Carr's book about stopping drinking. She's never read it. I've read half of it today and think I will be able to stop. I've got a few in the house to have a last hurrah for the Leeds match, then I will go teetotal until at least dry January

I read his Stop Smoking book and quit after smoking for 30 years.

He also did one for Gambling - very good book
I'd like to add that I was tempted yesterday as well. Very congested and chesty with Covid and the landlord brought us a hamper, more bottles of spirits than a person could conceivably manage. I've done it in previous years but I stayed away and confess this was largely due to being on antidepressants at the moment, so I'm grateful for that. The bottles remain untouched.
I'd like to add that I was tempted yesterday as well. Very congested and chesty with Covid and the landlord brought us a hamper, more bottles of spirits than a person could conceivably manage. I've done it in previous years but I stayed away and confess this was largely due to being on antidepressants at the moment, so I'm grateful for that. The bottles remain untouched.

Well done mate, that takes some strength and you should be proud. Thanks for sharing your struggles.

Off the booze you are no doubt a better partner, son, father and friend. Stay in control and be present.
So many relatable posts that I won't even try to tag them all and individually respond. Such is the length and depth of Bluemoon, really a great base of knowledge and experience sometimes.

Well done to all those out there still trying. If you really want to stop, you'll find your moment and reason. For me it wasn't being carried out of numerous pubs, or spewing up on my Mrs Xmas present in a bag whilst on a bus home, or waking up in a puddle of my own piss in my front room with no idea how I got there. It wasn't the erratic behaviour when mixing with drugs either. There was finally this one hangover that had me sat with my head in my hands wondering if it was all worth it anymore.

One of my best mates has a similar story. No rock bottom, no ultimatums off the wife, no pissing in the oven on Xmas Day. He was just on the tram home after a weekend sesh and brokedown. Rang me up when he got home and I just knew he'd had enough even after saying he'd had enough about 100 times, like we all do over our using careers.

Having that strong first step of admitting we were powerless over whatever substance or activity we were abusing and that our lives have become unmanageable. Is the absolute core foundation to an amazing road of recovery and a completely new life.

Well done buddy. Amazing work.
I used to spend nearly 300 a week or booze and fags. Stick another couple of hundred on that at a weekend for coke as by the end of my drinking I couldn't have a pint without a line to go with it. So basically over 2 grand a month. All my salary went on it and I was piss poor, scratching together rent and slowly dying.

In nearly 5 years of sobriety I've saved over £120k. I'm more than financially secure as my main hobbies of hiking, exercise, gaming cost literally nothing

It's not just the money you spend on alcohol you save when you cut down or knock it on the head. For example I'd spend 40 quid in taxis to town and back, 20 quid on a takeaway the next day as I was too fucked to cook anything and probably another 20 on some weed to bring me down off the shit I'd drank and done the night before. All adds up.

When you've been used to spending all that cash for years and you suddenly have it all in your pocket or in the bank its a massive motivator to keep going.
Setting targets every couple of months for example new tv or a weekend away at a concert or sporting event can concentrate the mind and give you something to work for or cut down on shit and once you have saved for it you appreciate it more

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