Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I'm definitely beginning to question my relationship with alcohol and the impact it has on my life. I rarely get to the point where I'm not in control, but at the same time I drink for too frequently. It's good to see so many others feel the same, as the social "pressure" to drink is a tough one to front up. This could well become my favourite/go to thread for a bit of reassurance if I need it.
I'm partaking in dry January again this year in the hope that from February I will drink only once a week or less. I've had a tough 2nd half to 2022 so have been drinking Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Not exactly bad, it hasn't impacted my health (yet) or affected my work or relationships but don't want this pattern to continue.

One thing I'm going to avoid is drinking alcohol free beer during January. The stuff is a great substitute and helps many but for me it isn't helping my behaviour. If I consume this on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays then behaviourly, I will be inclined to just drink actual beer during these days come February. I'm hoping to actually get in to a habit it of keeping busy Fridays to avoid having a drink and getting used to Sunday walks and enjoying Super Sunday without any beer for the long term.

A bit preachy by me, but you need to take the word "hope" out of your vocabulary. Change that for "I am going to". It genuinely works wonders when sticking to goals. Desperate people live in hope, you are in control mate. Good luck with it.
26 guiness on Christmas eve.
Definitely made me realise time for a re set.
Not had a beer since new years eve.
Gonna do atleast January without maybe even feb
I'm 5ft8 and 11 stone and used to manage similar. It goes down a treat and like all British pissheads, we are chasing the same feeling as the first pint. The answer is never at the bottom of the pint glass.
Jesus.. I guess I'm a lightweight
26 guiness on Christmas eve.
Definitely made me realise time for a re set.
Not had a beer since new years eve.
Gonna do atleast January without maybe even feb
Jeez. Would struggle to get 6 down. Partake a couple of times a week & only ever at weekends (Fri/Sun as I can't do consecutive days of the week). Managed to cut out the Saturday boozing about 6 years ago but would love to drop one of the other days too. This will be the year as I'm deffo in FOC country now.
I'm 5ft8 and 11 stone and used to manage similar. It goes down a treat and like all British pissheads, we are chasing the same feeling as the first pint. The answer is never at the bottom of the pint glass.
If you don't mind me asking, do you still drink?
January is always the toughest month for me. I manage to stay busy and active in December so avoid the weight gain despite eating and drinking too much. I didn't have a drink for the first time in about three weeks last night! It was tricky, but I stayed strong. Usually January offers depressing weather and a lot of leftover chocolate and booze so I use the latter to counter the former. This year I'm going to try and be more active and cut out so much crap to stay only slightly fat.
I'm 5ft8 and 11 stone and used to manage similar. It goes down a treat and like all British pissheads, we are chasing the same feeling as the first pint. The answer is never at the bottom of the pint glass.
Is a British pisshead different to any other ?

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